‎Rauzier Jean François‎

‎Bailly contemporain. Février 2011. In-4. Broché. Très bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 40 pages environ augmentées de nombreuses photos en couleurs hors texte.. . . A l'italienne. Classification Dewey : 770-Photographie‎

Reference : R260271876

‎Préface de Sausset Damien. Classification Dewey : 770-Photographie‎

€29.80 (€29.80 )
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5 book(s) with the same title

‎PORCIER Stéphanie, IKRAM Salima, PASQUALI Stéphane.‎

Reference : 23124

ISBN : 9789088907722

‎Creatures of earth, water and sky. Essays on Animals in Ancient Egypt and Nubia.‎

‎<p>Ancient Egyptians always had an intense and complex relationship with animals in daily life as well as in religion. Despite the fact that research on this relationship has been a topic of study, gaps in our knowledge still remain. This volume presents well over 30 contributions that explore Human-Animal relationships from the Predynastic to the Roman period. The essays cover topics such as animal husbandry, mummification, species-specific studies, the archaeology and economy of the animal cults, funerary practices, iconography and symbolism. The contribution of archaeometrical methods, such as DNA analyses, balms’ analyses, AMS dating, radiography, and 3D imaging, are also represented as these play a significant role in furthering our understanding of the human-animal relationship in Egypt. The range of subject matter and contributors are indicative of the importance of animals and the role that they played in ancient Egypt and Nubia, and emphasises the need for continued inter- and multidisciplinary studies on the subject. The research outlined in this volume has helped, for example, to better identify ways of sourcing the animals used in mummification, contributed to establishing the eras during which animal mummification became common, and highlighted new techniques for acquiring DNA. The fresh insights and diversity of topics makes the volume of interest for professionals (Egyptologists, (archaeo-)zoologists and historians), as well as those who are interested in Egyptology and in the relationship between humans and animals. ‘Creatures of Earth, Water and Sky’ is the result of the first international conference ever dedicated to animals in ancient Egypt and Nubia (the International Symposium on Animals in Ancient Egypt, ISAAE 1, June 1-3 2016, held in Lyon). </p> Leiden, 2019 Side 356 p., broché. 21 x 28‎


Antinoë - Brest

Phone number : 02 98 80 52 48

EUR45.00 (€45.00 )

‎DANIELL, Samuel‎

Reference : LCS-17282

‎African scenery and animals Le plus bel ouvrage jamais publié sur l'Afrique du Sud.‎

‎"The scarcest and most valuable of the large atlas folios of South African illustration... a most magnificent work." (Mendelssohn). S.l.n.d. [London, 1804-06]. 2 tomes réunis en 1 volume in-folio de : I/ 1 titre frontispice, (5) ff. de texte et 15 planches en couleurs à pleine page ; II/ 1 frontispice, (5) ff. de texte et 15 planches en couleurs à pleine page. Soit au total, 2 titres à pleine page à l’aquatinte et 30 planches en couleur à pleine page. Planches 1 et 29 légèrement piquées. Demi-maroquin vert à coins, dos à nerfs orné de filets et fleurons dorés, tranches dorées. Qq. frottements, dos refait au XIXe siècle. Reliure de l‘époque.‎

