‎Kapoor, Anish:‎

‎Berlin, Deutsche Guggenheim. 2008. 31x18,5 cm. 125 S. Mit vielen teils farbigen Abbildungen. Originalpappband mit Ausstanzung auf dem Vorderdeckel.‎

Reference : 58389BB

‎Erschien zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung. Mit Texten in Deutsch von Henri Lustiger-Thaler, Sandhini Poddar, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Steven Holl, Christopher Hornzee-Jones.‎

€48.23 (€48.23 )
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5 book(s) with the same title

‎V ronique Decaix, Christina Thomsen Th rnqvist (eds)‎

Reference : 65078

‎Memory and Recollection in the Aristotelian Tradition. Essays on the Reception of Aristotle's De memoria et reminiscentia‎

‎, Brepols, 2021 Hardback, 266 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Language(s):English, French. ISBN 9782503593128.‎

‎Summary Aristotle's De memoria et reminiscentia (?On Memory and Recollection?) is the oldest surviving systematic study of the nature of human memory. Forming part of Aristotle's other minor writings on psychology that were intended as a supplement to his De anima (?On the Soul?) and known under the collective title Parva naturalia, Aristotle's De memoria et reminiscentia gave rise to a vast number of commentaries in the Middle Ages. The present volume offers new knowledge on the medieval understanding of Aristotle's theories on memory and recollection across the linguistic traditions including the Byzantine Greek, Latin and Arabic reception. TABLE OF CONTENTS Christina Thomsen Th rnqvist, Preface V ronique Decaix, Introduction Mika Per l , Aristotle's Three Questions about Memory Alexandra Michalewski, Writing in the Soul. On Some Aspects of Recollection in Plotinus Tommaso Alpina, Retaining, Remembering, Recollecting. Avicenna's Account of Memory and Its Sources Carla Di Martino, M moire, repr sentation et signification chez Averro s. Une proposition de lecture Jo l Chandelier, Memory, Avicenna and the Western Medical Tradition Julie Brumberg-Chaumont, The First Latin Reception of the De memoria et reminiscentia: Memory and Recollection as Apprehensive Faculties or as Moving Faculties? V ronique Decaix, What Is Memory of? Albert the Great on the Proper Object of Memory Sten Ebbesen, Memory Is of the Past Christina Thomsen Th rnqvist, Aristotle and His Early Latin Commentators on Memory and Motion in Sleep Dafni Argyri, The Byzantine Reception of Aristotle's De memoria Bibliography Index‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR80.00 (€80.00 )

‎David Defries‎

Reference : 65936

‎From Sithiu to Saint-Bertin. Hagiographic Exegesis and Collective Memory in the Early Medieval Cults of Omer and Bertin‎

‎, Brepols, 2019 Hardback, xiii + 340 pages, Size:152 x 229 mm, Illustrations:3 maps b/w, Language: English. ISBN 9780888442192.‎

‎Summary Medieval historians who have explored the abbey of Sithiu (modern Saint-Omer) have often done so to explain the competition between the canons of Saint-Omer and the monks of Saint-Bertin, a rivalry deriving from their shared origins in the abbey of Sithiu. However, David Defries's book centers on the cooperative relationship that developed between the saints Omer and Bertin in the monks' collective memory. Throughout the early Middle Ages, the cults of the abbey's two patron saints shaped the life of the community at Sithiu, and the first four centuries of its development reveal how a group of monks negotiated their place in the larger Christian West, adapting Columbanian and Benedictine identities to fit the relationship they discerned between Omer and Bertin. The evolution of Sithiu's collective memory demonstrates that the methods used in most studies of early medieval collective memory produce a distorted image of the partnership. Historians overwhelmingly assume that collective memory has a narrative structure and that the texts meant to shape its evolution are "historiographic" in form. In contrast, David Defries treats Sithiu's historiography as a type of scriptural exegesis that emphasizes the allegorical levels, especially typology and tropology, of the Christian scriptural hermeneutic. Paradigm, not narration, structured early medieval Christian allegory and thus early medieval collective memory at the abbey. This argument has broad implications for the study of early medieval collective memory. The intellectual culture of Sithiu was typical of the early medieval West, and all the texts considered date between c. 740 and c. 1148, situating them in a period when writers trained in monasteries like Sithiu produced the vast majority of western European literature. From Sithiu to Saint-Bertin may thus be seen as a preliminary case study for the value of paradigmatic approaches to early medieval memory.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR95.00 (€95.00 )

