NEW-YORK, Philosophical Library; 1St Edition edition - 1946 - In-4 - Reliure éditeur (accroc en queue) - 32 pages + 164 illustrations NB PP - Bon exemplaire
Reference : 23860
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Reference : alb3ece15b754961c8d
Laskovsky F. Materials for the history of engineering art in Russia. Part I. Experience of engineering research in Russia up to the eighteenth century + Atlas Maps Plans and Drawings for Part 1 (separate album) In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Laskovskiy F. F. Materialy dlya istorii inzhenernogo iskusstva v Rossii. Chast' I. Opyt issledovaniya inzhenernogo dela v Rossii do XVIII stoletiya+ Atlas Karty Plany i Chertezhi k 1 Chasti (otdel'nyy al'bom) Short description: In Russian (ask us if in doubt).The rarest living only limited-edition illustrated book Rare according to Klochkov # 252. The most valuable source of the history of military engineering art in Russia the first attempt at a review and a remarkable volume of data. Author of Professor Nikolaevskaya Engineering SPB Type. Imperial Academy of Sciences. 1858. Atlas in a mild edition We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb3ece15b754961c8d
Reference : bd-c7bd7d19a85f0aa5
Catalog of the exhibition The Art of Ballet in Russia. 1738-1940. Collection of the Leningrad Museum of Theatre and Music, LArt du ballet en Russie 1738-1940. Collections du Musee Theatral et Musical de Leningrad In French. Paris: Les Editions du Mecene, Yves Saint-Laurent Presente, 1991./Katalog vystavki Iskusstvo baleta v Rossii. 1738-1940 gg. Kollektsiya Leningradskogo muzeya teatralnogo i muzykalnogo iskusstva LArt du ballet en Russie 1738-1940. Collections du Musee Theatral et Musical de Leningrad Na frants. yaz. Parizh: Les Editions du Mecene, Yves Saint-Laurent Presente, 1991. Catalog of the exhibition The Art of Ballet in Russia. 1738-1940. Collection of the Leningrad Museum of Theatre and Music, LArt du ballet en Russie 1738-1940. Collections du Musee Theatral et Musical de Leningrad In French. Paris: Les Editions du Mecene, Yves Saint-Laurent Presente, 1991. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUbd-c7bd7d19a85f0aa5.
Reference : alba7278c76340d6d28
Ramazanov N.A. Materials for the history of art in Russia. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Ramazanov N.A. Materialy dlya istorii khudozhestv v Rossii.Book One. M. Gubernskaya Printshop of 1863. One of the first works on the history of Russian art which belonged to the pen of the Russian sculptor and art connoisseur Nikolai Alexandrovich Ramazanov (1817-1867) only book 1 was published as the author soon died and was unable to finish the publication. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalba7278c76340d6d28
Reference : alb54bf05c4a11eb108
The Art of the Book in Ancient Russia. A handwritten book of North-Eastern Rus from the 12th to the beginning of the 15th centuries. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Vzdornov G.I. Iskusstvo knigi v Drevney Rusi.Rukopisnaya kniga Severo-Vostochnoy Rusi XII-nachala XV vekov.. Moscow: Art. 1980. SKUalb54bf05c4a11eb108.
Reference : albf2fb16eccc73832f
Convolutee of three issues of the magazine: The Sun of Russia Weekly Art-Literary and Humorous Journal. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Konvolyut iz trekh vypuskov zhurnala: Solntse Rossii Ezhenedelnyy khudozhestvenno-literaturnyy i yumoristicheskiy zhurnal. # (not listed on the first magazine) 18-117 10-109. Weekly richly illustrated art-literary magazine. St. Petersburg Partnership of Publishing Affair-Kopeik 1912. 16 p. SKUalbf2fb16eccc73832f.