Publications musicales Jean Merlin. Non daté. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 6 pages augmentées de partitions en noir et blanc. Pour piano conducteur, contrebasse guitare, contrebasse basse guitare, 1ère et 2ème trompette si b, saxo alto mi b, saxo ténor si b, accordéon violon, accordéon guitare flûte violon.N°J.M 94 et JM 121 et JM 122.. . . . Classification Dewey : 780.26-Partitions
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A mutual friend of fun for lovers and lovers of singing. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Obshchiy drug veselya dlya lyubiteley i lyubitelnits peniya. In four parts. Moscow. Edition by I.V.Smirnov. 1876. 174 and 192 and 46 and 144 IVc. Ill.Common friend of fun for lovers and lovers of singing: operas operettas vaudeville chansonettes comic poems satirical humorous poems and romances. Song: Little Russian Roma and folk. Scenes and stories from national young Russian Jewish and Armenian life. Wonderful works: Count Tolstoy Turgenev Count Sollogub Krestovsky and others. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalbf25dccbe51974750
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Golden Songbook for lovers and lovers of songs romances and poems In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Zolotoy pesennik dlya lyubiteley i lyubitelnits pesen romansov i kupletov138. 5s 1865g. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb45c3a323017818e4
Reference : bd-1bc263b2ea1fc43
"""Old Years. Monthly for lovers of art and antiquity. Issue 1-12 for 1913.-/Starye gody. Ezhemesyachnik dlya lyubiteley iskusstva i stariny. Vyp. 1-12 za 1913.- Old Years. Monthly for lovers of art and antiquity. Issue 1-12 for 1913.-St. Petersburg: Type Sirius, 1913. Issue 1: January- 68 p., 22 liters: il.; Issue 2: February-64 p., 17 liters: il.; Issue 3: March-64 p., 17 liters: il.; Issue 4: April-60 p., 21 liters: il.; Issue 5: May-60 p., 16 liters: il.; Issue 6: June-72 p., 11 liters: il.; Issue 7-9: July-September-240 p., VII p., 56 liters: il.; Issue 10: October-60 p., 10 liters: il.; Issue 11: November-64 p., 24 liters: il. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUbd-1bc263b2ea1fc43."""
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"""Wegner, V. Rome. History and culture of the Roman people for lovers of classical antiquity and for self-education Under the editorship of Prof. V.I. Modestov-3rd Russian, revised and supplemented editions./Vegner, V. Rim. Istoriya i kultura rimskogo naroda dlya lyubiteley klassicheskoy drevnosti i dlya samoobrazovaniya Pod red. prof. V.I. Modestova-3-e russkoe, ispr. i dop. izd.- Wegner, V. Rome. History and culture of the Roman people for lovers of classical antiquity and for self-education Under the editorship of Prof. V.I. Modestov-3rd Russian, revised and supplemented editions - St. Petersburg; Moscow: Volf, 1902. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUbd-e45aa7ea964b79a6."""
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Wegner Wilhelm. Hellada. Essays and paintings of Ancient Greece for lovers of classical antiquity and for self-education. and Rome. History and culture of the Roman people for lovers of classical antiquity and for self-education. In two volumes. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Vegner Vilgelm. Ellada. Ocherki i kartiny Drevney Gretsii dlya lyubiteley klassicheskoy drevnosti i dlya samoobrazovaniya. and Rim. Istoriya i kultura rimskogo naroda dlya lyubiteley klassicheskoy drevnosti i dlya samoobrazovaniya. V dvukh tomakh. Edited by Professor V.I.Modestova. St. Petersburg. The partnership of M.O.Wolf 1900-1902. X 1012 VIII c. Illada: With one chromolytographed 9 separate color and black and white paintings and 401 drawings in texture. and page Three nausea cut. Rome: Volume One: VIII 2 612 IX-XVI p. 1 p. SKUalbf2df10bb32a93cf4.