‎Parisiis, Typis J. Barbou, 1761. In-16o, XXXVI+348 p. avec 3 grav. hors texte par Cochin et en-tetes xylogr. Rel. contemp. plein veau, dos droit dore. Humidite sur la partie haute des titres, qq notes au crayon aux p. de garde. Cohen 4, p. 455, Graesse VI, 241.‎

Reference : LI802


€70.00 (€70.00 )
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5 book(s) with the same title


Reference : K61369


‎Cornelii Nepotis ex libris scriptis editisque recensitus selectis interpretum commentariis novisque auctus curante J.B.F.Descuret (quae extant Opera) [Opera omnia]‎

‎Parisiis [Paris], Nicolaus Eligius Lemaire 1820 lxiii + 456pp.+ 2 engraved plates out-of-text, full-leather green binding (gilt deocrations and title on spine), 21cm., text and notes in latin, nice copy, in the series "Bibliotheca classica latina sive Collectio auctorum classicorum latinorum cum notis et indicibus"‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR120.00 (€120.00 )

‎PHILO ALEXANDRINUS ( c. 20 BCE - c. 50 CE ) - Sigmund GELEN - Adrien TURNÈBE - David HOESCHEL ( co-authors ) :‎

Reference : 42005

‎Philonis Judaei Syngrammata ( title in Greek ) . Philonis Judaei. Omnia quae extant opera. Ex accuratissima Sigismundi Gelenii, et aliorum interpretatione, Partim ab Adriano Turnebo, Professore Regio, e Christianissimi Regis Bibliotheca, partim a Davide Hoeschelio ex Augustana, edita & illustrata. Huic novissimae editioni accessere Variae lectiones & elegantissimus eiusdem Philonis, De Septenario libellus, & De Providentia Dei fragmenta.‎

‎".: 10. Francofurti ( Frankfurt an der Oder ) , Jeremias Schrey , Heinrich Johann Meyer Erben, 1691, in-folio, 33,5 x 22 cm, (12)nn pp + 1200 pp + (70)nn pp (complete, collation identical with VD17 14;019916A), title printed in red and black, with engraved vignette, printed in two columns - Greek and Latin, bound in contemporary full vellum. Vellum with some soiling, interior with moderate browning throughout and some light foxing spots at the outer margin of most pages. Some notes in ink on the first fly-leaf. Still a good and acceptable copy in a sound contemporary binding. This Frankfurt imprint was reprinted from a Parisian edition of 1640. See Ebert 16714 ; Fürst III , 88."‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR600.00 (€600.00 )

‎SALLUSTIUS Crispus Caius‎

Reference : 144041



‎ Typis J. Barbou, Parisiis, 1761. In-16 p. (mm. 155x89), p. pelle coeva (lievi abras.; picc. spacchi alle cerniere), cornice dorata ai piatti, fregi e titolo oro al dorso, tagli dorati, pp. XXXVI,348, vignetta al frontespizio e alc. belle testatine figur. inc. su legno (2 in rame), con 3 pregevoli tavole f.t. inc. in rame da Fissard su disegni di Cochin. Dello storico romano (86 - forse 35 a.C) sono contenute 'Catilina', seu Bellum Catilinarum - Jugurtha', seu Bellum Jugurthinum - Ad C. Caesarem', De republica ordinanda, epistola prima - Historiarum fragmenta', Liber I-V. Cfr. Brunet,V,87. Esemplare ben conservato.‎


Phone number : +39 02 804607

EUR120.00 (€120.00 )


Reference : 20717

‎Xenophontis omnia quae extant opera‎

‎ Henricus Stephanus, 1641. Grand in-8, [16]-587-[1]+42-[1] pp., demi-basane havane de Saulnier, dos à nerfs orné de filets à froid et fleurons dorés, tranches mouchetées (basane épidermée, 2 mors fendus, mouillures, restaurations de papier, taches, petites rousseurs). ‎

‎Belle édition, imprimée et annotée par Henri II Estienne, des oeuvres en grec du philosophe antique. Elle a été établie en corrigeant les défauts de l'édition aldine avec l'aide de savants tels François Portus, Conrad Gesner ou encore Joachim Camerarius. Elle est fondée sur les manuscrits de la bibliothèque d'Ulrich Fugger. Elle est ornée d'un bandeau et d'une marque de l'éditeur au titre, de plusieurs bandeaux et lettrines. Elle contient notamment des fragments de lettres du philosophe. Une main ancienne a laissé des annotations marginales. Renouard, Annales de l'imprimerie des Éstienne, 119. * Membre du SLAM et de la LILA / ILAB Member. La librairie est ouverte du lundi au vendredi de 14h à 19h. Merci de nous prévenir avant de passer,certains de nos livres étant entreposés dans une réserve. ‎

Phone number : 09 78 81 38 22

EUR800.00 (€800.00 )

‎ATHANASIUS (Alexandria 293-373) - Petrus NANNIUS ( secondary author ) :‎

Reference : 46251

‎Omnia quae extant opera. Nunc demum praeter caeteras editiones indefesso labore, soertique studio et industria, synceriori lectioni restituta. Postremo aliquot eiusdem opuscula. Prraeterea duos indices copiosissimos praefiximus....‎

‎".: Paris, apud Michel Sonnius, 1572, in-folio, 32,5 x 22 cm, (10)pp (lvs numbered 1-5) + (90)nn pp (indices) + 1096 columns + (2)(bl) (complete). Bound in near contemporary leather over oak boards, raised spine with gilt decoration. Used binding with some leather restorations, inside clean copy. Provenance; on the title page an old manuscript ex-libris '' Carthusiae Lovaniensis '' . On the first fly leaf a 19th c. stamp from a Dutch Roman Catholic Seminary, on the title also a small circular stamp with the initials ''L.B.''. A fourth manuscript ex-libris has been shaved by the binder at the upper margin. It looks like another reference to the '' Carthusiae Lovaniensis'' Apart from the used binding a nicely preserved copy. This edition of the complete works of the Greek-Alexandrian church father Athanasius was edited by Petrus Nannius (Alkmaar 1550 - Leuven 1557 ) . He dedicated this work to his friend Antoine de Perrenot, bischop of Atrecht , later cardinal Granvelle, first archbischop of the Southern Netherlands. Nannius became professor at the Collegium Trilingue upon the death of Goclenius. The first edition of this work was published in Basle in 1556 by Froben in 4 volumes and again in 1564. Nannius had made a new translation of Greek source texts . Valentin Ampelander was the editor for this 1556 edition. USTC N° 138441."‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR1,200.00 (€1,200.00 )
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