1954 . Photography , In 8° relié toile d'édit.bleu .112 pp.de photographies en noir .
Reference : 7068
Les meilleures photographies du magazine anglais "Photography" .
Librairie Crespin
Jean Claude Crespin
31 rue de Montescourt
02440 Clastres
Nos prix sont nets. Le port est à la charge du destinataire. Nos factures sont établies en Euros. Payables en cette monnaie. Nous acceptons les paiements par Chèque pour la France, virement postal. mandat national et international. Les ouvrages voyagent aux risques et périls du destinataire . En cas de litige le tribunal de Saint-Quentin sera seul compétent . Le fait de passer commande entraine l'acceptation pleine et entière des clauses ci-dessus .
Warner Books, [1994]. In-4 broché, couverture ajourée, les verres de lunettes laissant deviner l'illustration de première page.
Fort peu courant sous nos latitudes.
Antwerp, Tim Van Laere Books 2020, 2020 Gebonden, Hardcover 120 pages, 25.5x20.5cm, NL/FR/ENG. Illustrated. ISBN 9789464004038.
Enjoy and Take Care aantalIn winkelmand In maart 2020 werd ons leven op pauze gezet. Het uitbreken van de wereldwijde pandemie veroorzaakt door het virus COVID-19 dwong landen van over heel de wereld om nieuwe strategie n uit te vinden om de verspreiding van de ziekte tegen te gaan. Dit resulteerde in lockdowns, het sluiten van alle internationale grenzen en social distancing. In lijn met de door de regering vastgestelde maatregelen sloot Tim Van Laere Gallery de galerie voor het eerst sinds de oprichting in 1997 voor meer dan een maand voor het publiek. Na deze periode vond de galerie het belangrijk om het leven en de kunst opnieuw te vieren en besloot een groepsshow samen te stellen met bijna alle kunstenaars van de galerie. Hoewel reisrestricties nog steeds actief zijn, bracht deze groepsshow op een manier de kunstenaars via hun werk weer bij elkaar. De titel van de show ?Enjoy and Take Care!? versterkt dit gevoel van feest, solidariteit en samenhorigheid /// Enjoy and Take Care quantity In March 2020 our lives were put on hold. The outbreak of the global pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus forced countries around the world to invent new strategies to combat the spread of the disease. This resulted in lockdowns, the closing of all international borders and social distancing. In line with governmental measures, Tim Van Laere Gallery closed the gallery to the public for more than a month for the first time since its inception in 1997. After this period, the gallery felt it was important to re-celebrate life and art and decided to put together a group show featuring almost all of the gallery's artists. Although travel restrictions are still active, this group show in a way brought the artists back together through their work. The show's title "Enjoy and Take Care!" Reinforces this sense of celebration, solidarity and togetherness
London, Rodwell & Martin, (printed by C. Hullmandel) n.d., ca. 1821, in-4to, (24.5.x34 cm), 7 feuilles.
1) Bridge near St.Jean de Maurienne / 2) Ponte Alto: Valley of Gondo (Harding) / 3) Pont du Nor near Roussilon / 4) Interrior of the Gallery of Gondo (Nicholson) / 5) View taken between the grtand Gallery and Village of Gondo (Harding) / 6) Bridge and Gallery of Gondo (Harding) / 7) Gallery of Schalbet, Swiss side (Harding). Image disp.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Penny, Nicholas: The Sixteenth-Century Italian Paintings Volume II: Venice 1540-1600. National Gallery Catalogues. Vol 2. London: The National Gallery, 2008. 528pp with 300 colour and 45 monochrome illustrations. Hardback. 28.5x21.6cms. The publication includes some of the greatest pictures in the National Gallery with the influence of Titian pervading the entire period covered. It also serves as an introduction to the major types of painting produced in the city: the altarpiece, the confraternity chapel decoration, the ceiling painting, the portrait and painted furniture. In addition, the author explains how the works were acquired by the gallery.
The publication includes some of the greatest pictures in the National Gallery with the influence of Titian pervading the entire period covered. It also serves as an introduction to the major types of painting produced in the city: the altarpiece, the confraternity chapel decoration, the ceiling painting, the portrait and painted furniture. In addition, the author explains how the works were acquired by the gallery. Text in English
, Walther and Franz Koenig Verlag, 2022 Hardcover, 256 pages, ENG, 285 x 225 mm, NEW, with 227 illustrations of which 215 in colour !. ISBN 9789464366907.
Mark Manders - Zeno X Gallery, 28 Years of Collaboration offers an overview of the long-standing collaboration between artist Mark Manders ( 1968) and Zeno X Gallery in Antwerp. The publication appears on the occasion of his most recent solo exhibition at the gallery and highlights a number of important exhibitions and special projects for which Manders has been invited at home and abroad from the 1990s to the present. Since 1986, Mark Manders has been working on what he calls "self-portrait as a building". His oeuvre - consisting of installations, sculptures, works on paper and drawings - takes on the metaphor of a fictitious building, subdivided into separate rooms whose precise shape and size cannot be defined. There is no beginning and no end. Manders strives for timelessness and universality by using archetypal forms and familiar-looking materials such as clay, bronze and wood. His bronze sculptures and installations therefore appear more vulnerable than they actually are. With text contributions by Mark Manders, Frank Demaegd (Zeno X Gallery) and Marjolein Sponselee. Publication accompanying the exhibition at Zeno X Gallery, which will take place from September 3 to October 15, 2022. In-depth overview of the oeuvre of artist Mark Manders An astonishing overview of the long-term collaboration between artist Mark Manders and Zeno X Gallery