‎J rg Glauser, Pernille Hermann (eds)‎

Reference : 65413

‎Myth, Magic, and Memory in Early Scandinavian Narrative Culture. Studies in Honour of Stephen A. Mitchell‎

‎, Brepols, 2021 Hardback, 456 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:17 b/w, 19 col., 5 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN 9782503589879.‎

‎Summary Myth, magic, and memory have together formed important, and often intertwined, elements to recent studies in the narrative culture of Viking-Age and Medieval Scandinavica. Analytical approaches to myth (prominent in the fields of history of religion, archaeology, language, and literature, and central to studies of visual cultures up to modern times), magic (drawing on a wealth of Norse folkloric and supernatural material that derives from pre-modern times and continues to impact on recent practices of performance and ritual), and memory (the concept of how we remember and actively construe the past) together combine to shed light on how people perceived the world around them. Taking the intersection between these diverse fields as its starting point, this volume draws together contributions from across a variety of disciplines to offer new insights into the importance of myth, magic, and memory in pre-modern Scandinavia. Covering a range of related topics, from supernatural beings to the importance of mythology in later national historiographies, the chapters gathered here are written to honour the work of Stephen A. Mitchell, professor of Scandinavian Studies and Folklore at Harvard University, whose research has heavily influenced this multi-faceted field. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Illustrations Foreword Part I - Myth and Legend Same Place, Different Time: Temporal Aspects of Imagined Landscapes in Some Northern Contexts - JOHN LINDOW Jarl, Konr, and inn in R gs ula - JENS PETER SCHJ DT 'I remember giants': Mythological Remembering through V?lusp - CAROLYNE LARRINGTON AND JUDY QUINN On Rereading Oddr nargr tr - JOSEPH HARRIS The Agency in F?r Sc rnis - Subjects, Objects, and Diff rance. A Subversive Reading - LUKAS R SLI The Threat of Induced Desire in Sk rnism l - RICHARD COLE Part II - Magic and Folklore Enchantments, Spells, and Curses: The Sorcery of Stories and the Magic in Them - MARIA TATAR Trolls in the Mill: The Supernatural Stakes of Waterpower - MERRILL KAPLAN A Prophylactic Pig, a Long-Lost Hunter, and the Recording of Oral Tradition - JOSEPH FALAKY NAGY A Male Cinderella and a Sea-Serpent's Teeth: Scandinavian Echoes in an Orkney Folk-Tale - SARAH K NZLER Axe on the Water. A Unique Magical Ritual in Lj svetninga saga - TERRY GUNNELL 'In the Name of the 7 fatherless devils?': Pain, Fear, Anger and Revenge in Magical Practice - ANE OHRVIK Lessons in Magic: Making Use of Early Twentieth-Century Accounts of Magical Procedures in the Folklore Classroom - THOMAS A. DUBOIS A Conspiracy of Witches - TIMOTHY R. TANGHERLINI Part III - Memory and Reception Metaphors for Forgetting and Forgetting as Metaphor in Old Norse Poetics - KATE HESLOP Olavifications. Spatial and Temporal Formations of Trondheim as a Memory Place - LENA ROHRBACH The Middle Ages in the Construction of Nineteenth-Century Norway - ARNE BUGGE AMUNDSEN History and Cultural Memory in the Icelandic Annals 1400-1800 - AGNES S. ARN RSD TTIR Assembling Memory: The Questionnaire of 1817 from Den kongelige Commission til Oldsagers Opbevaring and the Origins of Icelandic Romantic Nationalism - SHAUN F. D. HUGHES The 'Asgard' Superphylum and Lokiarcheaota: Mythic Relapse in Evolutionary Biology - KIMBERLEY C. PATTON Part IV - Influence and Interaction OGu vergildi and V lde in Etelhem, Gotland - STEFAN BRINK The Judensau in Uppsala - ANDERS ANDR N The Devil is Awake. Pre-Reformation Church Murals in Post-Reformation Danish Churches - LOUISE NYHOLM KALLESTRUP A Female Job and a Witch. High and Low in Leonora Christina Ulfeldt's Jammers minde - PERNILLE HERMANN O'Brazile: The Short Textual Life of a Floating Island in Seventeenth-Century Scandinavian Book History - J RG GLAUSER Geijer och Eddornas 'sinnebildsspr k' - LARS L NNROTH List of Stephen A. Mitchell's Selected Publications Index‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR105.00 (€105.00 )

