‎Die Kunst des Mittelalters in Hamburg - Goldgrund und Himmelslicht ‎

‎ Hamburger Kunsthalle, 1999. Format 22x27 cm, reliure editeur, 359 pages. Livre en langue allemande. Une trace de choc sur la tranche superieure, un envoi au stylo sur la page de titre et une eraflure sur le dos.Bon etat.‎

Reference : 28320


€30.00 (€30.00 )
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Librairie Frédéric Delbos
M. Frédéric Delbos


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1 book(s) with the same title

‎Suckale, Robert‎

Reference : 071566


ISBN : 3933374480

‎Goldgrund und Himmelslicht die Kunst des Mittelalters in Hamburg‎

‎Suckale, Robert: Goldgrund und Himmelslicht die Kunst des Mittelalters in Hamburg. Exhibition: Hamburg, Kunsthalle, 2000. 360 pages with 200 colour and 80 monochrome illustrations. Cloth. 27x22.5cms. Art historical and religious study, illustrated by illuminated manuscripts, altarpieces, sculptures and other ecclesiastical objects, examining the relationship between art and religion in the Middle Ages with particular attention to developments in Hamburg. Text in German.‎

‎Art historical and religious study, illustrated by illuminated manuscripts, altarpieces, sculptures and other ecclesiastical objects, examining the relationship between art and religion in the Middle Ages with particular attention to developments in Hamburg. Text in German‎


Phone number : +44(0)20 7930 9223

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