VEB F.A. BROCKHAUS. 1976. In-4. Relié. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 147 pages - ouvrage en allemand. Nombreuses photos en couleur et en noir et blanc.. Avec Jaquette. . . Classification Dewey : 943-Allemagne, Autriche, Hongrie
Reference : R200029142
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Reference : alb5fd2f4f44a1e2f70
Mittheilungen aus dem Koniglichen Zoologischen museum zu Dresden Proceedings of the Royal Zoological Museum in Dresden. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Mittheilungen aus dem Koniglichen Zoologischen museum zu Dresden Izvestiya Korolevskogo Zoologicheskogo muzeya v Drezdene. Herausgegeben mit Unterstutzung der Generaldirection der Koniglichen Sammlungen fur Kunst und Wissenschaft von Dr. A.B. Meyer Director des Konigl. Zoologischen Museums. Zweites Heft mit Tafel V-XXV Darunter 4 Colorirte und 7 Doppeltafeln in Stein- und Li Dresden / Dresden Published by Wilhelm Baensch Verlagshandlung 1877 g. 6 135-248 261-278. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb5fd2f4f44a1e2f70
Reference : alb586bb73d4bb04c40
Karl Woermann Karl Woermann. Katalog der Koniglichen Gemaldegalerie zu Dresden Catalogue of the Dresden Art Gallery for 1899. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)./Karl Woermann Karl Verman). Katalog der Koniglichen Gemaldegalerie zu Dresden Katalog Drezdenskoy Korolevckoy khudozhectvennoy galepei na 1899 god. Dresden Druck von Wilhelm Hoffmann. 1899 911c. SKUalb586bb73d4bb04c40.
Reference : bd-44dd9cd7aa1218cb
State Art Collections Dresden-Gemeldegalerie 10 reproductions Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden-Gemeldegalerie 10 Reproduktionen Buch antiquarisch kaufen/Gosudarstvennye khudozhestvennye sobraniya Drezdena-Gemaeldegalerie 10 reproduktsiy Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden-Gemaeldegalerie 10 Reproduktionen Buch antiquarisch kaufen 10 German reproductions from the Dresden State Art Gallery . We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUbd-44dd9cd7aa1218cb.
[Giovanni Bologna called Giambologna] - Syndram, Dirk and Moritz Woelk
Reference : 086120
ISBN : 3422066411
Syndram, Dirk and Moritz Woelk: Giambologna in Dresden - Die Geschenke der Medici. Exhibition: Dresden, Schloss, 2006. 120pp, with 66 colour illustrations. Wrappers. 28x21cms. In 1587 Duke Francesco de' Medici sent a diplomatic gift of a group of small bronzes by the Mannerist sculptor Giambologna (1529-1608), including Mercury, Mars, and Nessus raping Deianira. to the King of Saxony in Dresden and this is a study of these bronzes. Text in German.
In 1587 Duke Francesco de' Medici sent a diplomatic gift of a group of small bronzes by the Mannerist sculptor Giambologna (1529-1608), including Mercury, Mars, and Nessus raping Deianira. to the King of Saxony in Dresden and this is a study of these bronzes. Text in German