Henry LEMOINE. XXème. In-4. En feuillets. Bon état, Tâchée, Dos satisfaisant, Pliures. 5 pages.. . . . Classification Dewey : 780.26-Partitions
Reference : RO50014290
25543 (n°5) HL. N°5 : Arioso. Partitions pour piano et chant. Classification Dewey : 780.26-Partitions
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Paris Chez A. Quantin 1881 624 pages in-8. 1881. relié. 624 pages. Grand In-8 (256x174 mm) 624 pages. Livre relié Demi-Maroquin bleu à coins Dos à cinq nerfs orné de caissons dorés Couverture conservée (Plats et dos) Tranche supérieure dorée (Reliure signée Durvand-Thivet). Ex-libris de E.R. (Un peu de tout). Traduction de Léopold Leclanché & notes et index de M. Franco. Illustrée de 9 eaux-fortes par F. Laguillermie et de reproductions des oeuvres du maître. Reliure en très bon état général peu frottée avec le dos insolé (Couleur tirant au vert). Intérieur propre un peu bruni. Poids : 1850 gr
Milano Dalla Società Tipografica de' Classici Italiani 1806-1811 1806 in 8 (21,5x13) 3 volumes reliures demi basane de l'époque, dos à nerfs soulignés de filets dorés et ornés de fleurons à froid. VITA DI BENVENUTO CELLINI, tome 1: portrait gravé en frontispice, XXVIII et 465 pages [1], tome 2: gravure en frontispice; XLV et 502 [1]. ( tome III: ) Due trattati di Benvenuto Cellini scultore fiorentino; LX et 417 [1] pages. Etiquette ex-libris de L. de La Judie. Benvenuto Cellini, 1500-1571. I primi due volumi riguardano la vita di Benvenuto Cellini scritta da lui medesimo con le note di Gio. Palamede Carpani (2 tavole); il terzo comprende i due trattati dell'Oreficeria e della Scultura con l'aggiunta di altre opere minori. Bel exemplaire ( Photographies sur demande / We can send pictures of this book on simple request )
Très bon Couverture rigide
Cellini, Benvenuto: Due trattati di Benvenuto Cellini, scultore fiorentino : uno dell'oreficeria, l'altro della scultura. In Firenze : Nella stamperia di S. A. R. per li Tartini, e Franchi, M.DCC.XXXI [1731]. xxxii, 162, 13, [1] pages. Leather spine with marbled boards. 21.5x15cms.
Reference : bd-68cd1d60dabb7105
The Life of Benvenuto Cellini. 1931./Zhizn Benvenuto Chellini. 1931 god. Academia Publishing House. Life of Benvenuto, son of Maestro Giovanni Cellini, Florentine, written by himself in Florence. Translation, notes and postscript by M. Lozinsky. Introductory article by A.K. Jivelegov. Moscow-Leningrad, 1931. Benvenuto Cellini is an Italian sculptor, jeweller, painter, medal painter, engraver, historian-writer, and musician of the Florentine Mannerism period. A man of restless and raucous temper, he lived an adventurous life marked by contrasts, passions, crimes that often forced him into exile or flight. He left important literary monuments of the era: his own biography, treatises, and numerous letters. SKUbd-68cd1d60dabb7105.
Reference : albbc816fd502d959bb
Cellini Benvenuto. The life of Benvenuto the son of the maestro Giovanni Cellini a Florentine written by himself in Florence. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Chellini Benvenuto. Zhizn Benvenuto syna maestro Dzhovanni Chellini florentintsa napisannaya im samim vo Florentsii.Translation from Italian by M. Lozinsky in eight books. Braille font. Moscow Enlightenment. 1978 8 vol. The introductory article and notes by L. Pinsky is printed from the edition of Goslitizdat Moscow. 1958. Editors A.M.Krivushchenko V.N.Lopin. Braille edition first author 3 4.Braille sheets 91.87 etc. Tirage 200. Braille font is a famous Italian sculptor and jeweller. His autobiography is an outstanding literary monument vividly and vidly recreating before the reader the life of Italy and France in the Renaissance We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalbbc816fd502d959bb