STAKLER EDITEUR. 2006. In-12. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. Envrion 50 pages - Couverture contrepliée. . . . Classification Dewey : 891.7-Littérature russe (slave)
Reference : R240127265
Collection Excelsior - Traduction du russe par Darya Chekhova Classification Dewey : 891.7-Littérature russe (slave) / Le Village du Livre
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Nietzsche Friedrich. Complete collection of works: In 13 volumes. Drafts and ske. Series: Friedrich Nietzsche. Complete collection of works in 13 volumes (Cultural Revolution) M.: Cultural Revolution 2005-2012. Set of seven volumes from the collection in which drafts and sketches of Friedrich Nietzsche are published. V.7: Drafts and sketches of 1869-1873 V.8: Drafts and sketches of 1874-1879 V.9: Drafts and sketches of 1880-1882 V.10: Drafts and sketches of 1882-1884 V.11: Drafts and sketches of 1884-1885 V.12: Drafts and sketches of 1885-1887 V.13: Drafts and sketches of 1887-1889. SKUalb6f92086bb0314c0e.
Reference : albe710de6112b69c41
Nietzsche Friedrich (Friedrich Nietzsches). Nietzsches Werke Abth. 1: Bd. 5. Die frohliche Wissenschaft In Russian (ask us if in doubt)./Nietzsche Friedrich (Fridrikh Nitsshe ). Nietzsches Werke Abth. 1: Bd. 5. Die frohliche Wissenschaft. (la gaya scienza). (Veselaya nauka ). Leipzig Drund und Verlag von C.G. Naumann 1895 362 XV p. Lifelong third edition of Friedrich Nietzsche's work.The merry science. Nietzsches Werke 1895. Abth. 1: Bd. 5. Die frohliche Wissenschaft. SKUalbe710de6112b69c41.
Nitche Fr. Nietzsche Friedrich: Beyond Good and Evil: Preludes to the Philosophy. Translation from German by N. Polilov. St. Petersburg. Edition by D. E. Zhukovsky-Typography of the Partnership Public Utility 1905. 4 386 2 p. SKUalb83e4f49080627b47.
Nietzsche Friedrich. Works in two volumes. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Nitss. Series: FN (Philosophical Legacy). Volumes 125 and 126. Compilation editing introductory article and notes by K.A.Svasyan. M. Thought. 1996. 832 and 832 c. SKUalb0c7ac9409d33d85e.
Nietzsche Friedrich. So Zaratustra said. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Nitsshe. Series: Library of World Literature. Moscow Exmo 2006. 672 p. SKUalb1c691c2fb9eca2d3.