Spring Books. 1987. In-4. Broché. Bon état, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 240 pages. Dessins en couleur et en noir et blanc, en frontispice et en page de titre. Illustré de nombreux dessins en noir et blanc dans et hors texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon
Reference : RO60123993
ISBN : 0600554104
A Selection from the original Work Edited and with and Intro. by Tony SOPER. Illustrated by A.F. LYDON. Engraved by Benjamin FAWCETT. Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon
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Newcastle, Hodgson (vol. 1) and Walker (vol. 2) for T. Bewick, 1797-1804. Royal8vo. Uniformly bound in two nice contemporary full calf bindings with gilt ornamental frames to boards and inner gilt dentelles. Spines rebacked. Light wear to extremities and corner bumped. Previous owner's name (Anthony Wood) to top of both title-pages. First and last blanks with brownspotting as usual, otherwise internally fine and clean. On large paper with generous margins. (2), XXX, 335 pp." XX, 400 pp. with 233 woodcuts of birds in the text and numerous vignettes in woodcut showing scenes of British rural life.
First edition, first issue, without the words ""Wycliffe, 1791"" in the block of the figure of the Sea-Eagle in vol. 1, p.11 and no misprint on p. 145 (Schæniclus not Sahæniclus) and with the vignette (vol. 1, p. 285) uncensored. Bewick’s work quickly became one of the most popular ornithological works among laymen - the book served as a “beginner field guide"" for individuals without specialized knowledge. Bewick meticulously illustrated each species, drawing from life whenever possible or using skins when necessary. Both common and scientific names, along with their respective authorities, were documented. The text provided comprehensive descriptions of the birds, detailing their distribution and behavior, often incorporating extensive quotes from printed sources or correspondents. Contributors of skins or information were duly recognized. The species were organized into families like ""Of the Falcon,"" relying on the limited and conflicting scientific sources of that era. Land birds were further categorized into groups such as birds of prey, omnivorous birds, insectivorous birds, and granivorous birds, while water bird families were straightforwardly listed, with related families presented side by side.
Drive Publications Ltd - Reader's Digest Association Ltd - Automobile Association. 1973. In-4. Relié. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur acceptable. 471 pages. Illustré de très nombreux dessins et de très nombreuses cartes en couleur et en noir et blanc, dans le texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon
Land of birds. Naming the birds. The British birds. Bird society. Birds and man... Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon
Illustrated by F. W. Frohawk. Brumby & Clarke, London, s.d. (1896-1898). In-4 p. (mm. 306x238), 6 volumi, elegante legatura edit. in tela gialla (tracce d'uso), decoraz. e tit. oro al dorso e al piatto che porta impresso in oro un bellissimo uccello, tagli dorati, 1225 pagg. compl., con 24 pregevoli tavole litografiche a colori che raffigurano 475 uova; molto ben illustrato da Frohawk in 318 tavv. in b.n. f.t. L'opera cos suddivisa: Vol. 1: Order Passeres (First Part) - Vol. 2: Order Passeres (Second Part) - Vol. 3: Order Picariae / Orders Striges and Accipitres / Order Steganopodes - Vol. 4: Orders Herodiones and Odontoglossae / Order Anseres / Orders Columbae and Pterocletes - Vol. 5: Orders Gallinae, Fulicariae, and Alectorides / Order Limicolae - Vol. 6: Order Gaviae / Order Pygopodes / Order Tubinares. "Edizione originale".Cfr. Zimmer,I, pp. 119-120: A very good account of the subject, including discussions of numerous casual visitors not fully recognized as British birds - Cat. of the British Museum,I, p. 293.Esemplare ben conservato.
Bureau of Animal Population, Botanic Garden. 1955. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Agraffes rouillées, Intérieur frais. Paginé de 112 à 168 .Nombreuses illustrations en noir et blanc dans le texte. Relié par deux agraffes. Texte en anglais.. . . . Classification Dewey : 598-Ornithologie
Sommaire : A classification of the habitats of British Birds - The breeding of the willow warbler - The migration of the coot in relation to Britain - etc. Classification Dewey : 598-Ornithologie
Collins, London , Pocket Guide Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1971 Book condition, Etat : Bon hardcover, under editor's blue printed dust-jacket In-8 1 vol. - 287 pages
64 colour plates and 48 black and white plates (112 plates out of text, complete) and few black and white text figures Revised Edition reprinted, 1971 Contents, Chapitres : Preface to the revised edition - Acknowledgments - How to use the book - The birds in the book - List of plates - Introduction to bird-watching - Land Birds (Very short - Short - Medium short - Medium - Medium long - Long - Very long - Huge) - Waterside birds - Water birds - Key - Appendices : Migration table - Geographical races - Order of families - List of rare birds - Index to key dust-jacket in near fine condition, very lightly yellowing, else fine, inside is fine, no markings