Paris, Galerie Denise René, Octobre - Novembre 1957. 4°. 12 p. Avec 9 illustrations en noir, dont 5 en pleine page. Broché.
Reference : 57505AB
Catalogue tiré à 1100 exemplaires. - Avec un texte de Josef Albers, Jean Arp, Will Grohmann et Franz Roh.
Daniel Thierstein, Livres anciens
Daniel Thierstein
Gerechtigkeitsgasse 60
3011 Bern
+41 313 123 711
Conformes aux usages de la librairie ancienne et moderne, tous les ouvrages sont complets et en bon état, sauf mention contraire. Les prix indiqués sont nets, les frais d’expédition sont à la charge du destinataire et seront précisés au moment de la commande. Les commandes peuvent être transmises par téléphone, par correspondance et par courriel.
, W BOOKS, 2022 Hardcover, 208 pagina's, NL, 295 x 250 mm, Nieuw, met illustraties in kleur / z/w. ISBN 9789462585225.
In oktober 2022 presenteert Kunstmuseum Den Haag een grote tentoonstelling over het leven en werk van het kunstenaarsechtpaar Anni en Josef Albers. Na hun opleiding aan het Bauhaus in Duitsland groeiden zij in de Verenigde Staten uit tot pioniers van het modernisme. Josef Albers? onuitputtelijke experiment met kleur en vorm leidt tot zijn beroemde reeks Homage to the Square, terwijl Anni Albers wordt beschouwd als een van de grondleggers van de moderne textielkunst. Aan de hand van ruim 200 werken, bestaande uit schilderijen, textiel, grafiek, sculptuur, meubels en sieraden, demonstreert Kunstmuseum Den Haag hoe een gedeelde artistieke visie en overeenkomstige inspiratiebronnen in de hand van Anni en Josef Albers resulteerden in twee geheel verschillende, maar even belangwekkende oeuvres. De tentoonstelling en publicatie komen tot stand in nauwe samenwerking met The Josef en Anni Albers Foundation. Nicholas Fox Weber, directeur van de Foundation, en conservator Willem van Roij leveren een bijdrage aan de catalogus. Daarnaast bevat de publicatie artikelen van Frouke van Dijke en Caro Verbeek, conservatoren van Kunstmuseum Den Haag. Het rijk ge llustreerde Anni + Josef Albers biedt een heldere introductie op het leven en werk van Anni en Josef Albers, en staat uitgebreid stil bij de door hen gedeelde inspiratiebronnen als muziek en precolumbiaanse cultuur.
, silvana, 2013 HB, 280 x 240 mm, 288 pages,, 135 colour illustrations,ENG/ IT edition. ISBN 9788836625963.
Josef Albers (1888-1976) was one of the foremost geometric abstract artists of the twentieth century. He made his mark initially as an exceptionally graceful and competent figurative artist, always interested in economy of line and in precise articulation, determined to keep the personal out of his work while revealing the universal and timeless truths of earthly existence. While at the Bauhaus, where he was for longer than any other individual, Albers was elevated from the position of student to Master, and began to have a tremendous influence as an art teacher. That impact continued when, with his wife, the textile artist Anni Albers, he emigrated to the United States and began to teach at the experimental Black Mountain College. In 1970, Josef Albers was the first living American artist to have a solo retrospective exhibition at New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art, with the emphasis on his "Homages to the Square", a series of color paintings that he made until his death in 1976. Josef Albers: Spirituality and Rigor has been conceived by Nicholas Fox Weber, Executive Director of the Josef and Anni Albers Foundation, for the National Museum of Perugia to introduce a range of Josef's work that makes manifest his personal religiosity as well as his deep immersion in Catholicism. Weber knew Albers well, and has made a concerted effort with this exhibition to make manifest the spiritual aspect that underlies his art.
[Albers] ALBERS, Josef ; DANILOWITZ, Brenda ; LICHT, Fred ; FOX WEBER, Nicholas ; RYLANDS, Philip
Reference : 21654
ISBN : 0810968649
Guggenheim Museum 1994 In-4, cartonnage noir, sous jaquette illustrée, photographies en noir et en couleurs, 152 pp. En anglais. Bon état d’occasion, jaquette un peu sale.
Josef Albers est né le 19 mars 1888 à Bottrop (Allemagne) et mort le 26 mars 1976 à New Haven. Peintre et pédagogue de l'art, Josef Albers enseigna au Bauhaus d'octobre 1923 à avril 1933. Il est considéré comme un des initiateurs de l'art optique, ou Op art. Très bon état d’occasion
[Josef Albers] - Horowitz, Frederick A. and Brenda Danilowitz
Reference : 085371
ISBN : 9780714849652
Horowitz, Frederick A. and Brenda Danilowitz: Josef Albers: To Open Eyes. London: 2009. 288pp with 150 colour and 200 monochrome illustrations. Paperback. 29x25cms. With rare archival material included, this examination of Albers' life reveals his teaching methods at the Bauhaus, Black Mountain College and Yale, looking at his formative philosophies on art, life and the nature of perception through the first-hand accounts of over 150 students and colleagues. Includes a colour reproduction of his classic 1963 'Interaction of Color' taken from original press proofs.
With rare archival material included, this examination of Albers' life reveals his teaching methods at the Bauhaus, Black Mountain College and Yale, looking at his formative philosophies on art, life and the nature of perception through the first-hand accounts of over 150 students and colleagues. Includes a colour reproduction of his classic 1963 'Interaction of Color' taken from original press proofs. Text in English
, Thame and Hudson, 2018 Hardcover with dusjacket,. ISBN 9780500519103.
While Josef Albers' Bauhaus colleagues Klee and Kandinsky are household names, Albers himself has remained inscrutable. He is best known as the painter of the Homages to the Square, a series of over 2,000 seemingly tightly controlled experiments in the interaction of colour. Yet he did not begin these pictures until he was in his sixties, already several decades into his career as an artist, maker and theorist, much of it pursued in the United States following the Nazi dissolution of the Bauhaus in 1933. Misunderstanding of the Homages reflects a wider misreading of Albers' life and work. Married to the textile artist Anni Albers, his papers include letters from fellow artists John Cage, Robert Rauschenberg, Richard Serra and Eva Hesse; colleagues such as Buckminster Fuller and Philip Johnson; and fans and collectors ranging from the composer Virgil Thomson to the cartoonist Saul Steinberg. If his network of influence was surprisingly wide, so, too, were his interests. Albers started life at the Bauhaus as a glassmaker, ran their renowned wallpaper workshop, and designed furniture that is still in production eighty years later. He pioneered the study of colour at Black Mountain College, organized its famed Summer Sessions' with guest tutors from Willem de Kooning to Merce Cunningham, and went on to head the design department at Yale. Drawing on extensive unpublished writings, documents and illustrations, Darwent offers a broad view of not only the artistic and political currents, but also the friendships and rivalries that formed the backdrop to Albers' creative output.