GALLIMARD .. 1967.. In-12. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos abîmé, Intérieur acceptable. 203 pages. Couverture rempliée. Manques sur le dos.. . . . Classification Dewey : 840-Littératures des langues romanes. Littérature française
Reference : R150088709
Classification Dewey : 840-Littératures des langues romanes. Littérature française / Le Village du Livre
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Cahiers N° 5 - broché - in-8 - 179 pages - printemps 1981 - Editions Aubier
bon état
, Voorlinden, 2024 Hardcover,128 pages, 24 x 29,7 cm Illustrated. text in Nederlands / English. ISBN 9789492549198.
catalogus Micha l Borremans - A Confrontation at the Zoo In de catalogus bij de solotentoonstelling van Micha l Borremans zie je alle kunstwerken en zalen terug en kun je inzoomen op de kleinste details. In haar essay neemt kunstkenner en Borremans-connaisseur Katya Tylevich je, al pratend met de kunstenaar, mee door de tentoonstelling en zijn oeuvre. En Ann Demeester, directeur van Kunsthaus Z rich en voormalig directeur van het Frans Hals museum, laat haar licht schijnen op het fenomeen Borremans. //// catalog Micha l Borremans - A Confrontation at the Zoo In the catalog accompanying Micha l Borremans' solo exhibition, you can see all the artworks and rooms and zoom in on the smallest details. In her essay, art expert and Borremans connoisseur Katya Tylevich, while talking to the artist, takes you through the exhibition and his oeuvre. And Ann Demeester, director of Kunsthaus Zurich and former director of the Frans Hals Museum, shines her light on the Borremans phenomenon.
Short description: In Russian. Krasnov, Yuri Matveevich. From Confrontation to Cooperation. Moscow: International Relations, 1976. Ot konfrontatsii k sotrudnichestvu. In Russian /From confrontation to cooperation. The image is provided for reference only. It may reflect condition of one of the available copies or only help in identifying the edition. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKU6990184
1962 1962. Confrontation Dijon-Salon 1962 . Confrontation Dijon-Salon 1962
1964 1964. Confrontation Dijon-Salon 1964 . Confrontation Dijon-Salon 1964