‎Kaprow, Allan:‎
‎SOAP.Commissioned by Florida State University, Performed in Sarasota on February 3 and 4, 1965. Like the preceding work, this was first discussed in conference and then performed only once, without rehearsal and without spectators. Appropriate sites were chosen by the participants shortly before performance. Actions in parentheses are alternatives given to participants: either or both may be enacted - Originaltyposkript von Kaprow handschriftlich signiert. (dazu): ders.: Seife. Typoskriptdurchschlag der Übersetzung von Tomas Schmit.‎

‎(cC. 1966). Je 2 Seiten.‎

Reference : 52445BB

‎Sohm, Happening & Fluxus Materialien. - Originalskript. Druckvorlage für die geplante, aber nie erschienene Anthologie in der edition et. Der Text erschien gedruckt 1966 in der Sammlung "Some recent happenings" in der Something Else Press in der Reihe 'A Great Bear Pamphlet' S.12-13. - 1964 wurde der Text von Kaprow auf der Schallplatte "How to Make a Happening" vorgelesen. "A program is nothing more than a short list of situations or images jotted down on a few sheets of paper. Sometimes they have some notes attached at the end. These programs are sent out to a group of people that might be interested in participating. Those who are come to a meeting where the happening is discussed and the practical details of who does what and when are ironed out. Then, as soon as possible, the piece is put into action. (...) The program is just literature, not the happening themselve". (Kaprow in "How to make a Happening") zu diesem Text. - Dazu die deutsche Übersetzung von Tomas Schmit. - Die Blätter mit dem Originalscript mit Faltspuren und wenigen Flecken.‎

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