SEEMANN E.A.. 1902. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos satisfaisant, Quelques rousseurs. 182 pages. Nombreuses illustrations en noir et blanc, dans le texte et en hors-texte. Ouvrage en allemand gothique. Tranches rouges.. . . . Classification Dewey : 430-Langues germaniques. Allemand
Reference : RO80068775
Beruhmte Kunststätten n°16 Classification Dewey : 430-Langues germaniques. Allemand / Le Village du Livre
ZI de Laubardemont
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Les ouvrages sont expédiés à réception du règlement, les cartes bleues, chèques , virements bancaires et mandats cash sont acceptés. Les frais de port pour la France métropolitaine sont forfaitaire : 6 euros pour le premier livre , 2 euros par livre supplémentaire , à partir de 49.50 euros les frais d'envoi sont de 8€ pour le premier livre et 2€ par livre supplémentaire . Pour le reste du monde, un forfait, selon le nombre d'ouvrages commandés sera appliqué. Tous nos envois sont effectués en courrier ou Colissimo suivi quotidiennement.
Terza edizione. Guidotti, Lucca, 1842-1843. In-8 p. (mm. 233x150), 2 volumi, bross. orig., pp. 624; (2),LXII,335,VIII-LXI; con 1 pianta della citt di Pisa divisa in quartieri, pi volte ripieg. fuori testo, disegnata e incisa in rame da Tommaso Santoni.Gli Annali sono distribuiti in sette epoche distinte: 1 Pisa etrusca - 2 Pisa sotto il dominio dei Romani - 3 Invasioni dei Barbari - 4 Pisa ai tempi del dominio Longobardico - 5 Pisa Repubblica - 6 Pisa sotto il dominio Mediceo - 7 Pisa sotto il dominio Austro-Lorenese. In Appendice: Catalogo cronologico degli uomini piu' illustri di Pisa (personaggi insigni in religione; Letterati e scienziati; Guerrieri e politici; Artisti) e Catalogo dei santi e beati Pisani.Questa importante opera una riedizione parzialmente rifusa, delle "Memorie istoriche della citta' di Pisa", edite da Paolo Tronci a Livorno nel 1682, arricchita di molti fatti e continuata, da Enrico Valtancoli Montazio, fino all'anno 1839.Con fioriture o uniformi arrossature ma complessivamente un discreto esemplare.
10 opuscules en 1 volume. 1). Frontispice. 20 pages. 2). 23 pages. 3). Frontispice. 16 pages. 2 feuillets. 4). 18 pages. 1 feuillet. 5). Frontispice. 1 feuillet. 14 pages. 6). 14 pages. 1 feuillet. 7). 19 pages. 8). 20 pages. 9). 19 pages. 10). 16 pages. (23x14,5 Cm). Plein veau brun de l'époque. Filet doré et dentelle à froid autour des plats. Dos lisse orné. Coins et coiffes émoussés. Dos et charnières un peu frottés. Intéressante collection d'éditions primitives de ces poésies satiriques du littérateur italien Antonio Guadagnoli. Ces pièces curieuses, toutes imprimées dans la ville de Pise, abordaient souvent des thèmes médicaux. Elles étaient notamment consacrées au nez, à la vision, à l'élixir anti-syphilitique de Le Roy et à la rupture du cristallin. Taches et rousseurs.
Ciardi, Roberto Paolo et al.: Settecento Pisano: Pittura e Scultura a Pisa nel Secolo XVIII. Pacini Editore, 1990. 459pp with 346 illustrations, 115 in colour. Hard cover. 29 x 24.5cms. Copiously illustrated, scholarly study of art and culture in Pisa during the 1700s. Includes chapters on interiors, drawings, collectors and dealers, Pisa and Europe. Appendices. Bibliography. Index. Lists of colour and monochrome plates.
Copiously illustrated, scholarly study of art and culture in Pisa during the 1700s. Includes chapters on interiors, drawings, collectors and dealers, Pisa and Europe. Appendices. Bibliography. Index. Lists of colour and monochrome plates.
Burresi, Mariagiulia: Annibale Marianini. Un Pittore a Pisa nell'Ottocento (Buti 1814 - Pisa 1863). Exhibition: Buti, Villa Medicea, 1996. 134pp with 43 colour plates and 22 monochrome illustrations, 121 monochrome figures. Wrappers, 28x23cms. Catalogue of the paintings and drawings, with essays on the man and artist; Marianini and the artistic culture of Florence during the 1830s; the artistic culture of Rome during Marianini's 'retirement'; and painting in Pisa in the 19th century. With bibliography. Text in Italian.
Catalogue of the paintings and drawings, with essays on the man and artist; Marianini and the artistic culture of Florence during the 1830s; the artistic culture of Rome during Marianini's 'retirement'; and painting in Pisa in the 19th century. With bibliography. Text in Italian
[Cimabue] - Burresi, Mariagiulia and Antonino Caleca
Reference : 083175
ISBN : 8877816651
Burresi, Mariagiulia and Antonino Caleca: Cimabue a Pisa. La Pittura Pisana del Duecento da Giunta a Giotto. Exhibition: Pisa, Museo Nazionale di San Matteo, 2005. 311pp with 30 colour plates, 196 colour and 76 monochrome illustrations. Wrappers. 28x23cms. Brings together some 100 master works from museums around the world which display the wealth of art being produced around Pisa from the 12th to 14th century. With essays explaining the reason for this richness in art, the urban aesthetics, the religious institutions and the culture of the time which enabled the production of these religious works. Text in Italian.
Brings together some 100 master works from museums around the world which display the wealth of art being produced around Pisa from the 12th to 14th century. With essays explaining the reason for this richness in art, the urban aesthetics, the religious institutions and the culture of the time which enabled the production of these religious works. Text in Italian