Paul Zsolnay / Karl H. Bischoff Verlag. 1936. In-12. Relié. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos fané, Intérieur frais. 513 pages. cartes noir et blanc en fin d'ouvrage.. Avec Jaquette. . . Classification Dewey : 430-Langues germaniques. Allemand
Reference : RO60011081
Der Roman eines Seekrieges. Classification Dewey : 430-Langues germaniques. Allemand / Le Village du Livre
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In Russian. Short description: Semyonov V. Battle of Tsushima. St. Petersburg, Moscow, 1907. Semyonov Vladimir Ivanovich (1867-1910) - captain of the 1st rank, participant in the Tsushima battle, Russian prose writer. He created the first biography of Admiral Makarov, published fantastic stories, feuilletons and satires. An officer of the Russian Imperial Navy, who during the years of the Russo-Japanese War had a chance to serve in both the First and Second Pacific squadrons and participate in both major naval battles in the Yellow Sea and at Tsushima. In the tragic Battle of Tsushima, while on the flagship of the Russian squadron - the battleship Prince Suvorov, Semyonov received five wounds and miraculously survived. After returning from Japanese captivity, he devoted the rest of his short life to restoring the truth about Tsushima and Port Arthur. He managed to supplement his diaries, which he kept during the hostilities, and publish them with three books: Payback, The Battle of Tsushima, The Price of Blood. Even during the life of the author, his books about the Russo-Japanese War were translated into nine languages and are considered one of the best memoirs of this period. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUMS002011
Reference : alb14c6a743a0a6a620
Semenov V.I. Battle of Tsushima. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Semenov V.I. Boy pri Tsusime. This book was written by a man of unique destiny. Captain Vladimir Ivanovich Semyonov was the only officer of the Imperial Russian Navy who served in both the First and Second Pacific Squadrons during the Russo-Japanese War and took part in both major naval battles - in the Yellow Sea and at Tsushima. In the tragic Tsushima battle while on the flagship of the Russian squadron Semyonov was wounded five times and lived only briefly after returning from Japanese captivity but managed to supplement his diaries which he kept during the fighting and publish them with three books: The Payback The Battle of Tsushima The Price of Blood. SKUalb14c6a743a0a6a620.
Reference : bd-ff73c4ee1cea1dd9
"The Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905. Book seven. The Tsushima Operation. Work of the Historical Commission for the Description of Fleet Actions in the War of 1904-1905 at the Naval General Staff. P.: 1917. XI, 12, 248 p.; 27.5x18.5 sm./Russko-yaponskaya voyna 1904-1905 gg. Kniga sedmaya. Tsusimskaya operatsiya. Rabota istoricheskoy komissii po opisaniyu deystviy flota v voynu 1904-1905 gg. pri Morskoy Generalnom Shtabe. P.: 1917. XI, 12, 248 s.; 27,5x18,5 sm. The Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905. Book seven. The Tsushima Operation. Work of the Historical Commission for the Description of Fleet Actions in the War of 1904-1905 at the Naval General Staff. P.: 1917. XI, 12, 248 p.; 27.5x18.5 sm. SKUbd-ff73c4ee1cea1dd9."
Reference : alb7b024d9be96dd2ee
Petrov M. Trafalgar (1805) Tsushima (1905) Battle of Jutland (1915). In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Petrov M. Trafalgar (1805) Tsusima (1905) Yutlandskiy boy (1915). The authors task is more modest: to show the main stages of development of the naval fleet in the nearest era (from the end of the eighteenth century to the present day) giving a general idea of its evolution to a wide range of military readers. In the process of familiarizing with the history of the three great naval battles (Trafalgar-Tsushima-Jutland Battle) the true concept of the fleet its fighting properties and peculiarities should crystallize. SKUalb7b024d9be96dd2ee.
Reference : albd787042964a3f61e
P.K. Khudyakov's Way to Tsushima. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Khudyakov P.K. Put' k Tsusime. Short description: In Russian (ask us if in doubt).The Polytechnic Society affiliated to the Imperial Technical School. Edition 2 substantially supplemented. With a separate map of the Tsushima Battle: Typo-lithography of the Russian Print and Publishing Association 1908. 2 332 p. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalbd787042964a3f61e