Giunti. 2005. In-4. Broché. Bon état, Couv. légèrement pliée, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 63 pages. Illustré de nombreuses photos en couleur dans et hors texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 450-Italien, roumain, rhéto-romain
Reference : RO60121304
ISBN : 8809016858
L'incarnazione stessa del Barocco nell'opera del geniale artefice della Roma dei papi. Classification Dewey : 450-Italien, roumain, rhéto-romain / Le Village du Livre
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La sua vita, la sua opera, il suo tempo. Con prefazione di Adolfo Venturi. Hoepli, Milano, 1900. In-4 p., p. pelle coeva (dorso restaur.), ricche cornici dorate e a secco ai piatti, taglio super. rosso, conserv. la bella cop. orig. con grande vignetta incisa, pp. VIII,455, con un notevole apparato iconografico, in b.n. nel t., di 270 riproduzioni delle opere del Maestro Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1598--1680). Di questa Importante monografia Adolfo Venturi così precisa: il Fraschetti ha ben compreso come convenisse staccarsi dalle biografie del Baldinucci e del figlio del Bernini, per ricostruire la vita gloriosa di questo pontefice massimo dell'arte nostra del Seicento... Testo molto ben conservato.
BE - , Rijksmuseum/ Hannibal, 2019 Softcover, 328 pages, ENG.edition, 280 x 240 x 30 mm, As Good As New, with colored illustrations of European art of the 16th and 17th century. ISBN 9789463887311.
Rome around 1600: the cosmopolitan arena of ancient nobility, ambitious clergy, brilliant artists and brilliant scholars, but also a city of trickery, street fighters and prostitutes. In short, the stage of the Baroque. Key players on the artistic stage were the painter Caravaggio and the sculptor Bernini. They represent the new artistic impetus that allowed Rome to grow into the vibrant cultural heart of Europe. They represent the intensive interaction between painters and sculptors, and a new art that focused more than ever on portraying and evoking affetti, human emotions. An art of movement and feint, of drama and classical reserve, of jest, beauty and horror. This publication contains illuminating essays by international Baroque specialists and shows the many masterpieces of Caravaggio, Bernini and their contemporaries in all their glory. Never before has there been an exhibition outside Italy that brought together so many important early Baroque works
, Les Punxes, 2003 Softcover, 395 paginas , Spanish, 290 x 240 x 30 mm, Nuevo !, ilustraciones de color y b/n ISBN 9788496008380.
El Barroco representa el apogeo tanto de la pintura como de todas las dem s artes, tambi n conocido como el Siglo de Oro. La pintura barroca en Espa a se caracteriza por los bodegones o retratos, con un hermoso equipo de pintores. Su m ximo exponente fue el maestro Diego de Silva y Vel zquez, genio de la luz y la oscuridad y el mayor retratista del periodo barroco, considerado actualmente uno de los mejores pintores de su poca y de todos los tiempos.