Catalogue d'exposition, Réunion des Musées nationaux, 2003, 142 pp., broché, bon état.
Reference : 59960
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Guardiola, Pascal Torres: Mémoires du Visible. Cuivres et Estampes de la Chalcographie du Louvre. Exhibition: Paris, Musée du Louvre, 2003. 144pp with 3 colour and 91 monochrome illustrations. Wrappers. 30x21cms. The Louvre's collection comprises over 13,000 engraved copper plates and was founded by Colbert in 1660. Thus this survey of the collection traces the history and development of engravings, etchings and the early printed book from the reign of Louis XIV to the present. With index of artists. Text in French.
The Louvre's collection comprises over 13,000 engraved copper plates and was founded by Colbert in 1660. Thus this survey of the collection traces the history and development of engravings, etchings and the early printed book from the reign of Louis XIV to the present. With index of artists. Text in French
1 volume in-4° broché, 142 p., illustrations. Très bon état.
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Exposition organisée par le musée du Louvre Juin à Novembre 2002. Réunion des Musées Nationaux. 2003
Bon état