L'amitié par le livre. 1964. In-12. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. partiel. décollorée, Dos satisfaisant, Quelques rousseurs. 199 pages.. . . . Classification Dewey : 840-Littératures des langues romanes. Littérature française
Reference : RO40000807
Illusrtations de Joseph Ribas. Classification Dewey : 840-Littératures des langues romanes. Littérature française
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Turnhout, Brepols, 2011 Hardback, XI+297 p., 20 b/w ill., 3 b/w tables, 156 x 234 mm. ISBN 9782503532264.
A collection of scholarly essays exploring relationships between 'stage' and 'world' in the drama and ritual performance of late medieval and early modern England. The thirteen essays collected in ''This Earthly Stage' explore intersections between the world as stage and the stage as world in late medieval and early modern England. The volume features studies of stages both familiar and unfamiliar, and worlds old and new - from the ritual performance of funerals for the fifteenth-century London elite to the electronic recreation of Shakespeare on the Internet. The essays engage with a variety of scholarly fields, including art and iconography, cultural and social history, digital humanities, literature, myth, philology, and philosophy. Most studies examine performative elements of Shakespeare?s works in relation to a representative selection of other plays from the dramatic genres in which he wrote, while they also analyse broader topics which traverse a number of plays, such as kingship and rites of civic performance in relation to stage drama. All of the essays consider the overarching issue of representation in late medieval and early modern English drama and culture through a range of theoretical approaches. This volume offers a valuable contribution to contemporary medieval and early modern scholarship, with a particular interest for those researching and teaching early modern English drama and culture. Languages : English.
(København), Scripta, 1949. Lille 4to. Orig. dekoreret papkassette. Med 4 originallitografier af Mads Stage, alle håndkoloreret af kunstneren, det ene dobbeltsidet som omslag. Nr. 71 af 125 eksemplarer. Signeret af Mads Stage.
(Scripta Publikation Nr. 1).
Imp.C.G.. 1943. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement passée, Agrafes rouillées, Papier jauni. 32 pages agrafées - quelques dessins en noir et blanc dans et hors texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 70.49-Presse illustrée, magazines, revues
Commissariat général des chantiers de la jeunesse section éducation - Sommaire : La patrie française - la fin de stage - pour conseiller les libérés - bilan médical du stage - rôle administratif du chef de groupe - un groupe incorporé - veillée d'accueil aux chantiers - connaissance du pays d'origine du jeune - les traditions dans le groupe - quand le chef de groupe se fait pionner - bureau du chef de groupe - réparation d'un pneu de vélo - les jeux poursuite surprise et hockey-main - le potager en octobre - composition du sac - meuble de bureau - le maire et la commune - ephémérides - transformation et châlits - le programme des cahiers. Classification Dewey : 70.49-Presse illustrée, magazines, revues
Kjøbenhavn, 1829. Pænt næsten samt. hldrbd. m. rygforgyldn. En anelse slitage v. hjørner og kapitæler. Indimellem lidt brunplettet. På skrivepapir.Nice near contemporary half calf with gilt spine. Minor wear to corners and capitals. Occasional brownspotting. Printed on good, heavy paper.
First edition of Hans Cristian Andersen's third publication in book form and his first dramatic work. This seminal publication marked his stage-debut and was not only the first work that he wrote for the theatre, but also the first of his works that was performed on the stage. It is with the present work, ""Love in Nicolai Tower"" that Hans Christian Andersen inaugurated his dramatical production, a genre that came to define much of his literary production for the next forty years, over the cause of which he produced about as many plays - i.e. ab. 40. The question as to acceptance from the theatre and the the set-up of the plays, however, -especially at the beginning of his career - would often postpone the actual theatre debut by many months, sometimes years. Thus, many of his early plays were only performed on the stage much later. ""Kjærlighed on Nicolai Taarn"", however, was accepted almost immediately and was performed already the following year, marking his theatre debut.This very early Andersen-book is not commonly seen on the market.BFN: 28.
BUREAU DU JOURNAL. Janvier 1998. In-12. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 64 pages. Nombreuses illustrations en noir et blanc et couleurs dans et hors texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 355-Art et science militaires, légion
La vie de la légion étrangère. Sommaire : 1er RE : l'équipe de cross remporte CMD de Marseille, 1er REC : Exercice Profar 97, Exercice Techphib, 2e REI : quand la 3e compagnie ouvre le feu, 2e REP : stage amphibie a la 3e compagnie stage PR4G au 2e REP, 4e RE : le 77e anniversaire du régiment, une piscine très appréciée, 5e RE : Marara 97, 6e REG : le régiment dans le Massif central Classification Dewey : 355-Art et science militaires, légion