Hachette Cartonnage d'éditeur 1908 Petit in-12, cartonnage toile bleue de l'éditeur, dos décoré, 218 pp., 4° édition ; coiffes légèrement frottée, bon état. Livraison a domicile (La Poste) ou en Mondial Relay sur simple demande.
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, Brepols, 2019 Hardback, 335 pages, Size:220 x 280 mm, Illustrations:75 b/w, 75 col., Language: English. ISBN 9782503579795.
Summary Whether a painting, a sculpture, or a building, works of art in early modern Europe must achieve the highest degree of perfection. If in the Middle Ages perfection is mostly perceived as a technical quality inherent in craftsmanship-a quality that can be judged according to often unspoken criteria agreed upon by the members of a guild-from the fifteenth century onwards perfection comes to incorporate a set of rhetorical and literary qualities originally extraneous to art making. Furthermore, perfection becomes a transcendent quality: something that cannot be measured only in terms of craftsmanship. In the Baroque period, perfection turns into obsession as a result of the emergence of historical models of artistic evolution in which perfection is already historically embodied-in the first place, Vasari's investiture of Michelangelo as a universal canon for painting, sculpture, and architecture. This book aims to define, analyze, and reassess the concept of perfection in the arts and architecture of early modern Europe. What is perfection? What makes a work of art unique, emblematic, or irreplaceable? Does perfection necessarily relate to individuality? Is the perfect work connate with or independent from its author? Can perfection be reproduced or represented? How do artists react to perfection? How do post-Vasarian models of art history come to terms with perfection? To what extent perfection in early modern Europe is the matter of rhetoric, literary theories, theology, and even scientific observation? TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Measure, Number and Weight: Perfection in Medieval Art and Thought Benjamin Zweig Perfection as Rhetorical Techne and Aesthetic Ideal in the Renaissance Discourse on Art Valeska von Rosen Crafting Perfection: Leon Battista Alberti, Language, and the Art of Building Dario Donetti The Palindromic Logic of D rer's Double-Sided Gift Shira Brisman Michelangelo and la cosa mirabile Victor I. Stoichita Bronzino's Beauty Stuart Lingo The Perfection of Pictorial Evidence Klaus Kr ger The Renaissance Masterpiece: Giorgio Vasari on Perfection Lorenzo Pericolo Seeking Perfection: Scamozzi in Theory, Practice, and Posterity Andrew Hopkins Metaprints in Seventeenth-Century Antwerp Caroline Fowler "Per natura capaci di ogni ornamento e perfezzione": Nicolas Poussin and Perfection Henry Keazor The Limits of Perfection: Giovan Pietro Bellori on Celerit and Facilit Elisabeth Oy-Marra Passeri's Prologue, the Paragone, and the Hardness of Sculpture Estelle Lingo
HACHETTE ET CIE, 79 boulevard saint germain, Paris. 1931. In-4. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. Environ 24 pages illustrées de gravures dans le texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 636-Elevage
SOMMAIRE : TÊTE DE VACHE NORMANDE. = Couverture. LA RACE BOVINE FLAMANDE: Aire géographique; État actuel de VE levage ; Prototype de perfection; Qualités, Aptitudes ; Conduite de VElevage;Performances et Records..La Vache flamande en Argentine ; Race bovine Flamande; Présentation loyale; Le Herd-Book Normand; Contrôle laitier.LA RACE BOVINE NORMANDE : Aire géographique; État actuel de VÉlevage; Prototype de perfection; Qualités, Aptitudes ; Conduite de VElevage ;Performances et Records.. La Désinfection; Pour V Exploitation rémunératrice.. LA RACE BOVINE BRUNE DES ALPES: Aire géographique ; État actuel de VElevage; Prototype de perfection; Qualités, Aptitudes ; Conduite de VElevage ; Performances et RecordsLA RACE BOVINE HOLLANDAISE : Aire géographique; État actuel de VElevage ; Prototype de perfection; Qualités, Aptitudes; Conduite de VElevage;Performances et Records..NOS CONSULTATIONS; EXPOSITIONS ETCONCOURS..RÉPERTOIRE DES FOURNISSEURS D’ANIMAUX DE RACES PURES ET DE PRODUITS DE QUALITÉ.. Classification Dewey : 636-Elevage
1883 H. Oudin libraire éditeur reliure demi cuir, titre doré sur le dos, 598p. très bon état
Table : de la perfection chrétienne en général - des moyens â prendre pour parvenir â la perfection chrétienne - des vertus chrétienne - de la pratique de la perfection chrétienne dans certaine conditions ou circonstances particulières - de la perfection chrétienne dans l'état religieux.
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Reference : bd-1ea13f328616734b
Tools for the promotion of efficiency and perfection of product Tools for the promotion of product efficiency and perfection/Katalog Instruments for the promotion of efficiecy and perfection of product Instrumenty dlya prodvizheniya effektivnosti i sovershenstva produkta USA, Brooklyn, 1926. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUbd-1ea13f328616734b.
Reference : alb8814eeefb7f19f91
Besant A. The path to initiation and perfection of man. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Bezant A. Put k posvyashcheniyu i sovershenstvovanie cheloveka.. Besant A. The path to initiation and perfection of man. 1918. SKUalb8814eeefb7f19f91.