1984 102 p., 52 figs, 9 col. pls, paperbound. In Dutch.Gives an overview of all species.
Reference : MM23574
Hermann L. Strack
M. Hermann L. Strack
Porzh Herve
22780 Loguivy Plougras
Verser vos paiements sur notre compte Français: Crédit Agricole des Côtes-d’Armor, Payable à Belle Isle en Terre; Code établissement 12206; code guichet 00200; numéro compte 88070219001; clé R.I.B. 52. Ou envoyez votre cheque à: Hermann Strack, Porzh Hervé, 22780 Loguivy Plougras, Côtes d'Armor, France. Paiement par carte, nous contacter. Les livres seront expédiés le plus vite possible après la recette du montant dû. Veuillez toujours indiquer le numéro de facture! Les livres peuvent être retournés dans les 7 jours de leurs réception sous réserve de notification préalable. Les livres doivent être en bonne condition et bien emballés.
2002 60 p., num. figs & col. pls, 4to, paperbound.Five contributions on Strombidae: Raven, Notes on Molluscs from Borneo 1. Strombidae / Kronenberg & Burger, On the subdivision of recent Tibia-like gastropods / Kronenberg & Vermeij, Terestrombus and Tridentarius, new genera of Indo-Pacific Strombidae / Kronenberg, Revision of Euprotomus.
1981-1986 102 p., 52 figs, 10 col. pls, in ringbinder. Published in: Vita Marina. Includes a few smaller papers/notes on Strombidae published in Vita Marina. In Dutch.Added is: Goud & Kronenberg, 1988. Xenophoridae. Een overzicht van alle recente voorkomende soorten (38 p., 44 figs). Vita Marina.
1885 309 p., 75 lithographed pls, contemporary hcalf (rebacked, worn - not an attractive binding). Library stamps (perforation stamp) and markings (ex Library State University of Iowa).A rare copy of this important monograph of these well known families that are very popular with shell collectors. The Terebridae have 12 plates, Cancellaridae 7, Strombidae 12, Cypraeidae (including Triviidae) 23, Pediculariidae and Ovuliidae 5, Doliidae 6, and Cassididae 10.Many species (including types) are here for the first time depicted. The First series of the Manual of Conchology is a great rarity. Only about 65 (of 250) copies were sold to the general public.
1885 309 p., 75 lithographed pls, somewhat later full cloth (spine with gilt title, date and lines). A very good, clean copy.A rare copy of this important monograph of these well known families that are very popular with shell collectors. The Terebridae have 12 plates, Cancellaridae 7, Strombidae 12, Cypraeidae (including Triviidae) 23, Pediculariidae and Ovuliidae 5, Doliidae 6, and Cassididae 10. The plates are grouped with each monograph, and not as usually all together at the end of the book.Many species (including types) are here for the first time depicted. The First series of the Manual of Conchology is a great rarity. Only about 65 (of 250) copies were sold to the general public.
2001 34 p., 37 figs (several full page-sized), stapled/wrappers. Veliger.