A Paris, 1763, 270x210mm, 102pages, broché. Cahier sans couverture. Coins cornés. Microdéchirures sur les bords. Non rogné. Intérieur propre et dans l’ensemble en bon état!
Reference : 54323
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".: Paris, no printer, 1763, in-4°, 24,5 x 18,5 cm, (2)nn pp (title) + 102 pp. This copy is enriched with an engraved frontispiece portrait (by Daumont à Paris) and at the end a (4) pp letter of adhesion by the bischop of Amiens: Louis-François Gabriel. Bound in contemporary full calf, both cover decorated with gilt fillets and floral decorations. decorated spine, marbled edges. No provenance markings. Binding worn at the extremities, A small inkstain at the lower edge; in all a good/fine copy. Christophe de Beaumont (1703 - 1781) was a very influential defender of the authority of the Roman Catholic Church. His oppostion to Jansenism caused a major political problem when king Louis XV had to curtail the Paris Parliament; and the arcbishop was banned to Conflans. When in 1762 the French king suppressed the Jesuit Order Beaumont published this staunch attack on the encroachment of civil authority upon the spiritual. The parliament of Paris ordered the public hangman to burn the book in front of the bishop. Once again Louis XV banned Beaumont. (Text in French - Livre en français).."