‎CHEVALLEY, Etienne.‎

‎ Genève, Eliane Vernay 1985, 170x130mm, 81pages, broché. Couverture à rabats. Nom du possesseur sur le haut de la page de garde supérieure, autrement bel exemplaire. ‎

Reference : 3457

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Reference : 43075


‎[79 papers on various aspects of the Telstar satellites]. - [THE TELSTAR-SATELLITE - THE FIRST TO TRANSMIT TELEVISION.]‎

‎New York, American Telephone and Telegraph Company, 1963. 8vo. 3 original full green cloth. Volume 42, 1963-1,2,3 of ""The Bell System Technical Journal"". Library stamp to free front end-paper. Minor bumping to extremities. A nice, clean, uniform set. 20, 738 pp.+ (2), 739-1940 pp. + 1941-2974 pp.‎

‎First publication of the first description of the world's first television satellite. Telstar I made a tremendous impact on the world by transmitting transatlantic live television. ""Telstar captured the popular imagination in a way that it is hard to believe any satellite, especially a communication satellite, could do today. According to AT&T, more than half the population of the UK watched its first transatlantic transmission, a remarkable percentage given that far fewer people than today owned television sets."" (Gavaghan, Something New under the Sun, p. 188)According to the US Space Objects Registry, Telstar 1 and 2 were still in orbit as of May 2010. The Telstar-satellites represent the true beginning of satellite communication.Telstar 1 was launched on July 10th 1962 and was the world's first active repeater satellite, the primary function of which was transmission of voice, black/white and colour television, fascimilie, and high- and low-speed data. The Telstar-project had five overall objectives"" to demonstrate broadband transmission, test operational communication satellite reliability, obtain operational experience with ground terminals and provide space radiation measurement.Telstar 1 was a medium-altitude satellite with an elliptic orbit which was completed once every 2 hours and 37 minutes. Due to Telstar's non-geosynchronous orbit, its availability for transatlantic signals was limited to 20 minutes in each orbit that passed over the Atlantic Ocean. The Telstar 2 was almost identical with Telstar 1 but had a higher orbit to reduce exposure to the damaging effect of the radiation belt. The Chief of NASA's Communications Satellite Programs wrote in 1966: ""Although not the first communications satellite, Telstar is the best known of all and is probably considered by most observers to have ushered in the era of satellite communications. This impression was a result of the tremendous impact upon the public by the first transmission of live television across the Atlantic Ocean. Telstar I was launched on July 10, 1962, and on that same day live television pictures originating in the United States were received in France."" (Jaffe, pg. 107)""On the whole, Telstar made a tremendous impact in the nation by transmitting transatlantic live television, which demonstrated the possibilities for commercial satellite television and other services."" (Delbert. Communication via satellite, 83 p). The Telstar-satellites were not the first launched satellites, but they were the first to demonstrate the possibilities of satellites and to present them to a broader audience. The three volumes offered contain a wide variety of articles related to the Telstar satellites from the technical design of the satellite to transmission test and evaluation to spacecraft test.Issue 1:1. Beach, C.D." Trecker, J.M.. A Method for Predicting Interchannel Modulation due to Multipath Propagation in FM and PM Tropospheric Radio Systems. Pp. 1-36.2. Bodtmann, W.F. Ruthroff, C.L. A Wideband Transistor IF Amplifier for Space and Terrestrial Repeaters Using Grounded-Base Transformer-Coupled Stages. Pp. 37-54.3. Coyne, J.C. Monitoring the Percussive Welding Process for Attaching Wires to Terminals. Pp. 55-78.4. MacWilliams, Jessie. A Theorem on the Distribution of Weights in a Systematic Code. Pp. 79-94.5. Peck, D.S. Blair, R.R. Brown, W.L. Smits, F.M. Surface Effects of