‎Clementis VIII. ‎
‎Caeremoniale Episcoporum, Clementis VIII. Primum, nunc denuo Innocentii Papae X. Auctoritate Recognitum, Omnibus Ecclesijs, praecipué autem Patriarchalibus Metropolitanis, Cathedralibus, & Collegiatis perutile, & neceesarium. Editio Prima in Belgio, multis Figuris Aeneis exornata.‎

‎Antwerpen, Apud Henricum & Cornelium Verdussen, 1713, folio, p. de title avec la marque d'imprimeur grave et (8)+367 p. et non 397 note a la derniere p. Tres nombreuses gravures sur cuivre, texte et lettrines, culs-de-lampe xulographies en noir et rouge, quelques notes de musique. Reliure plein veau contemp., plats avec usures decores d'une roulette fleurie, dos lisse orne avec p. de titre maroquin, le bloc de pages separe au milieu, tranches coloriees.‎

Reference : PH031


€1,200.00 (€1,200.00 )
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Librairie Ancienne Cerat
M. Jean Cerat
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1 book(s) with the same title


Reference : 19313

‎Caeremoniale Episcoporum, Clementis VIII. Primum, nunc denuo Innocentii Papae X. Auctoritate Recognitum, Omnibus Ecclesijs, praecipué autem Patriarchalibus Metropolitanis, Cathedralibus, & Collegiatis perutile, & neceesarium. Editio Prima in Belgio, multis Figuris Aeneis exornata...‎

‎18. Antwerpen, Apud Henricum & Cornelium Verdussen, 1713, in-folio, 36 x 24 cm, title with large engraved printer's mark + (8) + 367 pp (err.397), all pages printed in red & black with a typographical border consisting of a pair of fillets, with 68 copper-engravings 13 x 18 cm printed in the text, with wood-engraved initials. Contemporary full calf, raised back, some wear at top turn in but a solid binding. Apart from a marginal waterstain at the last 80 pp a good and clean copy. First edition in the Low Countries of an extremely rare illustrated liturgical manual for bishops. As there were at any given moment only a handfull of bishops in the Low Countries, one can imagine that this book was only printed in very low numbers. Nevertheless the publishers saw to it that the typographical execution and illustrations were up to the important use of this book.Three copper engravings are signed ''L.Cause sculpsit''.‎

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