Casa Editorice Dr. Francesco Vallardi. 1957. In-8. Relié. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 1309 pages. Illustré de très nombreux dessins et reproductions en noir et blanc dans le texte et de dessins en couleur sur planches hors texte. Envoi manuscrit de l'auteur sur carte collée en page de garde. 1re page de garde se détachant très légèrement.. . . . Classification Dewey : 97.2-Dédicace, envoi
Reference : RO40140994
M. Salfi (Napoli). Con 1215 figure nel testo a 18 tavole a colori. Gli aspetti fonfamentali dell'organizzazione animale. La vita animale sulle terre emerse. La zoogeografia... Classification Dewey : 97.2-Dédicace, envoi / Le Village du Livre
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Les ouvrages sont expédiés à réception du règlement, les cartes bleues, chèques , virements bancaires et mandats cash sont acceptés. Les frais de port pour la France métropolitaine sont forfaitaire : 6 euros pour le premier livre , 2 euros par livre supplémentaire , à partir de 49.50 euros les frais d'envoi sont de 8€ pour le premier livre et 2€ par livre supplémentaire . Pour le reste du monde, un forfait, selon le nombre d'ouvrages commandés sera appliqué. Tous nos envois sont effectués en courrier ou Colissimo suivi quotidiennement.
Kbhvn. u.år (ca. 1890). Folio. Samt. hldrbd. Med håndskrevet titelblad, da et trykt ikke udkom. 131,IX pp. samt 7 kobberstukne tavler, delvis håndkolorerede.
H.F. Hansens bidrag til Zoologia Danica vedrørende edderkopperne, blev aldrig afsluttet da udgivelsen af Zoologia Danica ophørte.
2. Sauropsidi - Teriopsidi (Rettili, Uccelli e Mammiferi). Hoepli, Milano, 1886. In-16 p., tela editoriale, pp. XVI,200, con 22 incisioni nel t. Prima edizione. Cfr. Emmeacca, pp. 272. Ben conservato.
K., 1878-1907. Folio. Smukt nyere hldrbd. i sort oaseged med rygforg. 360,XX pp. samt 33 håndkolorerede kobberst. plancher.
Her forligger afdelingen med Danmarks Fisk som et afsluttet hele. Selve værket ""Zoologia Danica"" blev aldrig fuldført. De 33 smukke plancher forligger i original håndkolorering.
Havniae (København), N. Möller (et Filii) og N. Christensen, 1788-1806. Folio. Bound in two contemporary half calf bindings (vol. 1-4) with single gilt lines to spines. Gilt leather-title-label. Small tear to upper part of one hinge of vol. I. Marbled paper over boards. Spines with light signs of wear. Four engraved title-vignettes. (2),VI,52 (4),56 (4),71,(1)" (6),46 pp. + 160 engraved plates (complete). Both plates and text have been printed on thick, heavy paper and are in excellent condition. Vol. II, however has a bit of marginal brownspotting to the first text-leaves. A few plates with minor, vague, marginal brownspotting. Apart from the 160 plates in b/w as issued, there is an unusual ""appendix volume"" that contains the first 120 plates (I-CXX) of the work, corresponding to the plates of vols. I-III, in beautiful ORIGINAL HAND-COLOURING. Furthermore, the binding has belonged to our famous zoologist OTTO FABRICIUS (internationally renowned for his ""Fauna Groenlandica"" (1780) ). At the foot of every plate, Fabricius has added species- and figure-determination in his own hand, outside of the print. That these denominations are in Fabricius' hand is evident from a handwritten note on the front free end-paper: ""The designations here written are added by the zoologist professor Otto Fabricius, at whose auction this work is bought by H.B. Melcior."" (""De her anførte skrevne benævnelser ere tilföiede af Zoologen professor Otto Fabricius, paa hvis Auktion dette værk er kiöbt af H.B. Melcior.""). Melchior was a teacher at Herlufsholm and founded the natural history collections of the school. On the front free end-paper there is a stamp from the library of the school (Herlufsholms Bibliotek). This collection is bound in a contemporary full mottled calf binding with richly gilt spine. Small holes to boards. Binding with some wear. The plates are fine and fresh.
Complete copy (of all that appeared) of this extremely rare work, which constitutes the highlight of Danish zoological literature of the 18thy century. The work was meant to be a counterpart to Bibliotheca Danica, but it was never completed. Here we have the work with the Latin text and all the plates that were issued. The publishing began already in 1777, when Müller issued the plates for the first two volumes separately, with no text. The publishing history is complicated, but it is thoroughly described in Jean Anker's monograph about the work (1950). The work describes the marine fauna in Denmark and Norway, and according to Anker, it is a foundational work of marine biology. Müller was one of the first to make widespread use of a bottom scraper - ""Müller must therefore be regarded as one of the real pioneers in marine biology"" (Anker). There are only very few copies of the work which have all plates in hand-coloured condition. In the present copy, all issued plates are present in b/w, and in addition we have plates 1-120 in hand-coloured condition. Bibl. Danica II,168. - Jean Anker ""Otto Friderich Müller's Zoologia Danica"" (1950) - Nissen ZBI,2932.- Gosch, Afd. III, pp. 176-80.
Non Renseigné. 1982. In-8. En feuillets. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. Tité à; part de la page 1387 à 1397, illustré de cartes.. . . . Classification Dewey : 595.7-Entomologie
Texte en espagnol Classification Dewey : 595.7-Entomologie