GRASSET.. 1932. In-12. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos frotté, Papier jauni. 288 pages. Roman. Couverture souple. Envoi d'un particulier sur la page de faux titre.. . . . Classification Dewey : 840.08-XIX ème siècle
Reference : R150129339
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Berlin, Verlag Der Sturm, (1923). 8vo. In the original printed wrappers. Light sunning to top of front wrapper. Upper part of spine with a small bump. Ex-libris (Alfred Liede) pasted on to verso of front wrapper. A fine and clean copy. 32 pp.
Rare first printing of one of the earliest edition of Schwitter's famous Dadaist 'sound-poems' (i.e. Dada Klang-Gedichten) often seen interpreted as a parody of a love poem. It famously became the symbol for the Dadaist movement, of the chaos and madness of the roaring 1920ies, and it was seen as the birth of a new poetic language. The poem made Schwitters famous overnight and it was parodied in newspapers and magazines, and strongly polarized public opinion throughout the 1920ies. Whilst Schwitters was never an official member of Berlin Dada, he was closely linked to many members of the group, in particular Raoul Hausmann and Hans Arp, and the poem is written in a dadaist style, using multiple perspectives, fragments of found text, and absurdist elements to depict the narrator's emotional state in the throes of love, or of Germany's political, military and economic collapse after the First World War.""Schwitter's developed his own version of Dada, which he called MERZ. Reportedly derived from truncating the name of the German bank Commerzbank, it uses not just ready-mades but also objects that had been thrown away. Merz differed in one crucial aspect from Dada: It was art, not anti-art. Best known are Schwitter's non-sense poems that make sense - just not in the usual sense, in the same way that Schwitters did not restrict himself to the usual five physical senses. His poem [the present] identifies Anna Blume as ""the beloved of my twenty-seven senses. The poem takes the reader through an accordingly distorted reality with statements, such as ""Blue is the color of your yellow hair, and an equally playful disregard of linguistic rules, while following a grammar of the heart, such as in the poem's last sentence: ""Anna Blume, you trickle beast, I love your!"". """"Despite his overtures, however, the Dadaists rejected Schwitters, burning his ""Blume"" pamphlet at the 1920 Berlin Dada Fair. Too iconoclastic for more conventional artistic movements, Schwitters was too painterly and sentimental for Dadaism. Denied entry by the club he desperately wanted to join, he slapped stickers that said ""Anna Blume"" wherever he went"" he interrupted other artists' talks by barking like a dog. And yet he was as energetic in his artistic activities proper as he was in his provocations, alternating between painting, printmaking, collage, stage design, poetry"".""Given Schwitter's drive towards multivalence, all of these interpretations (An Anna Blume as satire, An Anna Blume as both a critique and subsumption of modernity, An Anna Blume as an expressionistic exposure of the sense surrounding modern experience, and An Anna Blume as a deliberately fashioned alchemical parable) are all possible"". (Gamard, Kurt Schwitters Merzbau: The Cathedral of Erotic Misery, P. 57).
""Skagen 14de Februar 1895"". 1 side 8vo. ""Desværre ser jeg mig ikke istand/ til at modtage nogen Be-/ stilling paa Portrætter, som/ De har været saa venlig at/ tiltænke mig. jeg har nemlig/ en lille Pige og vil ikke blive/ længere borte fra hende end/ de Dage jeg rejser for at se/ Billeder"" jeg rejser da for at/ friske mit Syn lidt og maa/ saa have uindskrænket Frihed./ Takkende for Deres gode Me-/ ning om mig er jeg Deres/ ærbødige/ Anna Ancher.""
Et vidunderligt originalt håndskrevet og signeret brev fra en af de mest elskede og hædrede Skagensmalere, der både afslører, hvordan Anna Ancher arbejdede og fik inspiration samt hvordan hun så på rollen som mor. ""Blandt de danske Skagensmalere står Anna Ancher (1859-1935) som den mest populære. I en periode, hvor kun meget få kvinder fik mulighed for at gøre sig gældende som kunstnere, havde hun modet til at træde ud af skabet, det skab, som 1800-tallets mandsdominerende offentlighed havde anbragt så mange talentfulde kvinder i. Men Anna Ancher var for original en kunstner til, at hun kunne gemmes af vejen og gøres til en hemmelighed. Med sine lysfyldte og koloristisk følsomme billeder beherskede hun kvinders verden som kun få - om overhovedet nogen.""
