1865-1867 iv, 128, iv, 122 p., 4to, later black cloth with gilt title on spine.Edited by B.D. Walsh. The first issue of this monthly was subtitled "Published...for gratuitous distribution among farmers and agriculturists. From the 6th issue it became "Published...for the dissemination of valuable knowledge among Agriculturists and Horticulturists". Remaining, to a large extent, a philantropical publication it folded after two volumes because of lack of funds. Stamp on front paste-down, endpapers and preliminary pages (with the table of contents) to volume I spotted, sections in volume II age-toned due to paper quality. Otherwise a good complete, rare original set. Horn-Schenkling II(V) p. 47.
Reference : EJ27890
Hermann L. Strack
M. Hermann L. Strack
Porzh Herve
22780 Loguivy Plougras
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1865-1867 iv, 128, iv, 122 p., 4to, near contemporary grained half calf over marbled boards. Gilt title on spine. Edges speckled. The first issue of this monthly was subtitled "Published...for gratuitous distribution among farmers and agriculturists. From the 6th issue it became "Published...for the dissemination of valuable knowledge among Agriculturists and Horticulturists". Remaining, to a large extent, a philantropical publication it folded after two volumes because of lack of funds. Small blindstamps on some leaf margins, bookplates on front and rear paste-down, rear hinge detached, otherwise a good complete, rare original set..