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Reference : alb533fb70594b0e5c7
"""F. A. C. Historical overview of the hymns and hymns of the Greek Church. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/F. A. Ch. Istoricheskiy obzor pesnopevtsev i pesnopeniya Grecheskoy Tserkvi.The second edition supplemented by Chernihiv: Typography of the Ilyin Monastery 1864. VI 4 466 VIc. Historical review of the hymns consists of three parts. The first covers sacred singing before the advent of iconoclasm until 626; the second embraces the times of iconoclasm before Patriarch Photius; the third revisits the hymns of subsequent years. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb533fb70594b0e5c7"""
Reference : alb7f2e96169699ba25
Hook hymns. Sign letter. Church hymns. Manuscript. Hook letter. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Kryukovye pesnopeniya. Znamennoe pismo. Tserkovnye pesnopeniya. Rukopis. Kryukovoe pismo.1690. A handwritten Old Believer edition of the 17th-18th century. Sign or hook writIn g arose In Russia In the 11th and early 12th centuries. SKUalb7f2e96169699ba25.
, Brepols, 2022 Paperback, 243 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:14 tables b/w., Language(s):English, Latin, Greek. ISBN 9782503596426.
Summary This book shares the fruits of several years of research on the Advent Hymns of the Roman Office. It provides an opportunity to gain fresh insights into the gradual development of the liturgical season of Advent and the particular characteristics assumed in its Roman form. The journey of the exquisite treasure of the Western Church that is the Latin hymn is explored before each of the three Advent hymns of the Roman Office is mined for its theology and rich scriptural associations. Its sometimes rocky journey through successive revisions of the Roman Office is considered through the lens of the three Advent hymns. Finally, a number of important pastoral issues dealing with the celebration of the Advent Season in our contemporary Church are considered, taking into account the nature of Advent as revealed in the traditional hymn texts, the liturgical reforms following the Second Vatican Council and current liturgical texts for Advent.
Reference : albc5abb2226b658ff6
Philaret Archbishop of Chernihiv. Historical review of hymns and hymns. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Filaret arkhiepiskop Chernigovskiy. Istoricheskiy obzor pesnopevtsev i pesnopeniya.The Greek Church of Chernihiv 1864. Life Edition. Second edition supplemented. In the Typography of the Monastery of Elijah. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalbc5abb2226b658ff6
Reference : bd-5ec1ac75aaf3877e
Christmas. Christmas hymns in harmony by Pierre Maillard-Verger with images by Robert Ginard. Maillard-Verger Editions Van de Velde, Tour, 1955. No l. Chants de No l harmonises par Pierre Maillard-Verger with images by Robert Guinard. Maillard-Verger (Pierre). Editions Van de Velde, Tours, 1955 56 c./Rozhdestvo. Rozhdestvenskie gimny v garmonii Pera Mayyara-Verzhe s izobrazheniyami Roberta Ginara. Mayyar-Verzhe (Per) Editions Van de Velde, Tur, 1955. No l. Chants de No l harmonises par Pierre Maillard-Verger avec des images de Robert Guinard. Maillard-Verger (Pierre). Editions Van de Velde, Tours, 1955 56 c. Christmas. Christmas hymns in harmony by Pierre Maillard-Verger with images by Robert Ginard. Maillard-Verger Editions Van de Velde, Tour, 1955. No l. Chants de No l harmonises par Pierre Maillard-Verger with images by Robert Guinard. Maillard-Verger (Pierre). Editions Van de Velde, Tours, 1955 56 c. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUbd-5ec1ac75aaf3877e.