1956-1958 4 parts (complete). 199, 223, 123, 104 p., 6 figs, 2 plates, paperbound. Entomologische Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey. Band 7 (Heft 1-2) & Band 9 (Heft 1 & 3).Contains many other smaller papers on Coleoptera (in all 1608 p.), and a few larger papers like: Bechyné, Reise des Herrn G. Frey in Südamerika: Galerucidae (Phytophaga) (118 p., 26 figs) / Kulzer, Monographie der südamerikanische Tribus Praocini (Tenebrionidae) (105 p., 13 figs) / Haaf, Uber die systematik, Verbreitung und Schädlichkeit der Blosyrus-Arten der aethiopischen und madagassischen Region (Curc.) (132 p., 74 figs, 3 maps).Georg Frey (1902-1976) was a wealthy businessman and a entomologist working on Scarabaeidae. Frey was able to create (in 1950) his own Coleoptera museum, the Museum G. Frey, which was the world's largest private collection of beetles (three million specimens, approximately 150.000 species, including 20.000 types!). Frey also began the journal Entomologische Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey, which was published in 56 volumes. The last one was published in 1987.
Reference : EC34981
Hermann L. Strack
M. Hermann L. Strack
Porzh Herve
22780 Loguivy Plougras
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1956 199 + 223, 118, 51 p., 26 figures 2, 2 plates, paperbound. Entomologische Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey. Band 7(1-2). Includes also several smaller papers by Scheerpeltz, Frey, Kulzer, Uhmann, Voss, Jeannel, Petrovitz etc. (in all 893 pages).Georg Frey (1902-1976) was a wealthy businessman and a entomologist working on Scarabaeidae. Frey was able to create (in 1950) his own Coleoptera museum, the Museum G. Frey, which was the world's largest private collection of beetles (three million specimens, approximately 150.000 species, including 20.000 types!). Frey also began the journal Entomologische Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey, which was published in 56 volumes. The last one was published in 1987.