‎Edition originale de ce somptueux ouvrage illustré sur l’Afrique du sud.Brunet, II, 489 ; Graesse, II, p. 325 ; Gay 3136 ; Hardie 133 ; Mendelssohn, I, 411-12 ; Prideaux 245 ; Tooley 168 ; Abbey Travel 321."The scarcest and most valuable of the large atlas folios of South African illustration... a most magnificent work." (Mendelssohn).Samuel Daniell (1775-1811) est un peintre et un dessinateur anglais qui arriva en Afrique du Sud le 9 décembre 1799. Il fut nommé secrétaire et artiste de l'expédition de 1801-1802 ralliant le Cap de Bonne-Espérance au Bechuanaland, menée par P.J. Truter et William Somerville. De retour en Angleterre, Daniell publia Paysages et animaux africains (1804-1805) grâce au soutien de son oncle le peintre Thomas Daniell et de son frère, le peintre et graveur William Daniell. Il partit ensuite pour Ceylan (l'actuel Sri Lanka), où il fit des esquisses de paysages et de personnes avant de mourir de la fièvre tropicale. Les textes accompagnant chaque illustration sont de Somerville et de Sir John Barrow, un géographe et explorateur britannique qui participa lui aussi aux premières expéditions britanniques en Afrique du Sud. Samuel Daniell dessinait des animaux dans leur habitat naturel, et son travail était apprécié pour la précision et l'attention portée aux détails. Le recueil comporte également des croquis de personnes rencontrées au cours de l'expédition et plusieurs paysages saisissants.Thomas Sutton écrit à propos du présent ouvrage: 'The coloured plates represent local scenery, animals singly or in groups in their natural surroundings, native types, and views of kraals' (p.107). Il poursuit: 'It may safely be said that never before had drawings of animals been presented so beautifully in their natural scenery. Particularly fine are the plates of the gnu, springbok, and the hippopotamus. The landscapes are equally fine, those of Sitsikamma, with the interlacing jungle trees and elephants watering, the Hottentot Kraal, and the Korah Hottentot Village being lovely things. Apart from these, such plates as the Halt of a Boor's Family and Boors returning from Hunting are valuable records of early itinerant life in South Africa ... [Dans cet ouvrage, Samuel Daniell] shows full control over his medium: his freshness of approach is apparent; his composition and colour are full of beauty; his animals are delicately drawn, his figure-studies full of life and sincerity and warmth' (pp.107 -111).”“Mr. Daniell embarked for the Cape of Good Hope, whence, after some stay, he passed into the interior of Africa, collecting much valuable information on his way, and making drawings of all the objects worthy of attention, even while continually assailed by hardships, and exposed to danger in very various shapes. In this journey Mr. Daniell was accompanied by two other scientific travelers; and this small party succeeded in penetrating further to the North-East than any Europeans had previously reached in the same direction. Of these drawings many have been engraved and given to the world in his publication entitled ‘African Scenery’, a work which, for design and execution, as well as novelty and variety of materials, has obtained very distinguished approbation. By all those who are capable of duly appreciating such labours, this volume alone would have been regarded as a testimonial not less honourable to Mr. Daniell’s zeal and industry as a lover of natural history, than to the spirit and fidelity of his pencil as an artist; but, during a residence in Africa of more than four years, he was so eager in the pursuit of his favourite study, that he amassed another very large collection of drawings also illustrative of that interesting quarter of the globe…” (The Gentleman’s Magazine, vol. 82).L’illustration somptueuse se compose de deux titres frontispices et de 30 aquatintes finement coloriées à la main à l’époque, représentant des paysages africains, des animaux dans leur environnement naturel, des habitants des villages traversés, etc.Précieux exemplaire de ce rare et somptueux ouvrage conservé dans sa reliure de l’époque.‎


Phone number : 01 42 84 16 68

EUR85,000.00 (€85,000.00 )

‎Leszek Gardeta, Kamil Kajkowski (eds)‎

Reference : 64403

‎Animals and Animated Objects in the Early Middle Ages‎

‎, Brepols, 2023 Paperback, 206 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:30 b/w, 37 col., 8 tables b/w., 6 maps b/w, Language: English. ISBN 9782503600901.‎

