Bahia Verlag Cartonné avec jaquette 1983 In-4 (24x32 cm), cartonné sous jaquette illustrée, ouvrage de photographies en couleurs et en pleine page ; jaquette légèrement usée, assez bon état. Livraison a domicile (La Poste) ou en Mondial Relay sur simple demande.
Reference : mc819
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1923-1924 Four parts in four. loose-leaved (14.0 x 9.0 cm), each with one text leaf, and five full colour (post)cards, and one pictorial envelope.In 1922, the British Museum (Natural History) started issuing a series of postcard and greetingcard sets; in the early years usually consisting of five full-colour cards relating to one zoological subject, and some descriptive text. This series was continued at least to the year 2003, when the 299th set was published. Because of the ephemeral character of these attractive and scientifically correct illustrations, these early cards have become quite rare. Of the Exotic Butterflies, the envelope is present. The other two sets are without envelope, and preserved in transparent maps. All cards are nice and clean.
Short description: In Russian. Demin, Lev Mikhailovich. Malaysia is exotic and everyday. Moscow: Thought, 1971. Malayziya ekzoticheskaya i budnichnaya. In Russian /Malaysia is exotic and everyday. The image is provided for reference only. It may reflect condition of one of the available copies or only help in identifying the edition. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKU7107982
Short description: In Russian. Kryzhitsky, Georgy Konstantinovich. Exotic Theatre. Leningrad: Academia, 1927. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKU9209406
Short description: In Russian. Zuev-Ordynets, Mikhail Efimovich. The Crash of Exotic. Leningrad: Publishing House of Writers in Leningrad, 1933: type. Profintern. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKU9291405
Antwerp, VAi, 2021 softcover, PB, 240 x 160 mm, 208 pages, English edition. ISBN 9789492567130.
'Architectenbureau 'Bovenbouw' presenteert zijn werk in al zijn verscheidenheid en brengt het rijke referentiekader waarmee het ontwerpt in kaart. 'Bovenbouw' geeft een inkijk in de veelzijdige praktijk en het rijke referentiekader van het gelijknamige Antwerpse architectenbureau. Het verschijnt naar aanleiding van de tentoonstelling 'The House of the Explorer', georganiseerd door het Vlaams Architectuurinstituut in deSingel Internationale Kunstcampus in de lente van 2019. Het boek en de tentoonstelling worden complementair opgevat; autonoom maar des te rijker indien samen gelezen. De kenmerkende ontwerpattitude van Bovenbouw stuurt het boek evenzeer als de projecten die erin verschijnen; op intuitieve doch doordachte wijze en met het nodige gevoel voor humor wordt een uitgebreid begrippenapparaat in kaart gebracht. Voor het formuleren van de uiteenlopende fascinaties die het werk sturen wordt Dirk Somers bijgestaan door Bart Verschaffel en Maarten Van Den Driessche. Dit alles rijkelijk geillustreerd door beelden uit de eigen ontwerpprakrijk. the oeuvre of the Antwerp-based design bureau Bovenbouw Architectuur. A world of paper, cardboard and models becomes the visualisation of the architect?s longing to shape his own universe. Under the direction of architect Dirk Somers, Bovenbouw?s team of eighteen staff creates a colourful oeuvre of highly diverse buildings. Their work thrives on the tension between thought and action, between the present and the past, and between exoticism and the everyday. In The House of the Explorer, they present a visual and sensory experience instead of a thematic or chronological story. A quick glance draws you into a parallel universe full of surprises, both big and small. For the attentive viewer, it is a voyage of discovery through the many layers of history, connections and references that characterise Bovenbouw?s work. One obvious element is missing from the exhibition: photographs of buildings. This need is met by the book Bovenbouw Architectuur. Living the Exotic Everyday. The publication provides the photographic interpretation that is banished from the exhibition. In addition to a wealth of visual material, a number of essays identify the synergies between Bovenbouw?s multifaceted oeuvre and the architects? wide-ranging passions. ****************** Bovenbouw has already exhibited work in Venice, Munich, Frankfurt, Ghent, Mendrisio and Antwerp.