Radiation on Transistors. Pp. 95-129.6. Graff, H.J. Peacock, J.M. Zalmans, J.J. Development of Solderless Wire Connector for Splicing Multipair Cable. Pp. 131-153.7. Gordon, E.I. Rigden, J.D. The Fabry-Perot Electrooptic Modulator. Pp. 155-179.8. Pfahnl, Arnold. Properties of Fast-Decay Cathode-Ray Tube Phosphors. Pp. 181-201.Issue 2:9. Hallenbeck, F.J. Mahoney, J.J. Jr. The New L Multiplex - System Description and Design Objectives. Pp. 207-221.10. Graham, R.S. Adams, W.E. Powers, R.E. Bies, F.R. New Group and Supergroup Terminals for L Multiplex. Pp. 223-278.11. Albert, W.G. Evans, J.B. Jr Ginty, J.J. Harley, J.B. Carrier Supplies for L-Type Multiplex. Pp. 279-317.12. Clark, O.P. Drazy, E.J. Weller, D.C. A Phase-Locked Primary Frequency Supply for the L Multiplex. Pp. 319-340.13. Andrews, E.G. Pp. Telephone Switching and the Early Bell Laboratories Computers. Pp. 341-353.14. Sandberg, I.W. On the Theory of Linear Multi-Loop Feedback Systems. Pp. 355-382.15. Descloux, A. On Overflow Processes of Trunk Groups with Poisson Inputs and Exponential Service Times. Pp. 383-397.16. Rosenzweig, W. Gummel, H.K. Smits, F.M. Solar Cell Degradation under 1-Mev Electron Bombardment. Pp. 399-414.17. Marcuse, Dietrich. A Further Discussion of Stimulated Emission of Bremsstrahlung. Pp. 415-430.18. Cravis, H. Crater, T.V. Pp. Engineering of T1 Carrier System Repeatered Lines. Pp. 431-486.19. Takacs, L. Delay Distributions for One Line with Poisson Input, General Holding Times, and Various Orders of Service. Pp. 487-503.20. Takacs, L. A Single-Server Queue with Feedback. Pp. 505-519.Issue 3:21. Lindner, R. Semiconductor Surface Varactor. Pp. 803-831.22. Paull, M.C. Reswitching of Connection Networks. Pp. 833-855.23. Sandberg, I.W. The Realizability of Multiport Structures Obtained by Imbedding a Tunnel Diode in a Lossless Reciprocal Network. Pp. 857-876.24. Rado, T. On Non-Computable Functions. Pp. 877-884.25. Schepis, A.J. On the Theory of Shrink Fits with Application to Waveguide Pressure Seals. Pp. 885-907.26. Frisch, H.L. Gordon, S.B. Vyssotsky, V.A. Hammersley, J.M. Monte Carlo Solution of Bond Percolation Processes in Various Crystal Lattices. Pp. 909-920.27. Curtis, Harold E. Interference between Satellite Communication Systems and Common Carrier Surface Systems. Pp. 921-943.28. Gucker, George B. Long-Term Frequency Stability for a Reflex Klystron without the Use of External Cavities. Pp. 945-958.29. Flanagan, James L.Models for Approximating Basilar Membrane Displacement - Part II. Effects of Middle-Ear Transmission and Some Relations between Subjective and Physiological Behavior. Pp. 959-1009.30. Rowe, H.E. Approximate Solutions for the Coupled Line Equations. Pp. 1011-1029.31. Rowe, H.E. Warters, W.D. Transmission in Multimode Waveguide with Random Imperfections. Pp. 1031-1170.Issue 4:32. Tsiang, S.H. Ulrich, W. Automatic Trouble Diagnosis of Complex Logic Circuits. Pp. 1177-1200.33. Benes, V.E. Heuristic Remarks and Mathematical Problems Regarding the Theory of Connecting Systems. Pp. 1201-1247.34. Benes, V.E. Algebraic And Topological Properties of Connecting Networks. Pp. 1249-1274.35. Meadows, H.E.Solution of Systems of Linear Ordinary Differential Equations with Periodic Coefficients. Pp. 1275-1294.36. Landau, H.J. Pollak, H.O. Prolate Spheroidal Wave Functions, Fourier Analysis and Uncertainty -- III: The Dimension of the Space of Essentially Time- and Band-Limited Signals. Pp. 1295-1336.37. Scheinman, A.H. A Method for Simplifying Boolean Functions. Pp. 1337-1346.38. Boyd, G.D. Kogelnik, H. Generalized Confocal Resonator Theory. Pp. 1347-1369.39. Geusic, J.E." Scovil, H.E.D. A Unidirectional Traveling-Wave Optical Maser. Pp. 1371-1397. 