‎Summary Since time immemorial, animals have played crucial roles in people's lives. In Continental and Northern Europe, especially in the Migration Period and the Early Middle Ages, animals were both feared and revered. Varying and often ambivalent perceptions of fauna were expressed through everyday practices, religious beliefs, and the zoomorphic ornamentation of a wide plethora of objects that ranged from jewellery, weapons, and equestrian equipment to wagons and ships. This timely volume critically investigates the multivalence of animals in medieval archaeology, literature, and art in order to present human attitudes to creatures such as bears, horses, dogs, and birds in a novel and interdisciplinary way. The chapters gathered together here explore the prominence of animals, animal parts, and their various visual representations in domestic spaces and the wider public arena, on the battlefield, and in an array of ritual practices, but also examine the importance of zoomorphic art for emerging elites at a time of social and political tensions across Scandinavia and the oft-overlooked Western Slavic and Baltic societies. This innovative book draws together scholars from across Europe in order to pave the way for a nuanced international and interdisciplinary dialogue that has the capacity to substantially increase our perception of human and animal worlds of the Early Middle Ages. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Illustrations 1. Animals and Animated Objects in Early Medieval Worlds: An Introduction Leszek Garde?a and Kamil Kajkowski 2. Bear Phalanges and Bearskins in Graves of the First Millennnium AD: Cultural Developments and Characteristics of a Unique Burial Custom in Central and Northern Europe Sebastian Beermann 3. What Could Birds do for the Dead? Animals and Humans in the Mortuary Practices of Viking Age Ribe Sarah Croix 4. Between Life and Death: Waterfowl in Viking Age Funerary Practices Klaudia Karpi?ska 5. Exploring Animals as Agents and Objects in Early Medieval Iceland and Scandinavia Harriet J. Evans Tang and Keith Ruiter 6. Horse Burials on Viking Age Gotland: Between Mounted Warriors and Totemic Animals Matthias S. Toplak 7. Horses and Burial Rites in the Early Piast State and Pomerania Jerzy Sikora 8. Riders on the Storm: Decorative Horse Bridles in the Early Piast State and Pomerania Leszek Garde?a and Kamil Kajkowski 9. Between the Beasts: On the Meaning and Function of Small Quadruped Figurines from Estonia T nno Jonuks and Tuuli Kurisoo‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR80.00 (€80.00 )

‎Nakau Ei‎

Reference : 63417

‎MARVELOUS MENAGERIE : Animals in Ukiyo-e Masterpieces ‎

‎, Pie Books, 2024 PB, 228 x 182 mm, 224 p, throughout colored illustrations ; ENG./ JAP., edition, NEW. ISBN 9784756258021.‎

‎A large collection of animals that appear in ukiyo-e prints from the Edo Period, from pets to rare animals! Following the global hits Something Wicked from Japan and Once more unto the breach comes the third title in the Ukiyo-e Masterpieces Series! This time, read and understand the world of ukiyo-e from the perspective of animals. In ukiyo-e, many animals that interact with humans are depicted. Beginning with cats, dogs, and rabbits, we move on to ferocious tigers and elephants, imported camels, peacocks, and parrots, and even to fantastical beasts. This book introduces numerous charming works through interesting chapters such as "Pets of the Edo Period," "Working Animals," "Rare Animals" and more. Featuring 140 gorgeous works by famous ukiyo-artists including Utamaro, Hiroshige, Hokusai, Kunisada, Kuniyoshi, Yoshitoshi and others, depicting cute, funny, and at times suspicious animals. Those who like Japanese culture will love this book! And of course it's also great for animal lovers, too. The customs of the Edo Period, when humans and animals lived side-by-side, are now vividly brought back to life.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR29.00 (€29.00 )

Reference : bd-ca2b11cefc28a1e1

‎I. Gorbunova-Posadova. Friend of Animals. A book about attention, compassion an‎

‎I. Gorbunova-Posadova. Friend of Animals. A book about attention, compassion and love for animals. Humanities and zoology. A textbook for teaching in school and in the family of basic, began humane treatment of animals and their proper treatment. Part 1. for younger children./I. Gorbunova-Posadova. Drug zhivotnykh. Kniga o vnimanii, sostradanii i lyubvi k zhivotnym. Gumanitarno-zoologicheskaya khrestomatiya. Posobie dlya prepodavaniya v shkole i v seme osnovnykh, nachal chelovechnogo otnosheniya k zhivotnym i pravilnogo obrashcheniya s nimi. Chast 1. dlya mladshego vozrasta. I. Gorbunova-Posadova. Friend of Animals. A book about attention, compassion and love for animals. Humanities and zoology. A textbook for teaching in school and in the family of basic, began humane treatment of animals and their proper treatment. Part 1. for younger children. Moscow-1902. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUbd-ca2b11cefc28a1e1.‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
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