STEMMLE. 1994. In-4. Relié toilé. Très bon état, Couv. fraîche, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 144 pages. Nombreuses photos en noir et blanc et en couleurs en planches hors-texte et quelque-unes dans le texte. Textes en français et en anglais. Relié pleine toile mauve. Jaquette défraîchie.. Avec Jaquette. . . Classification Dewey : 770-Photographie
Reference : RO20052661
ISBN : 3905514354
Art Contemporain Canadien. Classification Dewey : 770-Photographie / Le Village du Livre
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DU MASQUE. 1995. In-12. Broché. Etat du neuf, Couv. fraîche, Dos impeccable, Intérieur frais. 388 pages. Couverture rempliée.. . . . Classification Dewey : 810-Littérature américaine
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Indigene, 2004. Format 23x30 cm, broche, 285 pages. Ouvrage en trois langues francais, chinois, anglais. Dos completement solarise. Bon etat.
Editions du MASQUE (1995) - Broché de 388 pages - Traduit par Dominique Dupont-Viau - Très bon état
Une aventure de Kay SCARPETTA
(Berlin, Haude et Spener, 1769). 4to. Without wrappers as extracted from ""Mémoires de l'Academie Royale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres"", tome XXIII. Pp. 353-364.
First edition. In this paper Lambert shows that one can solve the classic three body problem by the use of infinite series. This allows numerical approximations, but Lambert notes that nearly nothing in the problem (excepts for the classic easier cases) allows for shortcuts in these calcualtions. More even, approximations of neighboured streches of the orbit to be calculated may even require different approximatuion series, so as to renderr even tables more or less or at least rather ineffective.
Paris, Guillaume Desprez et Jean Desessartz, 1732. 4to. Contemp. hcalf with raised bands and gilt title-label on backs. A bit rubbed and light wear to covers. Small stamp in upper corner of title-page. XXXII,740,(8) pp. and 4 large folded engraved plates with many figs. Printed on good paper, internally clean.
First edition. ""The foramen between the greater and lesser sacs of the peritoneum (described on pages 352-65), is named after Winslow. His Exposition is distinguished as being the first book on descriptive anatomy to discard physiological details and hypothetical explanations foreign to the subject. He did much to condense and systematize the anatomical knowledge of his time."" - ""Section VI deals with the nerves. Winslow designated the ganglion chain ""the grand sympathetic nerve"", and the smaller branches ""the lesser sympathetic"", terms which remain today."" (Garrison & Morton: 394 a. 1314).