40. Morris, Robert. Further Analysis of Errors Reported in ""Capabilities of the Telephone Network for Data Transmission"". Pp. 1399-1414.41. Otterman, Joseph. Grade of Service of Direct Traffic Mixed with Store-and-Forward Traffic. Pp. 1415-1437.42. Fraser, J.M." Bullock, D.B. Long, N.G. Over-All Characteristics of a TASI System. Pp. 1439-1454.43. Miedema, H. Schachtman, M.G. TASI Quality - Effect of Speech Detectors and Interpolation. Pp. 1455-1473.Issue 5:44. Nelson, W.L. Phase-Lock Loop Design for Coherent Angle-Error Detection in the Telstar Satellite Tracking System. Pp. 1941-1975.45. Elliott, E.O. Estimates of Error Rates for Codes on Burst-Noise Channels. Pp. 1977-1997.46. Mc Adoo, Kathryn L. Speech Volumes on Bell System Message Circuits -- 1960 Survey. Pp. 1999-2012.47. Cutler, C.C. Kompfner, R. Tillotson, L.C. A Self-Steering Array Repeater. Pp. 2013-2032.48. Sandberg, I.W. On the Properties of Some Systems that Distort Signals -- I. Pp. 2033-2046.49. Ohm, E.A. Snell, W.W. A Radiometer for a Space Communications Receiver. Pp. 2047-2080.50. Brown, W.S. The ALPAK System for Nonnumerical Algebra on a Digital Computer --- I: Polynomials in Several Variables and Truncated Power Series with Polynomial Coefficients. Pp. 2081-2119.51. Musa, J.D.Discrete Smoothing Filters for Correlated Noise. Pp. 2121-2151.52. Evens, M.J. Myers, G.H. Timko, J.W. Command Guidance of Telstar Launch Vehicle. Pp. 2153-2168. 53. Yu, E.Y. Spin Decay, Spin-Precession Damping, and Spin-Axis Drift of the Telstar Satellite. Pp. 2169-2193.54. Paul, B. West, J.W. Yu, E.Y. A Passive Gravitational Attitude Control System for Satellites. Pp. 2195-2238.55. Fletcher, H.J. Rongved, L. Yu, E.Y. Pp. Dynamics Analysis of a Two-Body Gravitationally Oriented Satellite. Pp. 2239-2266.56. Rice, S.O.Innage and Outage Intervals in Transmission Systems Composed of Links. Pp. 2267-2283.57. Dragone, C. Hogg, D.C.Wide-Angle Radiation Due to Rough Phase Fronts. Pp. 2285-2296.58. Bennett, W.R. Rice, S.O.Spectral Density and Autocorrelation Functions Associated with Binary Frequency-Shift Keying. Pp. 2355-2385.59. Bennett, W.R. Salz, J.Binary Data Transmission by FM over a Real Channel. Pp. 2387-2426.60. Lucky, R.W.A Functional Analysis Relating Delay Variation and Intersymbol Interference in Data Transmission. Pp. 2427-2483.Issue 6:61. Haynie, G.D. Rosenfeld, P.E. An Automated 20-20,000-cps Transmission Measuring Set for Laboratory Use. Pp. 2501-2531.62. Sandberg, I.W.Signal Distortion in Nonlinear Feedback Systems. Pp. 2533-2550.63. Manley, J.M. A Three-Conductor Elementary Clogston Coaxial Transmission Line --- Calculation, Fabrication and Experiment. Pp. 2551-2574.64. Darlington, Sidney. Linear Time-Varying Circuits --- Matrix Manipulations, Power Relations, and Some Bounds on Stability. Pp. 2575-2608. 65. Li, Tingye. Mode Selection in an Aperture-Limited Concentric Maser Interferometer. Pp. 2609-2620.66. DiDomenico, M. Jr. Anderson, L.K. Broadband Electro-Optic Traveling-Wave Light Modulators. Pp. 2621-2678.67. Byrne, C.J. Karafin, B.J. Robinson, D.B. Jr. Systematic Jitter in a Chain of Digital Regenerators. Pp. 2679-2714.68. Curtis, Harold E. Satellite System Interference Tests at Andover, Maine. Pp. 2715-2739.69. Miller, S.E.The Nature of and System Inferences of Delay Distortion Due to Mode Conversion in Multimode Transmission Systems. Pp. 2741-2760.70. Young, D.T.Model for Relating Coupled Power Equations to Coupled Amplitude Equations. Pp. 2761-2764. 71. Enloe, L.H.Interchannel Interference in FM Systems Produced by Continuous Random Mode Conversion in Circular Electric Waveguide. Pp. 2765-2786.72. Young, D.T.Effect of Differential Loss on Approximate Solutions to the Coupled Line Equations. Pp. 2787-2793. 73. Benes, V.E.Markov Processes Representing Traffic in Connecting Networks. Pp. 2795-2837.74. Borenstein, D.P. Spectral Characteristics of Digit-Stimulating Speech Sounds. Pp. 2839-2847.75. Bullington, K.. Reflections from an Exponential Atmosphere. Pp. 2849-2867. 76. Emling, J.W. Mitchell, D.The Effects of Time Delay and Echoes on Telephone Conversations. Pp. 2869-2891.77. Brady, P.T. Helder, G.K.. Pp. Echo Suppressor Design in Telepone Communications. Pp. 2893-2917.78. Riesz, R.R. Klemmer, E.T. Subjective Evaluation of Delay and Echo Suppressors in Telephone Communicaions. Pp. 2919-2941.79. Hill, D.W. Calculation of the Spin-Axis Orientation of the TELSTAR Satellites from Optical Data. Pp. 2943-2960.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK3,200.00 (€429.19 )

