Glogan, Flemming 1845, Carte gr. sur acier, contours colories, 32 x 42 cm avec liste de Eparchies et Nomarchies
Reference : GRA243
Librairie Ancienne Cerat
M. Jean Cerat
Metamorfoseos 39
15234 Chalandri - Athènes
00 30 210 3616330
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Gotha, Justus Perthes, 1852. Engraved map of Greece, hand coloured in outline and 2 cartouches with Athens and Pireus, 32 X 40 cm plus margins
Phone number : 00 30 210 3616330
Gotha: Justus Perthes, 1852. Steel engraved map with coloured outlines and 2 cartouches with Athenes and Piraeus
Gotha, Justus Perthes 1862. Engraved map of Greece, hand coloured in outline and 2 cartouches with Athens and Pireus, 41 x 31 cm plus margins
Phone number : 00 30 210 3616330