N. York, 1961, gr.in-4o, 270 p., many full page illustrations. Editor's cloth in paper jacket.
Reference : AR006
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Reference : alb4d5205d76dec0a99
Tarlygina D.Yu. English ceramics of the 18th-20th centuries in the collection of the Historical Museum. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Tarlygina D.Yu. Angliyskaya keramika XVIII-XX vekov v sobranii Istoricheskogo muzeya.. Auto.Tarlygin D.Yu. Series: Gold Fund of the Historical Museum. Moscow: GMI 2018. 504 p. SKUalb4d5205d76dec0a99.
Reference : albe60bbf7b3f1aa05a
English ceramics from the 18th and 20th centuries in the collection of the Historical Museum. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Angliyskaya keramika XVIII-XX vekov v sobranii Istoricheskogo muzeya. Moscow: GMM 2018. 504 p. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalbe60bbf7b3f1aa05a
Abbey Library, London, 1968. In-8, tela editoriale, sovracoperta, pp. 171, con alcune tavole in bianco e nero fuori testo. In buono stato (good copy).
New York, Alpine Fine Arts Collection, 1981, lg. in-4to, 268 p., fully illustrated in black & colour, clothbound, colour jacket, slipcase. Copy as new.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
New York, Alpine fine arts, 1981, lg. in-4to, 268 p., fully illustrated in black & colour, clothbound, colour jackett, slipcase. Copy as new.
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Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808