‎[Edité par Madame Willy Nachszunow] - ‎ ‎NACHSZUNOW, Grégoire‎

Reference : 51736


‎Localisation des Satellites basée sur le principe de l'Interféromètre radioélectrique. Première Partie [ Avec : ] Satellites et Fusées Porteuses lancés depuis Spoutnik I Période 4 octobre 1957 - 20 juin 1965. Et Principaux Programmes en cours. ‎

‎2 vol. in-8 cartonnage éditeur sous jaquette transparente, Edité par Madame Willy Nachszunow, Créteil, 1965, 408 et 136 pp.. Rappel du titre complet : Localisation des Satellites basée sur le principe de l'Interféromètre radioélectrique. Première Partie [ Avec : ] Satellites et Fusées Porteuses lancés depuis Spoutnik I Période 4 octobre 1957 - 20 juin 1965. Et Principaux Programmes en cours. ‎

‎Rare exemplaire bien complet des deux volumes de la première partie. Pour cet ensemble d'ouvrages consacrés à "Divers systèmes de localisation de satellites, télémesures et télécommunications à l'aide de satellites", l'auteur avait prévu une série de 7 partie, mis seules ces deux volumes semblent avoir paru. Bon état (qq. frott. d'usage, petti trait au stylo en page de titre)‎

Phone number : 09 82 20 86 11

EUR350.00 (€350.00 )

‎Singer Fred S.‎

Reference : R260270690


‎Torques and attitude sensing in earth satellites Sommaire: Rotational motion of passive space vehicles; Passive gravity-gradient stabilization for earth satellites; Exploitation of magnetic torques on satellites ...‎

‎Academic press. 1964. In-8. Relié. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 261 pages augmentées de quelques figures en noir et blanc dans texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 520-Astronomie et sciences connexes‎

‎Etiquette sur coiffe en pied. Tampon bibliothèque. Texte écrit en anglais. Sommaire: Rotational motion of passive space vehicles; Passive gravity-gradient stabilization for earth satellites; Exploitation of magnetic torques on satellites ... Classification Dewey : 520-Astronomie et sciences connexes‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR79.00 (€79.00 )


Reference : ROD0013589


‎Bibliothèque de Travail n°440 - 20 septembre 1959 - Sur les voies de l'Univers - Sommaire ; Les trains français sont les plus rapides du monde - Sur les voies de l'univers - Caractéristiques des satellites soviétiques et américains - La terre - La lune...‎

‎bureau de la rédaction. 1959. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Agrafes rouillées, Intérieur frais. 25 pages - photos et schémas noir et blanc dans le texte. . . . Classification Dewey : 520-Astronomie et sciences connexes‎

