Blackwell Munksgaard. 2004. In-4. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. Paginé de 97 à 181. Nombreux graphiques et quelques photos en noir et blanc dans le texte.Texte en anglais sur 2 colonnes.. . . . Classification Dewey : 598-Ornithologie
Reference : RO20214294
Sommaire : Running away may noy pay by W.M.Hochachka - Gizzard and other lean mass components increase, yet Basal Metabolic Rates decrease, when red knots Calidris canutus are shifted from soft to hard-shelled food by T.Piersma, J.A. Gessaman - Mitochondrial phylogeny of Locustella and related genera by S.V. Drovestski, R.M. Zink - Movement and direction of movent of a simulated prey affect the success rate in barn owl Tyto albal attack by E.Shiffermann and D.Eilam - Egg charcateristics are unreliable in determining maternity in communal clutches of guira cuckoos Guira guira by M.O. Cariello - Sexual dichromatisme in the yellow-breasted chat Icteria virens : spectrophotometric analysis and biochemical basis by H.L Mays - The evolution of echolocation in swiftlets by J.J Price - Feeding patch selection by herbivorous Anatidae : the influence of body size, and of plant quantity and quality by D.Durant - Energetics of the moult fast in female macaroni penguins Eudyptes chrysolophus by P.Garcia-Borboroglu - Effects of microhabitat preferences on kelp gull Larus dominacus breeding performance by P.Yorio - Are long-distance migrand passerines faithful to ther stopover sites ? by P.Catry. Classification Dewey : 598-Ornithologie / Le Village du Livre
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