CRDP REGION CENTRE. 1998. In-4. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 100 pages augmentées de nombreuses phoros en noir et blanc dans le texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 702-Ouvrages divers sur les beaux-arts et les arts décoratifs
Reference : R320097989
ISBN : 286630120X
COLLECTION DU FONDS REGIONAM D'ART CONTEMPORAIN DU CENTRE Classification Dewey : 702-Ouvrages divers sur les beaux-arts et les arts décoratifs / Le Village du Livre
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, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2021 Hardback, 436 pages, Size:210 x 275 mm, Illustrations:22 b/w, 132 col., Language: English. ISBN 9781912554744.
Summary This volume is published in honour of Paul Binski, whose scholarship and teaching have done so much to illuminate the material and intellectual worlds of Gothic art and architecture. Remarkable for its material scope and philosophical depth, Paul's work has had a powerful influence on the current state of the field: this is reflected here in thirty-four essays on buildings, works of art and ideas in a wide range of historical and geographical contexts, from Iberia to Scandinavia and Italy to Ireland. Consistently fresh in their scholarship, these essays combine to make an important contribution to medieval art history. In doing so they reflect the admiration and affection which Paul inspires in his students and colleagues. With contributions by: Gabriel Byng, Meredith Cohen, Emily Guerry, James Hillson, Ethan Matt Kavaler, Tom Nickson, Zo Opa?i?, Claudia Bolgia, Jean-Marie Guillou t, Justin E. A. Kroesen, Julian Luxford, Robert Mills, John Munns, Matthew M. Reeve, Laura Slater, Beth Williamson, Jessica Berenbeim, Spike Bucklow, Marcia Kupfer, Jean-Pascal Pouzet, Miri Rubin, Kathryn M. Rudy, Roc o S nchez Ameijeiras, Lucy Wrapson, Patrick Zutshi, Mary Carruthers, Jill Caskey, Lucy Donkin, Kate Heard, Robert Maniura, Alexander Marr, M. A. Michael, Conrad Rudolph, Betsy Sears. TABLE OF CONTENTS Part One: Gothic Architecture 1. Gabriel Byng - The 'Great Rebuilding' of the Late Middle Ages: Revising the longue dur e History of the Gothic Parish Church 2. Meredith Cohen - 'The Forest through the Trees': The Pier as a Seed Plan at the Lady Chapel of Saint-Germain des Pr s 3. Emily Guerry - A Gothic Throne for the King of Kings: A Re-evaluation of the Design, Date, and Function of the Sainte-Chapelle Tribune 4. James Hillson - Linearity and the Gothic Style: Architectural Conception in England and France, 1200-1400 5. Ethan Matt Kavaler - Diamonds are Forever: Cell Vaults and the Beginnings of History 6. Tom Nickson - Describing Architecture in Thirteenth-Century Spain 7. Zo Opa?i? - Cui bono? The Founding and Funding of Medieval Religious Institutions under Charles IV Part Two: Gothic Sculpture and its Environment 8. Claudia Bolgia - The 'Tabernacles' War' II, c.1400: New Light on the Competition between Icons and Relics in Late Medieval Rome 9. Jean-Marie Guillou t - Epigraphic One-Upmanship: Remarks about Text-Image Relationship in Fifteenth Century Monumental Sculpture 10. Justin E. A. Kroesen - Gotland Wonder: Unique High Medieval Interior Ensembles on a Baltic Island 11. Julian Luxford - John and Johanna Ormond's Grave 12. Robert Mills - Wild Forms: The Art of East Anglian Wodewoses 13. John Munns - The Thirteenth-Century Pyx Cover at Wells Cathedral 14. Matthew M. Reeve - Fragments from Wisdom's House: The Lady chapel Juxta Claustrum at Wells Cathedral 15. Laura Slater - Musical Wit and Courtly Connections at Cogges 16. Beth Williamson - The Kilcorban Madonna: Joy and Potential in an Irish Wooden Virgin and Child Part Three: Gothic Painting, Manuscripts and Poetics 17. Jessica Berenbeim - Recapitulation: A Medieval Table of Contents 18. Spike Bucklow - The Economics of Blue and Gold 19. Marcia Kupfer - A Hill of Foreskins: Circumcision in the Alba Bible 20. Jean-Pascal Pouzet - Notes towards a Poetics of Western Medieval Manuscript Form - with an Application to Illuminated Manuscripts in Cambridge University Library 21. Miri Rubin - Ecclesia and Synagoga in Time 22. Kathryn M. Rudy - The Bolton/Blackburn Hours (York Minster Add. Ms. 2): A New Solution to its Text-Image Disjunctions using a Structural Model 23. Roc o S nchez Ameijeiras - If the Sea Were Made of Ink: A Word on Medieval Visual Poetry 24. Lucy Wrapson - A Royal Portrait? Uncovering the Identity of Saints on the Latemedieval Screen at North Tuddenham, Norfolk 25. Patrick Zutshi - The Veronica Images Painted by Matteo Giovannetti for Pope Urban V (1369) Part Four: Gothic Art and Ideas 26. Mary Carruthers - Becoming Like an Angel: The Concept of Sublimis in Monastic Contemplation and in Alchemy 27. Jill Caskey - Treasure, Taxonomy, and Transformation in the Inventories of San Nicola, Bari 28. Lucy Donkin - Mining Mount Tabor: the Schauinsland Window at the Minster of Freiburg im Breisgau 29. Kate Heard - The Ecclesiastical Textiles of Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester 30. Robert Maniura - Why Study Miraculous Images? 