Paris, Honoré Champion, éditeur, 5 Quai Malaquais, 5 Broché 1908 "In-12 (14,2 x 19 cm), broché, LXXX et 246 pages, exemplaire sur vergé non justifié, Vita Nova de Dante Alighieri, suivant le texte critique préparé pour la ""Società Dantesca Italiana"" par Michele Barbi, traduite avec une introduction et des notes par Henry Cochin ; coiffes usés, dos réparé, traces et marques d'usage sur les plats, par ailleurs intérieur frais, état moyen. Livraison a domicile (La Poste) ou en Mondial Relay sur simple demande."
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Dante. Vita Nova translated from Italian, introduced and noted by A. Efros, engravings by V. Favorsky./Dante. Vita Nova per. s ital., vved. i prim. A. Efrosa, gravyury V. Favorskogo. Dante. Vita Nova translated from Italian, introduced and noted by A. Efros, etchings by V. Favorsky. L.: Academia, 1934. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUbd-bfeca50ff7aef304.
Reference : bd-1c4852cfdc0c5639
Boudoir Boilev R. A lesson in love in the park. St. Petersburg: Vita Nova, 2014./Buduar Bualev R. Urok lyubvi v parke. ill.: Vita Nova, 2014. Bualev R. A Love Lesson in the Park. Series: Family Library. Boudoir. St. Petersburg: Vita Nova, 2014. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUbd-1c4852cfdc0c5639.
Reference : bd-2a5722b013844601
Carem M. Tales. Illustrations by G. B. Lavrenko. St. Petersburg: Vita Nova, 2019./Karem M. Skazki. Illyustratsii G.B. Lavrenko. ill.: Vita Nova, 2019. Carem M. Tales. Translated from French: E.V. Baevskaya, M.D. Yasnov. Article: M.D. Yasnov. Illustrations: G.B. Lavrenko. Series: Family Library. Magic Hall. St. Petersburg: Vita Nova, 2019. 245x170 mm. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUbd-2a5722b013844601.
Reference : bd-2643123edcf95d61
Kopelev D. Piracy in the XVI-XVIII centuries. St. Petersburg: Vita Nova, 2013./Kopelev D. Piratstvo v XVI-XVIII vekakh. ill.: Vita Nova, 2013. Kopelev D. Piracy in the XVI-XVIII centuries. On the edge of world politics. Historical and literary appendix to the Life description series. St. Petersburg: Vita Nova, 2013.-664, 5 p., Ill.16, including Ill.240x150 mm. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUbd-2643123edcf95d61.
Reference : bd-1db6e5be57106171
Quirky. Tales by Russian Writers. St. Petersburg: Vita Nova, 2017./Prichudnitsa. Skazki russkikh pisateley. ill.: Vita Nova, 2017. The Fancy. Tales of Russian Writers. Illustrations by Yu.A. Vashchenko., Afterword and Comment by V.B. Muraviev. Series: Family Library. Magic Hall. St. Petersburg: Vita Nova, 2017. 456 p., Illustration. 245x170 mm. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUbd-1db6e5be57106171.