Editions Plume Editions Plume, Kodak Professional, 1999, 235 p., cartonnage éditeur sous jaquette, environ 33x26cm, quelques déchirures sans maque et frottements en bordure de jaquette, bon état pour le reste.
Reference : 98772
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Reference : bd-422e9e8a77cc57ba
"""Russian Journalism. I. The Sixties. Compilation edited and co-authored by V. Polyansky, D. Mitrokhin, Region and Superb./Russkaya zhurnalistika. I. Shestidesyatye gody. Sbornik pod red. i s pred. V. Polyanskogo, obl. i superobl. D. Mitrokhina. Russian Journalism. I. The Sixties. Sbornik ed and c. V. Polyansky, Moscow; L.: Academia, 1930. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUbd--422e9e8a77cc57ba."""
, Bulfinch, 1993 Paperback, 176 pages, ENG. edition, 275 x 275 x 20 mm, In Very Good Condition, Full Page Photographs in colour / b/w. ISBN 9780821220566.
Linda McCartney's Sixties is an enduring testimony to the optimism and spontaneity of the music of the times. She was at the heart of it all, photographing the Doors' first New York performance, sitting in on the Who's rehearsals and Cream's recording sessions. She went clubbing with Eric Burdon, and was Jimi Hendrix's close confidante. She became, she said, "like a band member whose chosen instrument was the camera." Her work took her on tour with Blue Cheer and the Yardbirds; to Los Angeles and San Francisco to photograph the Beach Boys and the vulnerability of Janis Joplin; and finally to London to the Beatles' Sgt. Pepper launch, where she met and fell in love with Paul McCartney. For the first time Linda McCartney has collected the best of these photographs - most of which have never been published - into a lavish compilation that gives a unique an personal view of the people, the places, and the time. Accompanied by an illuminating text that is both documentary and intimate, they offer a portrait of the sixties unlike any other.
Paris, Plasma, 1981. In-4 broché, couverture illustrée, (coins fatigués), 167 pages. Edition originale de cette histoire du début des années yé-yè (le Golf Drouot, Les Pirates, Vince Taylor, Frank Alamo, Ronnie Bird, etc). Remarquable iconographie (photographies de Jean-Louis Rancurel et Bob Lampard).
Reference : bd-2355ba4e4482dd48
"The sixties: M.A. Antonovich. Memories; G.Z. Eliseev. Memories./Shestidesyatye gody: M.A. Antonovich. Vospominaniya; G.Z. Eliseev. Vospominaniya. M.; L.: Academia, 1933. 578, 5 p., 14 l.;. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUbd-2355ba4e4482dd48."
Reference : albfb4ddfd8dd66c29e
Sixties porcelain. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Farfor shestidesyatnikov. M. Bonfi 2012. 172 p. SKUalbfb4ddfd8dd66c29e.