1864 204 p., 105 text figures., 5 hand-coloured plates, roy. 4to, contemporary red half morocco (two upper corner ends worn, else good), spine with five raised bands, gilt title, rich gilt ornaments. Deals with material collected by Alfred Russel Wallace and others. Many species are described as new. Published in the Transactions, vol. 24. Bookplate on the front pastedown. Repair to one leaf, light spotting to the first few text pages, otherwise good copy in an attractive period binding.
Reference : EC27565
Hermann L. Strack
M. Hermann L. Strack
Porzh Herve
22780 Loguivy Plougras
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1864 Plates 32-36, loose. Published in: Transactions of the Linnean Society of London. Five beautiful, partly handcoloured, pls. No text, plates only.