1860 [6], 116, 24 p., 4 figs, 7 pls, 1 dfolded tinted map, frontispiec, contemporary green embossed cloth. With ex libris and previous owner's name on half-title. The last 24 pages are a list of books for sale at the publishers (Longman, Green, Longman and Roberts). A good copy.
Reference : GE07950
Hermann L. Strack
M. Hermann L. Strack
Porzh Herve
22780 Loguivy Plougras
Verser vos paiements sur notre compte Français: Crédit Agricole des Côtes-d’Armor, Payable à Belle Isle en Terre; Code établissement 12206; code guichet 00200; numéro compte 88070219001; clé R.I.B. 52. Ou envoyez votre cheque à: Hermann Strack, Porzh Hervé, 22780 Loguivy Plougras, Côtes d'Armor, France. Paiement par carte, nous contacter. Les livres seront expédiés le plus vite possible après la recette du montant dû. Veuillez toujours indiquer le numéro de facture! Les livres peuvent être retournés dans les 7 jours de leurs réception sous réserve de notification préalable. Les livres doivent être en bonne condition et bien emballés.
London, (Spottiswoode for) Longman, Green, and Roberts, 1860, sm. in-8°, 8 p. + 116 p., with 6 text illustrations + 8 engraved plates + 1 folded clrd. map ,Sketch Map showing the course of the Glaciers of Snowdon...’ + 4 p. (publications), Pencilled note to half-title „Sur Abdrew Ramsay married my cousin Louisa WilliamsLlanfairynhornwy“ / Exlibris Peter E. Obergfell, O.-Clothbound, fine copy.
These pages originally appeared as one of the chapters in «Peaks, Passes, and Glaciers», by the members of the Alpine Club. This will account for the appearance of one or two brief passages not essential to the scientific bearing of the subject. Part one (p. 7-34, with 3 text illustrations) is on the old glaciers of Switzerland. This treatise is useful, not only to the geologist specially interested in the study of British glacial phenomena, but also in some degree to the less scientific tourist who explores the mountains and valleys of North Wales. Illustrated with engraved views and diagrams, and one large two-colour folding map ‘Sketch Map showing the course of the glaciers of Snowdon and its neighbourhood, by A.C. Ramsay’. not in Perret. Image disp.
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