‎Jonston, J.‎
‎Historia naturalis.‎

‎1650-1665 Plate number 1 depicting numerous snakes, among which a two-headed one. It is not clear from which edition this plate originated hence the date can vary between 1650 and 1665. Waterstain in right margin. In all Johnston published 10 plates with with snakes (numbered 1-10). ‎

Reference : VR03612


€22.00 (€22.00 )
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Hermann L. Strack
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5 book(s) with the same title


Reference : 28192


‎Historiæ Naturalis de Piscibus et Cetis Libri V. Cum æneis figuris. + Historiæ Naturalis De Exanguibus Aquaticis Libri IV. Cum figuris Æneis.‎

‎Amstelodami (Amsterdam), Johannes Jacobi Schipperi, 1657. Folio. Bound in one later (ca. 1800) hcalf w. marbled boards, uncut. Back w. six raised bands and coloured title-labels. Hinges, capitals and corners w. traces of use. First 12 leaves of ""De Piscibus"" w. repair to lower margin (ca. 4 x 10 cm. and decreasing) w. waterstaining around it, neither repair nor waterstaining affecting text or illustrations. Otherwise internally nice and clean. Engr. t-p. and 48 engr. plates (most of them depicting between 7 and 20 animals that live in water), 5, (3), 160 pp. (De Piscibus) + woodcut title-vignette and 20 engr. plates (most of them depicting between 10 and 20 shell-fish etc.), 58, (2) pp.‎

‎Second edition of both works. The ""Exanguibus Aquaticis"" is in accordance with Nissen's description of the second edition (Nissen 2134), the second edition of the ""De Piscibus"", however, is described in Nissen without year and as containing 47 plates, as the first edition, whereas this copy has 48 plates (all numbered), place and printer are the same. The first editions were both printed in Frankfurt in 1650. Johnston (1603 - 1675) was born in Poland and of Scottish descend, he was primarily a medic and natural historian. His works are usually seen as compilations of information with no personal judgment accompanying it. None the less his works of natural history were of great importance to the growing interest in this field of the time. ""For example four of his dictionary-style works on fish, birds, quadrupeds, and insects -published between 1650 and 1653 with excellent illustrations- were widely read and translated"" (D.S.B. VII:164). Though he relied a lot on the writings of others (e.g. those of Aldrovandi), his works became of great importance, first of all because of their new educational approach, but they were also of paramount importance to the development of natural history in Japan. The first collected edition in Dutch of the Historia Naturalis published at Amsterdam in 1660, was presented as a gift to the Japanese ruler Shogun Yoshimune. It was the only source of knowledge of western natural history in Japan, until in 1750. ""Jonston's writings were a useful contribution to seventeenth-century thought, although he was not in the forefront of changing concepts of the time."" (D.S.B. VII:165).These two works are the separate volumes three and four of Johnston's six-volume work ""Historia Naturalis"". All the beautifully executed plates are by Merian, who printed the first edition. Wood mentions this 1657-edition as the ""editio princeps"" (Wood p. 409). Nissen 2133 + 2134.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK25,000.00 (€3,353.05 )

‎John Johnston [Johannes Johnstone]‎

Reference : 2932


‎Hand-coloured Copper Engraving of Sheep from 'Historia Naturalis' ‎

‎Amsterdam Johann Jacob Schipper 1657 ‎

‎Single sheet from 'Historia Naturalis' published 1657 and engraved by Matthaus [Matthew] Merian. Beautifully hand-coloured, in excellent condition, under cream passe partout. This would look great framed. 295 x 180 mm (11œ x 7 inches).‎


Phone number : +33 7 84 03 12 53

EUR60.00 (€60.00 )

‎PISO, Willem et MARCGRAF, Georg‎

Reference : LCS-15505

‎Historia naturalis Brasiliae, Auspicio et Beneficio Illustriss. I. Mauritii com Nassav illius provinciae et maris summi praefecti adornata : in qua non tantum plantae et animalia, sed et indigenarum morbi, ingenia et motes describuntur et iconibus supra quingentas illustrantur. « The only illustrated work on Brazilian natural history »‎

‎Edition originale de « the only illustrated work on Brazilian natural history » (Borba de Moraes) ornée de 429 gravures sur bois. Batavorum, apud Franciscum Hackium et Amstelodami, apud Lud. Elzevirium, 1648.In-folio de (6) ff. y compris le frontispice gravé, I/ De medicina brasiliensi libri quatuor : 122 pp. et (1) f. d’index ; II/ Historiae rerum naturalium Brasiliae, libri octo : (4) ff., 293 pp. et (7) pp. d’index. Quelques rousseurs et qq. discrètes galeries de vers sans gravité. Relié en peau de truie estampée à froid sur ais de bois, dos à nerfs. Reliure de l'époque. 365 x 230 mm.‎