[Schippert & Co] - MARJULA, Anna ; [ BEEKHUIS, Hanna ] ; ( HANNAH, Barbara )
Reference : 57805
A human document, with an Introduction by Barbara Hannah, 8vo paperback, Schippert & Co, Zurich, s.d. [ 1967 ], XII-128 pp. with 12 original colored drawings under an envelope pasted on guard, and autograph text in flemish on 14 leaves (letters, poems) in another one. Full Tite : The healing influence of Active Imagination in a Specific Case of Neurosis [ Unique and exceptional copy with autograph manuscripts and 12 original drawings: Anna Marjula mystery solved ! ]
Unique copy with 12 original colored symbolical drawings sometimes (3 of them with comments in english) and 14 leaves with manuscript text (3 letters and poems) in flemish. Most of this extra-material is not signed except three letters (two dated 13-5-73 and 28-10-74) signed "Tante Han" or “Hanna”, clearly original work by "Anna Marjula", pseudonym used to protect the identity of the author (The letter "E". On an envelop is written : "These drawings illustrate the fifth conversation with the Great Mother pages 26-27". Many early jungian analysts worked with Anna Marjula (Toni Wolff, Emma Jung or Barbara Hannah), but her real name remained unknown, until now (but we knew it was a pianist). Indeed, our research allowed us to identify the recipient, Ms. Parvati Chavoix-Jodjana ("Vati") but especially the author, who hides behind the pseudonym of Anna Marjula : the famous dutch pianist and composer Hanna Beekhuis (1889-1980) ! A newspaper clipping is joined on a postcard, (that we join), titled : "Gouden medaille voor Hanna Beekhuis" and here's the translation : "Gold medal for Hanna Beekhuis: Arnhem, 3 Oct. - The Dutch composer of chamber music works and songs, Hanna Beekhuis from Ellecom, who currently resides in Zurich, has won a gold medal and an honorary diploma with "Reflet du Japon", a composition for viola and viola at an international competition held in Buenos Aires". It is known she won this medal in 1961.Hanna Beekhuis resided in Zurich, and was previously in relationship with Carl Jung (28 letters or copy of letters between Jung and Hanna Beekhuis, from 1942 until 1960, would be kept in the ETH-Bibliothek). Barbara Hannah explains in her preface that “Professor Jung had, however, once spoken to Anna of including it in a volume of case histories, and, as he died before he had collected the other cases, she was naturally disappointed”. We identify well the identical writing of "Aunt Hanna" with that present on the handwritten drawings, and with the only autograph word reproduced in the work - "Eve".Our incredible copy comes from Parvati Chavoix-Jodjana, daughter of a famous javanese dancer in France, Raden Mas Jodjana (1893-1972) and his wife Raden Ayou. Hanna Beekhuis accompanied the dancer in the 1920s. Another interesting relation with Jungian Psychanalysis is that the Jodjana were friends with Kurt Binswanger and his wife Erica since 1935.Here's some translated extract on a signed letter : “You said me that your Father has become your Guru. What is a guru ? [… ] Your father told me that he was a free thinker. I am that too but Christianity [ … ] is still in blood”. In another one : "The Jodjanas" have meant a lot to me in the course of my life, especially your father, [ … ] your mother too”.
Virginie Devillez, met medewerking van Stefan Huygebaert en Wendy Van Hoorde
Reference : 61766
, Hannibal Books, 2023 Hardcover, 292 x 245 mm, 192 pages, ENG edition FINE- Illustrated. ISBN 9789464666397.
Harmonious use of colour and delicate paintwork in a superb overview of the artist Anna Boch The versatile Anna Boch (1848?1936) was not only a talented artist, but also a highly knowledgeable collector, generous patron, and enthusiastic traveller with a great love of music and architecture. She was the only woman to become a member of the prominent art societies Les XX and La Libre Esth tique, and she was treated as an equal by her fellow artists. Inspired by kindred spirits including Th o van Rysselberghe, Paul Signac and Georges Seurat, Anna Boch set about developing her own personal version of Neo-Impressionism. Anna Boch?s lucid paintings chart her search for line and colour. Her passion for nature took her to remote destinations and imbued her with dreams of beautiful bucolic landscapes that she wanted to interpret. She loved the sea and succeeded in capturing the light and its reflection upon the coast with unparalleled skill, translating it into intriguing but above all timeless compositions. This book presents her oeuvre with more than 100 works, and resolutely claims a place for Anna Boch in the art history of the 19th and 20th centuries. This book is published on the occasion of the exhibition Anna Boch, An Impressionist Journey at Mu.ZEE, Ostend from 1 July until 5 November 2023, and at the Mus e de Pont-Aven from 3 February until 26 May 2024. Edited by Virginie Devilez, with the cooperation of Stefan Huygebaert and Wendy Van Hoorde.
Akhmatova A.A. Akhmatova Anna. Instead of wisdom experience In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Akhmatova A.A. Akhmatova Anna. Vmesto mudrosti opytnost. Presnoe// Russkaya mysl. 1914. Iyun.. M-P. 1914. Sologub F.: Ruthless in time mows down W. Bruce V.: Rhea Sylvia. Story from the life of the VI century. Boyer Johann: The Prisoner Who Sang. Akhmatova Anna. Instead of wisdom experience: N.T.B.: Coma. Volchanetskaya E.: In my soul peace of fatigue. Stehr Herman: Lame. (Continued). Rafalovich Sergey: Doomsday. Poem. Frommett Boris: The Beginning of the End. Mar Anna: You are one sinned. A Tale of Gl-III. Kornilov A.A.: The Bakuninykh Family. (According to unpublished sources). Rykachev A.M.: New Problems and New Difficulties in the Labor Movement. Derman A.B.: I.A.Bunin. SKUalb85394e2848112f4a.