ATOM BOOKS. Non daté. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Papier jauni. 434 pages. En anglais.. . . . Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon
Reference : RO40041404
ISBN : 1904233651
Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon / Le Village du Livre
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Green Simon. Twilight of the Empire-cycle-6 volumes. Set. 1. Twilight of the Empire. World of Fogs. World of Ghosts. World of the underworld. 2. Death Hunter. 3. Death Hunter. Honor. 4. Death Hunter. Destiny. 5. Death Hunter. Uprising. 6. Death Hunter. War/Grin Saymon. Sumerki Imperii-tsikl-6 tomov. Komplekt. 1. Sumerki Imperii. Mir tumanov. Mir prizrakov. Mir preispodney. 2. Okhotnik za Smertyu.3. Okhotnik za Smertyu. Chest. 4. Okhotnik za Smertyu. Sudba. 5. Okhotnik za Smertyu. Vosstanie. 6. Okhotnik za Smertyu. Voyna. E6
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"""Twilight: The Only Author Permitted to Translate from the Manuscript of V.O. Blazheevich. Part 1-2 of St. Przybyshevky./Sumerki: Edinstv. razresh. avtorom per. s rukopisi V.O. Blazheevicha. Ch. 1-2 St. Pshibyshevkiy. Twilight: The Only Author Permitted to Translate from the Manuscript of V.O. Blazheevich. Part 1-2 of St. Przybyshevkiy.-Moscow: Dawn, 1911.-2 Vol.: fax.;. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUbd-baccaba459088609."""
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Spectator. Russian Thermidor. (Twilight of Communism). Harbin: Publishing House of Liberty of Russia, 1927./Spektator. Russkiy Termidor. (Sumerki kommunizma). Kharbin: Izd-vo Svoboda Rossii, 1927. Spectator. Russian Thermidor. (Twilight of Communism). Harbin: Publishing House of Liberty of Russia, 1927. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUbd--2e382bc0e524be96.
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, Brepols, 2023 Hardback, x + 190 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Language(s):English, Arabic. ISBN 9782503600536.
Summary In the eleventh century, as Muslim sovereignty in the Western Mediterranean was eroded by both internal divisions and external attacks, Sicily fell to the Normans. At the same time, al-Andalus fragmented into a series of small kingdoms that were then picked off by powerful conquerors. Against this backdrop, Arabic poets made use of their craft to try and explain the changes in their world. Among them were the Andalusian Ab? Ish?q and the Sicilian Ibn Hamd?s, both of whom wrote vividly about their own ageing and mortality, as well as about the broader twilight of the worlds they knew. Taking these two protagonists as its starting point, this extraordinary volume explores how Ab? Ish?q and Ibn Hamd?s, despite their different locations, both made use of poetry. For them, it was a tool to confront their mortality, lament their own physical decay, and appeal to their age and experience, as well as a way of juxtaposing their concerns with the political and social dismemberment of their wider societies and the need for a restoration of world order. The result is also a broader discussion of the relationship between poetry and politics in Maghrib? Islam, and a reminder of poetry's importance as a medium to engage with the world. TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements Introduction. A Poetics of Ageing Chapter One. The Twilight of Arabo-Muslim Hegemony in the West: The Rise of Ab? Ish??q and Ibn ?amd?s as Political Poets Chapter Two. The Poetics of Ageing: Al-Shayb wa-l-shab?b as a Poetic Motif Chapter Three. A Poetics of Loss: The Elegies Chapter Four. The Poetics of Withdrawal: Ascetic Verse Conclusion Bibliography Indices