ROBERT LAFFONT. 1998. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 526 pages. Quelques planches d'illustrations en couleurs. Envoi de l'auteur sur la page de faux titre: Pour Jean B..., l'histoire de cette femme qui immortalisa les princes, les papes et dieux. Avec le respect et l'admiration d'Alexandra Lapierrre, Paris le 8 avril 1998. . . . Classification Dewey : 840.091-XX ème siècle
Reference : RO20134035
ISBN : 2221084012
Classification Dewey : 840.091-XX ème siècle / Le Village du Livre
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, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2017 Hardcover IV+247 pages , 22 b/w ill. + 195 colour ill., 220 x 280 mm, Languages: English, Italian. ISBN 9781909400894.
Raised to the status of an international luminary by her contemporaries and now revered as one of the defining talents of the seventeenth century, Artemisia Gentileschi poses urgent questions for today?s scholars. The recent outpouring of new attributions and archival discoveries has profoundly enriched our knowledge of the artist, but it has also complicated, and sometimes contradicted, the former storyline. If she was illiterate and unschooled, how did she befriend Galileo and court playwright Jacopo Cicognini? If she could not pay her bills, why did she continue to spend lavishly? How can we define her authorship if we admit workshop productions to her oeuvre? In these essays, an international cast of scholars and experts grapples with these problems, opening new paths of inquiry and laying bare their methodologies in fields as diverse as laboratory analysis, archival research, cultural history, literary analysis, and feminist art history. Among these approaches, connoisseurship takes center stage. By reconstructing the chronology and rationale of Artemisia?s artistic iter, connoisseurship reveals the richness of her visual dialogues, including those with prominent contemporaries such as Caravaggio, Annibale Carracci, Vouet, Cristofano Allori, and Stanzione; with past artistic giants like Donatello and Michelangelo; and with the various hands who passed through her workshop as collaborators and assistants. These essays infuse our understanding of Artemisia with complexity and nuance, yet they also trace her characteristic mix of intelligence and verve in her art, her correspondence, and her deft social maneuvering, running like a thread through all stages of her life. Sheila Barker, Ph.D. (Columbia University, 2002) is the founding director of the Jane Fortune Resarch Program on Women Artists, based at Medici Archive Project in Florence. Her previous publications include "Artiste nel chiostro" (Nerbini, 2016) and "Women Artists in Early Modern Italy: Careers, Fame, and Collectors" (Harvey Miller / Brepols, 2016). Table of Contents Acknowledgments Introduction Sheila Barker Identifying Artemisia: The Archive and the Eye Mary D. Garrard Mary Magdalene in Ecstasy and the Madonna of the Svezzamento: Two Masterpieces by Artemisia Gianni Papi Deciphering Artemisia: Three New Narratives and How They Expand our Understanding Judith W. Mann Unknown Paintings by Artemisia in Naples, and New Points Regarding Her Daily Life and Bottega* Riccardo Lattuada Artemisia Gentileschi?s Susanna and the Elders (1610) in the Context of Counter-Reformation Rome Patricia Simons Artemisia?s Money: A Woman Artist?s Financial Strategies in Seventeenth-Century Florence Sheila Barker Artemisia Gentileschi: The Literary Formation of an Unlearned Artist Jesse Locker Women Artists in Casa Barberini: Plautilla Bricci, Maddalena Corvini, Artemisia Gentileschi, Anna Maria Vaiani, and Virginia da Vezzo Consuelo Lollobrigida ?Il Pennello Virile?: Elisabetta Sirani and Artemisia Gentileschi as Masculinized Painters? Adelina Modesti Allegories of Inclination and Imitation at the Casa Buonarroti Laura Camille Agoston Mary Magdalene in Ecstasy by Artemisia Gentileschi. A Technical Study Christina Currie, Livia Depuydt, Valentine Henderiks, Steven Saverwyns, and Ina Vanden Berghe
[Artemisia Gentileschi] - D'Orazio, Costantino
Reference : 123416
ISBN : 9788857251196
D'Orazio, Costantino: Artemisia Gentileschi Coraggio e Passione. Exhibition: Genoa, Palazzo Ducale, 2023. 240 pages, over 50 colour illustrations. Hardback. 30x24cms. An exploration and contextualization of Artemisia Gentileschi's oeuvre. Eight essays discuss her personal and artistic relationship with her father, place the Gentileschis' oeuvres in dialogue with Caravaggio's, and consider Napoli's art world. Followed by a catalogue of 57 works by Gentileschi and contemporaries like Rosalba Carriera, Elisabetta Sirani and Agostino Tassi. Each work is illustrated and discussed in detail. Text in Italian.
An exploration and contextualization of Artemisia Gentileschiâs oeuvre. Eight essays discuss her personal and artistic relationship with her father, place the Gentileschisâ oeuvres in dialogue with Caravaggioâs, and consider Napoli's art world. Followed by a catalogue of 57 works by Gentileschi and contemporaries like Rosalba Carriera, Elisabetta Sirani and Agostino Tassi. Each work is illustrated and discussed in detail. Text in Italian
[Artemisia Gentileschi] - Contini, Roberto, Francesco Solinas
Reference : 123233
ISBN : 9788866480013
Contini, Roberto, Francesco Solinas: Artemisia Gentileschi Storia Di Una Passione. Exhibition: Milan, Palazzo Reale, 2011. 287 pages, colour illustrations throughout. Hardback. 29x26cms. Text in Italian.
Text in Italian
<meta charset="utf-8"><p data-mce-fragment="1">« Nous avons joué, toujours joué votre jeu d’hommes, que ce soit dans les larmes… ou le rire… ou la rage… et même la haine muette “féminine”, comme vous l’avez dit à juste titre ; nous avons toujours été vos complices contre nous-mêmes en le sachant mais enivrées, droguées, par vous, prétendument privilégiées, consentantes en apparence… jusqu’au jour où moi, Artemisia, soudain réveillée, j’ai peint ce tableau armé. »</p><p data-mce-fragment="1">Dans cette pièce de théâtre, Serge Rezvani met en scène Artemisia Gentileschi, femme peintre de la Renaissance italienne victime d'un viol, dialoguant avec un autre peintre sur les femmes et les contraintes qu'elles endurent.</p> Paris, 2023 Les Belles Lettres 88 p., broché sous jaquette. 15 x 21
Franco Maria Ricci Editore. Juin 1991. In-4. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 144 pages. Nombreuses illustrations en couleurs et noir et blanc dans et hors texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 700-LES ARTS
Sommaire : Sagittations par Yves Hersant, Artemisia par Guido Almansi, Gianni Papi avec un texte d'Anna Banti, Frapper au coeur par Gabriella Di Milia avec des lettres d'Auguste Rodin et de Camille Claudel, Tsars at home par Gianni Guadalupi avec un texte de Gaston Leroux Classification Dewey : 700-LES ARTS