31. Alexander Marr - Working by Wit Alone: Aspects of Ingenuity in D rer 32. M. A. Michael - Inventing Gothic Painting: Creating Fine Art 33. Conrad Rudolph - The Evidence of the Training of Tour Guides in the Middle Ages 34. Betsy Sears - Gothic Logic: Panofsky's Unwritten Book on 'The Gothic Style' Index of Buildings, Works of Art, Manuscripts, and Medieval Authors
Constable 1999 256 pages 16 4x2 2x22 8cm. 1999. Broché. 256 pages.
Bon Etat de conservation intérieur propre bords un peu frottés dos légèrement creusé et ridé ex-libris quelques notes au stylo dans les marges
Kl ra Benesovsk , Tanja Michalsky, Daniela Rywikov , Elisabetta Scirocco (eds)
Reference : 64777
, Brepols, 2022 Paperback, 165 pages, Size:210 x 270 mm, Language: English. ISBN 9788028000233.
Summary The contributions of this special issue - proceedings of the conference on royal nunneries that took place in Prague in July 2020 - focus on the monasteries connected to the ruling houses, which were endowed with special privileges and enriched by royal and aristocratic donations, often serving as instrumenta regni. They are introduced as active cultural hubs, stages for royal and courtly promotion, and places of personal and dynastic self-representation. This includes female monasteries, the agency of female lites in medieval society and their role as patrons and addressees of works of art. TABLE OF CONTENTS Jakub Adamski, Pjotr Pajor The Architecture of Poor Clares' Nunnery in Stary S?cz and Early Fourteenth-Century Artistic Relations between Lesser Poland and Upper Rhineland Angelica Federici Rome, Barons and Nunneries Art, Architecture and Aesthetics in Convents in Medieval Latium Jenny Vl?ek Schurr Function and Faith: Revisiting the Role of Hospital, Church, and Chapel in the Convent of St. Francis, Prague Giulia Rossi Vairo Seeing Double in Odivelas Nuns and Monks at the Monastery of St Dinis, a Royal Pantheon in Late Medieval Portugal Susan Marti Networking for Eternal Salvation? Agnes of Habsburg, Queen of Hungary and Co-Founder of K nigsfelden Agnieszka Pata?a The Medieval Furnishings of the Convent of Poor Clares in Breslau Eszter Konr d 'Helisabet filia Stephani regis ungarorum illustris' Image of a Saintly Nun of the Arpad Dynasty as Reflected in Hagiographic Sources Michaela Z schg Beyond Naples. Fourteenth-Century Royal Widows and their Clarissan Foundations in a Trans-Regional Perspective
au bureau du journal. Avril 2022. In-8. Broché. Etat du neuf, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 128 pages augmentées de quelques illustrations en couleurs dans texte. Couverture contrepliée.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Sommaire: Art-chitecture, l'éternelle question; L'architecture, matrice des autres arts?; En Allemagne, un message davantage axé sur le durable; Naoshima, la fusion en un espace hors du temps ... Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
BE-, Pandora 2013, 2013 Hardback, 250x250mm, 132p, throughout colour illustrations, English edition ISBN 9789053253656.
The evolving role of port authorities can be traced through the architecture of their haedquarters. Prestigious city palaces tended to mark the vested power that fitted the historical, all-encompassing role of port authorities, whereas contemporary architecture displays a more functional and business-oriented profile. Other port authorities established themselves in former warehouses or passenger terminals, thus connecting with the industrial heritage of their ports. Whatever period they date from, port authority headquarters are generally landmark sites in the architectural landscape of port cities. Their interiors quite often boast original design features and remarkable art collections. The Port Office tells the story of European port authorities through the architecture, art and design of their head offices, thus illustrating the rich diversity of European seaports