‎RUSTICA. 1938. N°22‎
‎Le Fox.‎

‎Non Renseigné. 29 mai 1938. In-4. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur bon état. Non Renseigné. . . . Classification Dewey : 630-Agriculture et techniques connexes‎

Reference : RO10002150

‎Dos légèrement déchiré, avec petit manque en pied, coin inférieur de la dernière déchiré avec petit manque - Illustré en couleurs : Comment toiletter le Fox à poil dur - Les coqs de Guinée à l'Exposition d'aviculture Classification Dewey : 630-Agriculture et techniques connexes‎

€14.95 (€14.95 )
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5 book(s) with the same title

Reference : alb337370fd8cd2b16d

‎Brian Paterson Cynthia Paterson: The Tales of the Fox Forest. A set of 8 books.‎

‎Brian Paterson Cynthia Paterson: The Tales of the Fox Forest. A set of 8 books.. Series: Tales of the Fox Forest. St. Petersburg Vector. 2014. Adventure in the Fox Forest. Kidnapping in the Fox Forest. Fox Forest regatta. Thieves from the Fox Forest. Robbery in the Fox Forest. Magic sledging. Treasure of the Fox Forest. Enchanted Valley. SKUalb337370fd8cd2b16d.‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR299.00 (€299.00 )

‎[FELL, Ralph]‎

Reference : 2295


‎Vie politique, littéraire et privée de Charles-James Fox, membre du parlement d'Angleterre et secrétaire d'état, etc. Ornée de son portrait. Ouvrage traduit de l'Anglais sur la quatrième édition originale.‎

‎Paris, Parsons, Galignani et Compagnie 1808 Seconde édition. Reliure en quartier de maroquin rouge, plats cartonnés bleu marbré et titres ornés estampés dorés au dos. Complète avec un portrait en fronti gravé. Il s'agit d'une traduction française, par J. Martinet, des mémoires de la vie publique notoire et de la vie privée colorée de feu le très honorable Charles-James Fox. La colonne vertébrale montre très peu de signes d'usure et les planches sont juste un peu éraflées. A l'intérieur, les pages sont toniques, notamment vers le recto. Preuve d'un petit ex-libris ayant été retiré de l'encollage avant. Charles-James Fox (1749-1806), était un éminent homme d'État britannique dont les opinions en faveur de la guerre d'indépendance américaine sont devenues parmi les plus radicales jamais exprimées au Parlement de son époque. La carrière parlementaire de Fox a duré 38 ans à la fin du XVIIIe et au début du XIXe siècle, et il était le grand rival de William Pitt le Jeune. xiv, 324 pages.‎

‎Second edition. Bound in quarter red morocco, marbled blue card boards and ornate gilt-stamped titles to spine. Complete with engraved frontis portrait. This is a French translation, by J. Martinet, of the memoirs of the notorious public life, and colourful private life, of the late Right Honourable Charles-James Fox. Spine shows very little sign of wear, and boards are just a little scuffed. Internally, the pages are toned, particularly to the front. Evidence of a small bookplate having been removed from front pastedown. Charles-James Fox (1749-1806), was a prominent British statesman whose opinions in favour of the American War of Independence became some of the most radical ever to be aired in the Parliament of his era. Fox's parliamentary career spanned 38 years of the late 18th and early 19th centuries, and he was the arch-rival of William Pitt the Younger. xiv, 324 pp.‎


Phone number : +33 7 84 03 12 53

EUR140.00 (€140.00 )


Reference : 35128


‎Fox against Fox !!! or Political Blossoms of ...Charles James Fox: Selected from his Speeches in the House of Commons, on the Omnipotence of Parliament, in the appointment of the Ministers of the crown. Contrasted with his Present Arguments...Prerogat...‎

‎London, John Stockdale, 1788. Later full cloth. Gilt lettering on spine. Woodcut frontispiece (Lords of Commons) and with a fox. (4),XVII,74 pp. At p. 68 a large woodcut ""The revolution Pillar 1788"" with a hanged fox.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK2,000.00 (€268.24 )

‎FOX, Caroline PYM, Horace N. (ed.)‎

Reference : 10390

‎Memories of Old Friends.Being extracts from the Journals and Letters of Caroline Fox of Penjerrick, Cornwall from 1835 to 1871,to which are added fourteen original letters from J. S. Mill never before published ,Edited by Horace N. Pym.‎

‎ Philadelphia,LIPPINCOT 1882. second Edition. Pp [i]-xxvii,(1),[1]-404,(1), + frontis.portrait [by Hubert Herkomer]. Large 8vo,pleine percaline tabac,dos lisse titré,un peu passé,correct‎

‎Caroline Fox was the daughter of Robert Were Fox known for his researches on the temperature and magnetic conditions of the earth, and inventor of the Deflector Dipping Needle "which has since been used in all the Arctic Expeditions." Her journals and letters refer to many famous people in the literary, scientific and Polar Exploration fields, such as Dr. Calvert, Thomas Carlyle, Sir John Franklin, John Stuart MIll, Captain James Ross, Wordsworth, etc. a good copy in a good binding ‎

Livres Anciens Komar - Meounes les Montrieux

Phone number : 33 04 94 63 34 56

EUR80.00 (€80.00 )

‎FOX George‎

Reference : 11750



‎ Thomas Dorthcott, London, 1694. In-8 gr. (mm. 278 x 170), legatura ottocentesca in mz. pelle con angoli, dorso a cordoni e titolo oro, pp. XVIII,632,(16). "Prima edizione" di questa celebre opera che fu sovente ristampata, anche nel Novecento. Cfr. Bateson,II,855 - Graesse,II,622 - Brunet,VI,22524. Predicatore inglese e teorico del principio della tolleranza (1624-91) il Fox fondò a metà Seicento la setta protestante dei Quaccheri. Irruente parlatore e scrittore efficace (il suo "Journal" è un classico, non solo nella mistica), il Fox ha dei punti di contatto (specie nel valore dato alla rinascita spirituale) con J. Boehme. Ma la principale ragione del suo successo sta forse nel fatto che egli unì l'insistenza sulla semplicità dei modi nei rapporti umani e la protesta contro il culto meramente esteriore e contro le ingiustizie sociali, all'altra protesta contro il rigido predestinazionismo calvinista. Così Diz. Treccani,V, p. 51.Timbro di apparten. al frontesp.; prime e ultime 3 carte con antico restauro per manc. margin. che intaccano anche alc. lettere del testo; con lievi aloni o fiorit. ma complessivam. discreto esemplare. ‎


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