‎Marco Ramazzotti (ed)‎

Reference : 64924

‎Historical and Cultural Memory of the Babylonian World. Collecting Fragments from the 'Centre of the World'‎

‎, Brepols, 2022 Paperback, viii + 193 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:28 b/w, 5 col., 2 tables b/w., 2 maps b/w, 1 maps color, Language: English. ISBN 9782503595368.‎

‎Summary In the study of the ancient world, Babylon can be considered as the most impressive representation, historically, archaeologically, and in literature, of urbanism in the Near East. This first example of an urban centre and its cultural heritage ? both tangible and intangible ? provides a focal point for discussions of historical and cultural memory in the region. The eleven contributions gathered here draw together multidisciplinary research into Babylonian culture, exploring the epistemic foundations, contacts, resilience, and cultural transmission of the city and its milieu from ancient times up until the modern day. Through this approach, this volume is able to support conversations concerning the historical and cultural memory of Babylon and promote a dialogue that cuts across, and unites, both cultures and academic disciplines. TABLE OF CONTENTS Section I. The Epistemic Foundation of the Historical and Cultural Memory of Babylon The Historical and Cultural Memory of Babylon: Collecting Fragments of the 'Centre of the World' ? MARCO RAMAZZOTTI Babylon as Seen by Babylonians ? FRANCIS JOANN S Traces of Babylon in the Old Testament ? ALESSANDRO CATASTINI Section II. Semantic Waves in the Historical and Cultural Memory of Babylon The View of Babylon in Hittite Texts ? RITA FRANCIA The Perception of Babylonia in the Historical Memory of the Assyrians between Evocation and Negation, and its Reflections in the Urbanization of the Imperial Seats ? RITA DOLCE From Plains to Mountains: Literary and Cultural Models between Mesopotamia and Urar?u ? ROBERTO DAN and MARIE-CLAUDE TR MOUILLE The 'Mesopotamian Connection': An Overview of South Arabian Data Relating to Mesopotamia (1st Millennium BCE) ? ALESSIO AGOSTINI A 'Persian conception of urbanism' as Seen from the Results of New Field Researches in Fars (Southern Iran) ? PIERFRANCESCO CALLIERI Section III. The Literary Form of Cultural Memory of Babylon Reversing and Reinventing the Centre of the World: Iranian and Zoroastrian Perception of the Old Babylon ? GIANFILIPPO TERRIBILI Receiving Knowledge of the Past: Narratives of Babylon in the Medieval Arabic Culture ? LEONARDO CAPEZZONE Untranslatable Babel: A Quick Glance at the Contemporary Reception of the Biblical Myth ? GIOVANNI GRECO‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR75.00 (€75.00 )

Reference : bd-7e96ac48ec76576

‎Nabokov, B. Memory, Talk. Nabokov, V. Speak, Memory. An Autobiography Revisited‎

‎Nabokov, B. Memory, Talk. Nabokov, V. Speak, Memory. An Autobiography Revisited. New York: G.P. Putnams Sons, 19/Nabokov, V. Pamyat, govori. Nabokov, V. Speak, Memory. An Autobiography Revisited. Na angl. yaz. Nyu-York: G.P. Putnams Sons, 19 Nabokov, B. Memory, Talk. Nabokov, V. Speak, Memory. An Autobiography Revisited. New York: G.P. Putnam Sons, 1966. 316 p., 8 l., 22 - 14.5 sm. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUbd-7e96ac48ec76576.‎

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