‎Édition originale de l’un des plus beaux livres du XVIIe siècle sur l’histoire naturelle du Brésil, ornée de 429 gravures sur bois dans le texte dépeignant la flore, la faune : animaux, poissons, insectes et des scènes de la vie quotidienne. Borba de Moraes 675-6 ; Garrison-Morton 2263-1 et 5303 ; Hunt 244 ; Nissen BBI 1533 ; Willems 1068 ; Leclerc 1634. L’éditeur Laet ajouta un chapitre sur le nord-est du Brésil et donna une description des indiens Tapuia et le vocabulaire Tupi. « Recueil estimé donnant un extrait de la grammaire Brésilienne du P. Joseph de Archieta et un vocabulaire Brésilien latin par En. De Moraes. » (Leclerc) “First edition of this ‘pioneer work on tropical medicine’ (Garrison-Morton) and of what was until the nineteenth century, ‘the only illustrated work on Brazilian natural history’ (Borba de Moraes)”. Guillaume Pison accompagna le prince de Nassau dans son voyage au Brésil, emmenant avec lui deux jeunes savants allemands, Marggrav et Kranitz, pour l’aider dans ses recherches d’histoire naturelle. Les découvertes de Pison et Marggrav furent publiées par Laet sous le titre commun de ‘Historia naturalis Brasiliae’, Leyde, 1648, un vol. in-fol. L’ouvrage de Marggrav forme plus des deux tiers du volume. De medicina Brasiliensi libri quatuor, tel est le titre spécial de l’ouvrage de Pison. Le premier livre traite de l’atmosphère et de la nature du pays en général ; le deuxième des maladies endémiques ; le troisième, des poisons et des remèdes, avec neuf dessins ; le quatrième, plus considérable que les trois autres ensemble, des vertus des plantes, avec cent dix dessins. Pison a fait connaitre plus de cent plantes nouvelles, et il est un de ceux qui ont donné les premiers détails un peu étendus sur la canne à sucre et la fabrication du sucre. Nous devons surtout rappeler que c’est lui et Marggrav qui ont les premiers rapporté en Europe et décrit l’Ipecacuanba (Psychotria emetica), qui fut dès lors adopté en médecine. Enfin, son style n’est pas indigne de cette belle période de la latinité moderne. Précieux exemplaire d’une grande pureté conservé dans sa superbe reliure en peau de truie estampée à froid sur ais de bois.‎


Phone number : 01 42 84 16 68

EUR27,000.00 (€27,000.00 )

‎Rudolphi, C.A.‎

Reference : IO14804


‎Entozoorum, sive vermium intestinalium historia naturalis / Entozoorum Synopsis.‎

‎1808-1819 3 vols (in 4). xxvi, 527, [2], 457, [1]; xii, 386, x, 808 p., 12, 3 engraved (and several tinted with grey water paint) pls, new, plain hcalf (no labels) with marbled boards. Some parts with scattered foxing, one part with faint waterstain in first and last pages.Rare and complete set of the only edition of Karl Asmund Rudolph's (1771-1832) system of helminthology, especially rare with the often lacking Synopsis volume. Nordenskiold (p.353): "His work, Entozoorum historia naturalis, has so considerably widened the knowledge of intestinal worms which Pallas founded that all subsequent research has been based on it; this work is the result of investigations into numerous germ-carrying animals and gives detailed accounts of the appearance and conditions of life of the parasites existing in them. Through this work the number of known species of intestinal parasites has tripled."‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR500.00 (€500.00 )

‎Plinii Secundi. - Pline le Jeune. - Barbaro, Ermolao.‎

Reference : 29387

‎C. Plinii Secundi Opus Divinum, cui Titulus Historia naturalis. multoqua antehac unqua prodijt in luce castigatius, una cu annotationibus Hermolai Barbari. Ac sincero exemplari eruditoru hominu, ex quo nonnulla etja marginibus adscripta sunt. Adiectus est ad maiorem bone indolis utilitatem index notis Arithmeticis illustratus, nunc exactior multo atq; locupletior quam antea, quo Plinius ipse politus citra lassitudinem, & intelligi queat & teneri. Relié à la suite: Index inuniversum naturalis historiae C. Plinii opus, summa diligentia Collectum. Petrus Grationopolitanus Pliniane hystorie ingenuis cultoribus. S. P. D.‎

‎ Paris, Veneut a Ponceto le Preux in via Iacobea sub intersignio Lupi 1526, 345x215mm, reliure haies de bois, dos à cinq nerfs en daim, pièce de titre manuscrite, plats recouvert de feuille de papier, deux pages de titre avec encadrement gravure sur bois, lettrines gravées sur bois, aucune annotation, une seul inscription au bas de la page de titre principal “Deslandes 1656”, mouillures au bord des dernière feuilles.Collophon de l’index Parisis per Nicolaum Vavetier, in Vico Carmelitarum... Anno 1526 Octobris. ‎

‎ in-folio, 1 f. de titre, 16 ff., 536 pages numérotation romaine, 95 ff. (index), Pour un paiement via PayPal, veuillez nous en faire la demande et nous vous enverrons une facture PayPal‎

Phone number : 41 26 323 23 43

CHF750.00 (€803.90 )
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