New York, Putnam, 1859, in-12o, vii+426+8 p. Some spots at the first pages margin, used cloth binding.
Reference : VO010
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.: 6. New York, Harper & Brothers, 1868, ( Seventh Year ) thick in-8°, xxiii pp + 661 pp (includes index) + approx. (160) pp publicity (mostly hotels, many with woodcut ills). + two large folding maps kept in purposely made slip-ins at beginning and end of the guide (the railway map of Europe with some tears which have been repaired with strokes of paper). Bound in publisher's black leather with a large overlapping which covers the book entirely, giving it the aspect of a portfolio or wallet. gilt title on spine and on the overlapping, marbled edges. The binding shows some wear espeically at the top and end of the spine, the slip-in at the rear end of the book is partially loose, on the whole still a reasonably good and complete copy of a rare American travel guide .