Maren Sell, Libella, 2007, 140 pp., poche, illustrations, bon état.
Reference : 60437
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, Tasch, 2021 Hardcover, 29 x 39.5 cm, 5.42 kg, 624 pages. Fine. English. ISBN 9783836574204.
The complete paintings of Frida Kahlo in an XXL edition. Among the few women artists who have transcended art history, none had a meteoric rise quite like Mexican painter Frida Kahlo. One of the key figures in Mexican revolutionary modern art, she was also a pioneer of the politics of gender, sexuality, and feminism. This XXL monograph combines all of Kahlo's 152 paintings with rarely seen photographs, diary pages, letters, and an illustrated biography to form the most extensive study of her work and life to date. The complete paintings of Frida Kahlo in an XXL edition Among the few women artists who have transcended art history, none had a meteoric rise quite like Mexican painter Frida Kahlo (1907?1954). Her unmistakable face, depicted in over fifty extraordinary self-portraits, has been admired by generations; along with hundreds of photographs taken by notable artists such as Edward Weston, Manuel and Lola lvarez Bravo, Nickolas Muray, and Martin Munk csi, they made Frida Kahlo an iconic image of 20th century art. After an accident in her early youth, Frida became a painter of her own free will. Her marriage to Diego Rivera in 1929 placed her at the forefront of an artistic scene not only in the cultural Renaissance of Mexico, but also in the United States. Her work garnered praise from the poet Andr Breton, who added the Mexican painter to the ranks of international surrealism and exhibited her work in Paris in 1939 to the admiration of Picasso, Kandinsky, and Duchamp. We access the intimacy of Frida?s affections and passions through a selection of drawings, pages from her personal diary, letters, and an extensive illustrated biography featuring photos of Frida, Diego, and the Casa Azul, Frida?s home and the center of her universe. This large-format XXL book allows readers to admire Frida Kahlo's paintings like never before, including unprecedented detail shots and famous photographs. It presents pieces in private collections and reproduces works that were previously lost or have not been exhibited for more than 80 years, forming the most extensive study of Kahlo's work and life to date.
, Uitgeverij Wbooks 2021, 2021 Hardcover, 216 pages, English, 295 x 240 mm, many illustrations in colour, . ISBN 9789462584594.
For over more than four decades, Frida Kahlo has become the world's most renowned Mexican artist. Since recent years, the collection of clothing and personal artifacts from the Frida Kahlo Museum - known colloquially as the Blue House - has also been exhibited outside of Mexico with overwhelming success. Much has been written about Frida Kahlo. WBOOKS wanted to create a book that would be different from existing publications, not only in terms of content but also in terms of design. It contains some 50 of Frida Kahlo's paintings and drawings, as well as personal attributes such as clothing, her sunglasses, her Revlon lipstick and the corsets and prostheses that she had to wear due to a serious accident at a young age. This publication is a fascinating extension of the exhibition Viva la Frida! in The Netherlands. It not only celebrates and delves into Kahlo's life and art by colourfully displaying her photographs and home; her self-expression and self-fashioning and her artistic influences. It also goes beyond the artist, acknowledging the pop culture icon she is today, by exploring her undeniable impact on art, fashion and music
, Uitgeverij Wbooks 2021, 2021 Hardcover, 216 pages, English, 295 x 240 mm, many illustrations in colour, ISBN 9789462584594.
For over more than four decades, Frida Kahlo has become the world's most renowned Mexican artist. Since recent years, the collection of clothing and personal artifacts from the Frida Kahlo Museum - known colloquially as the Blue House - has also been exhibited outside of Mexico with overwhelming success. Much has been written about Frida Kahlo. WBOOKS wanted to create a book that would be different from existing publications, not only in terms of content but also in terms of design. It contains some 50 of Frida Kahlo's paintings and drawings, as well as personal attributes such as clothing, her sunglasses, her Revlon lipstick and the corsets and prostheses that she had to wear due to a serious accident at a young age. This publication is a fascinating extension of the exhibition Viva la Frida! in The Netherlands. It not only celebrates and delves into Kahlo's life and art by colourfully displaying her photographs and home; her self-expression and self-fashioning and her artistic influences. It also goes beyond the artist, acknowledging the pop culture icon she is today, by exploring her undeniable impact on art, fashion and music
Musée de l'Orangerie du 9 octobre au 13 janvier 2014. in/4 broché, 181 pages. Illustrations en couleurs.
"Catalogue officiel de l'exposition "Frida Kahlo et Diego Rivera, L'art en fusion" au musée de l'Orangerie du 9 octobre au 13 janvier 2014. Si Frida Kahlo (1907-1954) est aujourd'hui l'une des artistes les plus connues et les plus populaires de l'art mexicain du XXe siècle, c'est bien sûr grâce à sa personnalité et à l'originalité d'une oeuvre qui échappe à toute tentative de classification. L'oeuvre est ici avant tout l'expression du récit d'une vie. Vie tragique et tumultueuse, échappant à son tour à toute convention, connue dans le moindre détail et récemment portée à l'écran, faisant d'elle une véritable icône. La seule évocation de son nom soulève enthousiasme et admiration, pourtant son œuvre est peu montrée. Sa production artistique, quelque 200 oeuvres, n'a fait l'objet que de quelques rares expositions en Europe. Exposée pour la première fois en France, dans l'un de ses musées les plus prestigieux, la sélection proposée par le musée Olmedo, d'environ 38 oeuvres, inclut des oeuvres qui ont contribué à la renommée internationale de l'artiste, comme les autoportraits, parmi lesquels le très célèbre Autoportrait à la colonne brisée. La vie et l'oeuvre de Frida Kahlo sont indissociables de celles de son compagnon Diego Rivera (1886-1957). Ils sont entrés ensemble dans la légende et figurent tous deux au panthéon des artistes mexicains du XXe siècle. Célèbre pour ses grandes peintures murales, les peintures de chevalet, dessins, lithographies, qui constituent une part importante de sa production, sont moins connues du grand public en Europe. Le propos de l'exposition est de retracer son cheminement artistique, depuis les premières oeuvres cubistes, témoignages de ses liens avec le milieu artistique parisien, jusqu'à celles qui firent de lui le fondateur de l'école mexicaine du XXe siècle. L'exposition est une invitation à découvrir les multiples facettes de l'art de Rivera dont les voyages à travers l'Europe, ont nourri sa vision et son répertoire sans l'éloigner de ses racines. Il s'inscrira ainsi dans l'histoire comme le fondateur de l'école nationaliste. L'originalité de l'exposition consacrée au couple mythique incarné par Diego Rivera et Frida Kahlo consiste à présenter leurs oeuvres ensemble, comme pour confirmer leur divorce impossible, effectif dans les faits mais aussitôt remis en question après une seule année de séparation. Elle permettra aussi de mieux entrevoir leurs univers artistiques, si différents, mais également si complémentaires, par cet attachement commun et viscéral à leur terre mexicaine : cycle de la vie et de la mort, révolution et religion, réalisme et mysticisme, ouvriers et paysans."
JG Press 2004 LISEZ Bien avant de commander : In-4, pleine toile noire, sous jaquette illustrée, d’un autoportrait de Frida sur fond vert. 128 pp.photographies pleines pages majoritairement en couleurs, En anglais. Très bon état d’occasion.
Frida Kahlo ne peignait pas ses rêves, mais sa réalité. Illustrated by more than 90 of her paintings as well as many rare black-and-white and color photographs. Salomon Crimberg's "Frida Kahlo includes an insightful biography of this fascinating and complex artist. Très bon état d’occasion