‎OVIDE, Publii Ovidii Nasonis‎
‎Metamorphoseon, Libri XV.‎

‎EXSHAW John. 1774. In-12. Relié plein cuir. Etat passable, Couv. défraîchie, Mors arrachés, Intérieur acceptable. 495 pages. Relié plein veau. Couverture muette. Ouvrage en latin et en anglais. 1er plat détaché. Quelques petits passages de vers dans le texte. . . . Classification Dewey : 470-Langues italiques. Latin‎

Reference : RO80068095

‎Ad Usum Serenissimi Delphini. Huic Editioni accedent annotiones, ex Jac. Constantii Fanensis, Hen. Lorith Glareani, Jac. Micylli, Herc. Ciofani, Daniel. Heinsii, Petr. Burmanni, aliorumque Virorum eruditorum Commentariis Excerptae. Additions of Abbe Banier - Explanation of the Labours of Hercules - Account of the Siege of Troy, An Essay on the Rise, Nature, Use, and Extent of Fabulous Compositions ... Classification Dewey : 470-Langues italiques. Latin‎

€149.00 (€149.00 )
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5 book(s) with the same title


Reference : 34497


‎Pub. Ovidii Nasonis Metamorphoseon, Libri XV - Brevissima singulas quasque Fabulas Lactantii Placidi Argumenta - Scholia ad marginem- Quibus recens adiectae sunt in eosdem XV. libros Henrici Glareani Annotationes -‎

‎ 1560 Paris - Hieronymum de Marnef - 1560 - 1 volume in16 de 295 - 20 pages - Reliure postérieure pleine basane - dos lisse orné mais passé - tranches rouges - triple filet doré sur les plats - coins légérement émoussés - bon exemplaire -‎

‎Bel emblème au Pélican sur la page de titre - peu commun - ‎

Galerie Fert - Nyons


Phone number : 33 04 75 26 13 80

EUR150.00 (€150.00 )


Reference : 158311



‎Index fabularum, atque aliorum rerum memorabiliusm. Apud Dominicum Lovisam, Venetiis, 1701. In-24 gr. (mm. 143x77), cartonato rustico coevo, pp. 390. At sidem editionum optimarum & codicum manuscriptorum examinati, collati, necnon ab erroribus castigati. Note di possesso al frontespizio; alc. fori di tarlo, ma complessivamente buon esemplare. ‎


Phone number : +39 02 804607

EUR70.00 (€70.00 )


Reference : 61614


‎Metamorphoseon libri xv. Cum Annotationibus posthumis Iohan. Min-Ellii, Quas magna ex parte supplevit atque emendavit P. Rabus.‎

‎Frankfurt & Leipzig, J. Justus Erythropilus, 1701. 8vo. Bound in a contemporary full vellum binding. Small handwritten library label to spine. Slight wear to boards and edges. Ownership signature to title page. Title page printed in red and black. Internally clean. (14),621,(10) pp. ‎

‎The second edition (the first being Rotterdam, 1686) of Rabus' edition of Ovid's 'Metamorphoses', containing the explanatory notes of the Dutch scholar Johannes Minellius. ‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK750.00 (€100.59 )

‎OVIDIUS [OVID] Naso Publius (& CLARKE John, ed. and transl.)‎

Reference : K95349


‎P. Ovidii Nasonis Metamorphoseon Libri XV, cum versione Anglica, Ad verbum, quantum fieri potuit, facta. or Ovid's Metamorphoses, with an English translation, as literal as possible, done with the greatest care, from the best Editions, etc., John Clarke‎

‎London, printed for W. Clarke 1760 viii + 479,[i] pp., 4th edition, bilingual: Latin-English, contemporary ink ownership on title page, heraldic ex-libris with the phrase "Favet linguis" tipped in on verso of first board, contemporary ink ownership "Thomas Slougter" and few ink spots on last blanco endpaper and on side edges, contemporary full-leather binding (joints bit split at ends, some traces of use), text clean, good, K95349‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR400.00 (€400.00 )

‎JOUVANCY Joseph ( 1643 - 1719 ) - [ Josephus Juvencius ] - OVIDIUS :‎

Reference : 41427

‎P. Ovidii Nasonis Metamorphoseon Libri XV. Expurgati. Interpretatione, Notis & Appendice de Diis & Heroibus Poëticis illustravit Josephus Juvencius. Editio nova ab Auctore aucta & emendata.‎

‎ Rothomagi ( Rouen ) , Ex Typographia privilegio distincta, 1780, in-12°, 162 x 98 mm, (16) nn pp + 475 pp + (9)nn pp , contemporary mottled roan, raised spine with gilt title, edges painted red. Apart from some old ink-stains still a good/fine copy of this much used classical textbook of the works of Ovidius. The first edition was from 1704 and this book was reprinted untill the beginning of the 19th century. The author, a French Jesuit also published Horatius and Martialis..‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR150.00 (€150.00 )
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