‎Les trains français sont les plus rapides du monde - Sur les voies de l'univers - Caractéristiques des satellites soviétiques et américains - La terre - La lune - Le soleil - La voie lactée - Les années-lumière - Le champ des étoiles - Les satellites - Les fusées - Une nouvelle planète - Mietchta - A quoi servent les satellites ? - Connaissance de l'atmosphère - Etude des radiations - Un observatoire sur la lune - L'astrogre lune - L'exploitation de la lune et relais aériens de télévision - Score... Classification Dewey : 520-Astronomie et sciences connexes‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR10.95 (€10.95 )

‎Pour la Science - Hubert Curien - A. Cameron - George Wetherill - John Lewis - Anny Cazenave et André Brahic - Jean-François Minster - David Schramm et Robert Clayton - Gordon Pettengill, Donald Campbell et Harold Masursky - Gerald Schubert et Curt Covey - Claude Allègre - Raymond Arvidson, Alan Binder et Kenneth Jones - Norman Horowitz - Andrew Ingersoll - James Pollack et Jeffrey Cuzzi - Tobias Owen - Bruce Murray - John Wood - Joseph Veverka - Laurence Soderblom - Torrence Johnson - George Wetherill - E. Parker - J. Gosling et A. Hundhausen - Fred Whipple - James van Allen‎

Reference : 101271


‎Le système solaire , (La genèse du système solaire - L'origine et l'évolution du système solaire - La formation de la terre par accrétion de planétoïdes - La chimie du système solaire - L'effet des marées dans le système solaire - L'âge du système solaire - Une supernova a-t-elle engendré le système solaire ? - Les planètes actives et les planètes géantes - La surface de Vénus - L'atmosphère de Vénus - Les premiers jours de la Terre - La surface de Mars -La vie sur Mars - Jupiter et Saturne - Les anneaux dans le système solaire - Titan - Les planètes mortes et les petits corps - Mercure - La lune - Phobos et Deimos - Les satellites Galiléens et Jupiter - Les satellites de Saturne - Les objets Apollo - Le soleil et l'espace interplanétaire - Le Soleil - Les ondes dans le vent solaire - La rotation des comètes - Champs et particules interplanétaires)‎

‎Belin , Bibliothèque Pour la Science Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1982 Book condition, Etat : Bon relié, cartonnage éditeur blanc, illustré par la couronne solaire observée de l'espace ( photo NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center) In-4 1 vol. - 288 pages‎

‎très nombreuses illustrations dans le texte en noir et blanc, quelques-unes en couleurs nouvelle édition française, 1982 Contents, Chapitres : Hubert Curien : Préface - 1. La genèse du système solaire : A. Cameron : L'origine et l'évolution du système solaire - George Wetherill : La formation de la terre par accrétion de planétoïdes - John Lewis : La chimie du système solaire - Anny Cazenave et André Brahic : L'effet des marées dans le système solaire - Jean-François Minster : L'âge du système solaire - David Schramm et Robert Clayton : Une supernova a-t-elle engendré le système solaire ? - 2. Les planètes actives et les planètes géantes : Gordon Pettengill, Donald Campbell et Harold Masursky : La surface de Vénus - Gerald Schubert et Curt Covey : L'atmosphère de Vénus - Claude Allègre : Les premiers jours de la Terre - Raymond Arvidson, Alan Binder et Kenneth Jones : La surface de Mars - Norman Horowitz : La vie sur Mars - Andrew Ingersoll : Jupiter et Saturne - James Pollack et Jeffrey Cuzzi : Les anneaux dans le système solaire - Tobias Owen : Titan - 3. Les planètes mortes et les petits corps : Bruce Murray : Mercure - John Wood : La lune - Joseph Veverka : Phobos et Deimos - Laurence Soderblom : Les satellites Galiléens et Jupiter - Torrence Johnson : Les satellites de Saturne - George Wetherill : Les objets Apollo - 4. Le soleil et l'espace interplanétaire : E. Parker : Le Soleil - J. Gosling et A. Hundhausen : Les ondes dans le vent solaire - Fred Whipple : La rotation des comètes - James van Allen : Champs et particules interplanétaires - Index et Bibliographie cartonnage légèrement jauni, coin inférieur gauche du plat inférieur à peine émoussés, légères tâches de rousseurs sur les deux premières et dernières pages, sinon en bon état, intérieur propre, papier à peine jauni‎

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