‎La coupe d'étoiles. 1971. In-12. Broché. Bon état, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur bon état. 203 pages, couverture cartonnée souple illustrée d'un dessin noir et blanc érotique.. . . . Classification Dewey : 840.091-XX ème siècle‎

Reference : RO30004646

‎Erotique. Classification Dewey : 840.091-XX ème siècle‎

€29.80 (€29.80 )
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5 book(s) with the same title

‎Crew (F.A.E.)‎

Reference : 63941



‎Methuen and Co and John Wiley and Sons , Methuen's Monographs on Biological Subjects Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1954 Book condition, Etat : Bon hardcover, under dust-jacket small In-8 1 vol. - 75 pages‎

‎ 1st edition was 1933 Contents, Chapitres : Preface, Contents, vii, Text, 68 pages - The genetic theory of sex-determination - The sex-chromosomes and sex-determination, the sex-ratio - Sex-linkage, non-disjunction, gynandromorphism - Sex-determination in Habrobracon, Sciara and Lymantria dispar - Genetic intersexuality in Drosophilia, certain Lepidoptera and Birds - Sex-determination in fish and the lower algae, sex in Paramecium and Fungi, sex-determination in Bryophites, sex in the higher plants - Speculations concerning the evolution of the sex-determining mechanism - Bibliography, glossary, indexes top of the jacket very lightly torn on half a centimeter, without missings, else near fine copy, no markings‎

Librairie Internet Philoscience - Malicorne-sur-Sarthe
EUR7.00 (€7.00 )

‎Elwin Hofman (Redacteur), Magaly Rodr guez Garc a (Redacteur), Pieter Vanhees‎

Reference : 65554

‎Business of Pleasure A History of Paid Sex in the Heart of Europe.‎

‎, UPL - KU Leuven, 2024 Paperback, 182 pages, 23.4 x15.6cm. 16 illustrations, black & white. ISBN 9789462704107.‎

‎In 2022, the Belgian parliament made a landmark decision by approving the decriminalisation of sex work. This move positioned the small nation as the first country in Europe ? and the second globally ? to abandon the hypocrisy of tolerance. But this was not the first time paid sex in Belgium gained international notoriety. The medieval bathhouses and ?frows of Flanders? were well-known throughout Europe. In the nineteenth century, Belgium faced international outrage as the alleged epicentre of white slavery. Yet while Belgians were accused of forcing white women into prostitution, they were left alone when it came to the inclusion of any suspect woman in the prostitution registers of colonial Congo. Throughout the First and Second World Wars, both allied and German soldiers sought relief in Belgian brothels. The Business of Pleasure presents the compelling life stories of sex workers and their interactions with authorities, clients and pimps. Transcending stereotypes, this history of commercial sex offers a nuanced understanding of the difficulties and opportunities associated with paid sex for women, men and trans persons past and present. Elwin Hofman is a cultural historian and writer. He teaches at Utrecht University and has (co)authored several books on cultural history, including a history of homosexuality in Belgium. Magaly Rodr guez Garc a is an authority on the history of international labour organisations and subaltern history. She is a professor at KU Leuven and collaborates with Belgian and foreign colleagues on projects regarding, inter alia, sex work and prostitution policy at the local, national and supranational levels. In the context of oral history projects, she became closely involved with advocacy groups for vulnerable persons such as sex workers and homeless people. Pieter Vanhees is a social historian and has researched the history of prostitution in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries at KU Leuven. ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )

‎AURELIUS VICTOR Sex(tus) (relié avec : ) OTHO Johann ( et ) RUFUS Sex(tus ) ( relié avec : ) FRONTINUS ( FRONTIN ) Sext(tus) Iulius ‎

Reference : 550

‎SEX. AVRELII VICTORIS HISTORIAE ROMANAE BREVIARIUM a Jano et Saturno Urbeque condita usque ad consulatum X Constantij Aug. et Juliani Caes. III ... Ex bibliotheca Andreae Schotti , cuius etiam notae adiectae sunt . ( relié avec : ) INTRODVCTIO IN HISTORIAM ROMANAM PER IOHANNEM OTHONEM BRVGENSEM Post primam editionem innumeris locis ex fide marmorum , numismatum & veterum historiarum restituta .... ( et : ) SEX. RVFI V. C. DICTATORIS MAGISTRI MILITVM BREVIARIVM RERVM GESTARVM PO. RO. AD VALENTINIANVM AVGVSTVM Innumeris locis ad fidem antiquiss. exemplarium restitutum ( relié avec : ) SEX. IVLII FRONTINI DE COLONIIS LIB LEGIS MAMILIAE , ROSCIAE ALLENAE PEDVCAE CAPITA QUAEDAM DE AGRIS ASSIGNATIS ET CONSTITUTIONIBUS LIMITUM P. Vellei Patercvli ex lib. I Hist. Rom. itemque Vlpiani & aliorum quae ad colonias P. R. pertinent , fragmenta M. Porcii Catoniis originvm lib. I Q. Fabii Pictoris de aureo secvlo et origine vrbis Romae lib. II C. Sempronii de divisione Italiae lib. I Myrsili Lesbii de origine Italiae & Tyrrhenorum lib. II ‎

