Minuit 1990 Editions de Minuit, Coll. Critique, 178 p., 1990, broché, bon état.
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1985 Mercatorfonds Hardcover As New
Flandre et Angleterre. L'influence des Pays-Bas sur l'Angleterre des Tudors et des Stuarts hard cover avec jacquette ,305 x 235 mm,401 pp, état superieur
1994 Electa Soft cover 1st Edition
A Influencia oriental na ceramica portuguesa do Se?culo XVII =: Oriental influence on 17th Century Portuguese ceramics : Museu Nacional do Azulejo soft cover, 28 x 25 cm, 161 p, english/portugues text, illustrated, very good condition
Paris 1860 Ambroise Bray Hardcover
Saint Vincent de Paul, sa vie, son temps, ses oeuvres, son influence avec cachet du monastère d'Essen (Belgique) couverture rigide, reliure demi-cuir vert avec impression dorée sur le dos, 472 pages, 22 x 15 cm, en très bon état
1985 Mercatorfonds Soft cover As New
Flandre et Angleterre, l Influence des pays-Bas sur l Angleterre des Tudors et des Stuarts hard cover avec jacquette et cassette, 310 x 235 mm, 400 pp, état superieur
, Brepols, 2020 Paperback, x + 243 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:1 b/w, 1 maps b/w, Language: English. ISBN 9782503590363.
Summary This work explores a second-century text, the Protevangelium Iacobi, and, by examining current scholarship on the subject, assesses the way it has influenced the Christian perception of women and the ordering of their lives through the centuries down to the present day. It demonstrates how Mary, as she is presented in this text with extreme and unreal emphasis on her purity, has been held up as an unattainable model for all Christian women and takes as a case study the lives of contemplative women in the Roman Catholic church, showing how the image of Mary impossibly secluded in the temple has been partly responsible for their enclosure. By exploring the way female biological processes have been allowed to intrude on the sacred, tracing this influence from the Old Testament, through this text and its connection with Mary to the present day, it argues that this has been a significant factor in the denial of presbyteral ordination to women in some Christian churches. One of the original features of this work is the tracing of art work depicting scenes from the text across the Christian world, thus demonstrating the breadth of its influence, right down to New Age writings today. TABLE OF CONTENTS Part I: Questions of Influence Chapter 1: Prolegomena: Locating ourselves and our Questions and the Protevangelium Jacobi: 'Joachim searched the records of the twelve tribes of Israel' Chapter 2: Introducing the Protevangelium Jacobi: authorship, genre, provenance, dating, sources, purpose: 'All the while, I was glorifying God who gave me the wisdom to write this history.' Part II: Aspects of Influence Chapter 3: The Influence of the Protevangelium on Mariology and Asceticism: 'A virgin has given birth!' Chapter 4: The Influence of the Protevangelium on the Concept of [Woman in the] Sacred Space: 'her heart will never be led away from the temple of the Lord' Chapter 5: The Influence of the Protevangelium on Concepts of Ritual Purity: 'lest she defile the sanctuary of the Lord' Part III: Means of Influence Chapter 6: The Influence of the Protevangelium on the Sanctoral Cycle of the Church's Liturgy: 'thou shall not walk on this earth until I bring thee into the Temple of the Lord'. Chapter 7: The Influence of the Protevangelium on the Artistic and Iconographic Tradition: 'he set her down on the third step of the altar and she danced with her feet?' Conclusion: Consequences of Influence: Chapter 8: The Influence of the Protevangelium Jacobi on the lives of women: 'Anna, you will conceive and give birth, and your child will be talked about all over the world.' Appendix I: The Influence of the Protevangelium on the Cult of Mary in the martyrological tradition: 'and the Lord God poured grace upon her?and every house in Israel loved her.' Appendix II: The Influence of the Protevangelium on the Popular Cult of Mary: 'your child will be talked about all over the world.'