‎Antverpiae ( Anvers ) ; Brugis Fland. ( Bruxelles ) pour les deux parties du 2ème ouvrage ; Parisiis. Ex officina Christophori Plantini ; Ex officina Huberti Goltzij pour les deux parties du 2ème ouvrage ; Apud Egidium Nicolaum Gillios . 1579 Numquam antehac editum ; 1565 pour les deux parties du 2ème ouvrage ; 1588 . 3 ouvrages en 1 vol. , le 2ème étant divisé en 2 parties bien distinctes in - 8 ( 11 x 16 cm ) ( poids = 300 g ) 221 (2) pp.(dont t. ) + 110 (2) pp. (dont les t. ) + 74 (14) pp. (dont t. ) . 66 portraits en médaillons dans le texte . Le 1er ouvrage contient de nombreuses pièces liminaires dont dédicace Ad Isabellam Avstriam Galliae Reginam , Epitaphivm Mariae Isabellae Galliae principis , In Avrelii Victoris historiam , Lectori S. , puis Origo Romanae a Iano et Satvrno conditoribus ... , Sex. Avrelivs Victor de viris illvsrtibvs vrbis Romae ..., Additamentvm virorvm illvstrium... , Avrelii Victoris historiae abbreviatae pars altera , Imp. Romanorvm series , In comment. de origine vrbis Romae And. Schottvs , Avctorvm , Rervm series , De avctore viror illvstrivm , Series virorvm illvstrivm , In Avr. Victoris Historiam Avgvstam notae And. Schotti , Index rervm maxime memorabilivm ... Menda . Le 2ème ouvrage , en deux parties distinctes , contient Hvbert. Goltzivs Iohanni Othoni S. P. D. , Amplissimo viro Domino D. Gvilielmo Ketelero Iohannes Otho Brvgensis S. D. , Ad generosvm bonaeque spei adolescentem Theodorvm Ketelervm Iohannis Othonis Brvgensis Praefata , In Historiam Romanam Introdvctio , puis après le 2ème titre , Sex. Rvfi V. C. dictatoris magistri militvm Breviarivm rervm gestarvm Po. Ro. , Errata , colophon . Le 3ème ouvrage contient : Sex. Ivlii Frontini De colonis libellvs , De limitibvs lex Mamilia , Roscia .... Nomina civitatem Apulia & Calabriae , P. Vellei Paterculi De coloniis ... De coloniis ex Pandect. , M. Portii Catonis ex libris originvm fragmenta , Q. Fabii Pictoris De avreo secvlo et de origine vrbis Romae .. , C. Sempronivs De divisione Italiae & origine vrbis Romae , Myrsilii Lesbii De origine Italiae et Tyrrhenorvm , Coniectvrae qvaedam Io. Opsopoei ... Index , Errata . Au 1er titre , marque typographique au compas d' or avec devise Labor et Constantia . Aux 2ème et 3ème titres , marque à la femme ( Fortuna ? ) qui vide une corne d' abondance avec devise Hvbertas aurea saerculi . Au 3ème titre , marque à trois couronnes avec le quatre de chiffre surmontant deux G affrontés et devise Hic Labor . Plein vélin rigide à petit recouvrement . Titre manuscrit de l' ouvrage principal au dos ( plus ou moins effacé ) . Tranches bleues . Pages plus ou moins jaunies , rares rousseurs , une mouillure angulaire pp. 5 - 6 du dernier ouvrage . Bon ex. . ( Collat. complet ) .‎

‎Rare réunion d' ouvrages sur l' histoire de Rome dans trois éditions savantes du XVI siècle . [ Catalogue des livres et manuscrits rares et précieux ... de la bibliothèque de feu M. Rymenans , n° 5052 , pour le 1er ouvrage ; Bibliotheca Duboisiana ou Catalogue de la bibliothèque de feu S. Em. Mgr le cardinal Du Bois ... , n° 7644 , pour le dernier ; Bibliotheca Hulthemiana ou Catalogue méthodique de la riche et précieuse collection .... n° 29964 , et Première partie du catalogue des livres ... de la bibliothèque de P. Ph. C. Lammens , n° 5552 , qui signale pour les deux parties du 2ème ouvrage " rel. ens. en 1 vol. in-8 . Très rare . " ] ‎

Librairie ancienne Tonon - Saint-Hilaire de Lusignan

Phone number : 05 53 48 62 96

EUR400.00 (€400.00 )

‎Jacobson (Martin) - Stanley A. Hall, Foreword‎

Reference : 87748


‎Insect Sex Attractants‎

‎Interscience Publishers Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1965 Book condition, Etat : Bon hardcover, editor's red printed binding, no dust-jacket grand In-8 1 vol. - 165 pages‎

‎9 illustrations in black and white 1st edition, 1965 Contents, Chapitres : Foreword, Preface, Contents, xi, Text, 154 pages - Introduction - Occurrence and demonstration of sex attractants in the female - Occurrence and demonstration of sex attractants, or excitants in the male - Attractants produced by one sex to lure both sexes, assembling scenes - Anatomy and physiology of the production glands - The mechanism of attractant perception - Influence of age of the insect on production of and response to sex attractants - Influence of time of day on sex attractant production and mating - Collection, isolation and identification of the sex attractants - Synthesis of sex attractants and related structures - Sex attractants in insect survey - Sex attractants in insect control - References and index - cf : Attirance sexuelle des insectes editor's binding is fine but no dust-jacket, inside is fine, no markings except a library stamp on the title-page, a rather nice copy‎

Librairie Internet Philoscience - Malicorne-sur-Sarthe
EUR10.00 (€10.00 )

‎Doyle Jennifer‎

Reference : 100131388


‎Sex Objects: Art And The Dialectics Of Desire‎

‎University of Minnesota Press 2006 224 pages 17 8x25 2x1 5cm. 2006. Broché. 224 pages.‎

‎Bon état couverture défraîchie légèrement gondolé‎

Un Autre Monde - Val Couoesnon

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