Essai de philosophie rationnelle ; 1881 . Libr. Baillière , In 12 relié 1/2 percaline bordeaux à la bradel .Pièce de titre noire .173 pp.(Annotations au crayon ) .
Reference : 26117
Bon exemplaire .
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Reference : 30684
Paris, (1898). 4to. Uncut and unopened in marbled covers. Kept in a full cloth-box. Large copy, printed on better paper. pp. 175-178 and pp. 1215-17 and p. 1218 in: ""Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Academie des Sciences"" tome 127 No 3 and No 26 (comprising pp. 143-207 (no. 3) and pp. 1211-1218 (of No 26)).
First editions of the announcements of the discoveries of the 2 elements Polonium and Radium.""Inspired by the research of Becquerel (her teacher and friend) in radioactivity, Mme. Curie and her husband Pierre, worked in the laboratories of the Sorbonne upon uranium and thorium. They also observed that certain substances exhibited much greater radioactivity than the amount of these substances indicated. Further investigation led to the discovery of a new element, polonium, in pitchblende from Bohemia. In december 1898, it was disclosed that compounds of barium extracted from pitchblende contained a new radioactive substance a million times more active than that of the uranium of Becquerel"" it was named ""radium"". From several tons of pitchblende, they were able to extract a decigram of pure radium in 1902, and determined its atomic weight at 225. In the following year the Nobel prize was awarded jointly to Becquerel and the Curies."" (Bernt Dibner). In the last paper Eugene Demarcay spectroscopically examines the substance for the Curies and confirms the existence of a previously unknown element. - Garrison & Morton No 2003 (describing the use of radium in medicine) - Dibner no. 164 (the note) - Norman No 545 (sale no 994) - Grolier Medicine No 84 B.
Reference : albac843d6de7b16032
Guidelines for the Rehabilitation of Juvenile Substance Abusers. In Support of an Educational Institution: Prevention of Substance Abuse. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Rukovodstvo po reabilitatsii nesovershennoletnikh zloupotreblyayushchikh narkoticheskimi veshchestvami. V pomoshch obrazovatelnomu uchrezhdeniyu: Profilaktika zloupotrebleniya psikhoaktivnymi veshchestvami.. Short description: In Russian (ask us if in doubt).Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. Edited by Yu. V. Valentik. Moscow. Genger Publishing House. 2003. 400 p. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalbac843d6de7b16032
2 volumes in-4 (270 x 210 mm), demi-percaline noire à la Bradel, titre doré, tranches mouchetées (rel. moderne), 1302 p. (BEL EXEMPLAIRE). Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1898.
Premières éditions des annonces des découvertes historiques des deux éléments Polonium et Radium et de l'avancement de leurs travaux, par Pierre et Marie Curie, publiés dans les "Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des Sciences", tome 127, juillet-décembre 1898.Les textes en question se trouvent aux pages 175-178, 1215-1217 et 1218.Après avoir signalé que deux minerais d'uranium sont beaucoup plus actifs que l'uranium lui-même (premier article, juillet 1898), les Curie parviennent à isoler deux nouvelles substances "radioactives", le polonium, du nom du pays natal de Marie, et le radium (deuxième article, décembre 1898, présentés par H. Becquerel).L'existence du radium est immédiatement confirmée par mesure spectrale, par Eugène Demarçay, (décembre 1898, p.1218). "Le 26 décembre 1898, Pierre Curie et sa femme Marie, née Sklodowska, annoncent devant l'Académie de Médecine qu'ils ont pu isoler un élément fortement radioactif jusque-là inconnu. Ils ont pour cela traité, au prix d'un travail épuisant, d'importantes quantités d'un minerai extrait des mines d'argent de Bohême appelé pechblende ("minerai de malheur" en allemand ; on en comprend aujourd'hui la raison). La découverte de cet élément qu'ils ont baptisé radium vient après celle d'un autre élément moins radioactif et lui aussi présent dans la pechblende, que le couple a baptisé polonium en l'honneur du pays natal de Marie. Pierre et Marie Curie attestent ainsi de l'existence d'un rayonnement propre à certains éléments naturels et qu'ils baptisent radioactivité" (Hérodote, en ligne).(DSB, III, p. 498-499. Garrison & Morton, 2003. Grolier, 'One hundred books famous in medicine', 84B. Haskell Norman Library, 545).Bel exemplaire, grand de marges, très frais, bien relié, parfaitement conservé.
Phone number : 33 01 47 07 40 60
Paris, J. Klostermann, 1813. Contemp. hcalf. Spine gilt. A few scratches to binding. In: ""Annales de Chimie, ou Recueil de Mémoires concernant la Chemie"" Tome 88. - 336 pp. (the entire volume offered). Pp. 304-310, 311-318, 319-321 a. 322-329. Scattered brownspots.
First printing of this paper announcing the discovery of Iodine. Courtois found this substance, which he suspected to be a new element, while burning algae in order to obtain sodium and potassium compounds. Although Courtois discovered the element in 1811, the announcement of it was not made until two years later after he had turned it over to Charles Desormés and Nicolas Clément.""The first publication on iodine are somewhat confusing. Courtois's research is found in a paper attributed to him (the paper offered) but actually the work of Clément.... was followed by an anonymous article (the second paper offered). Gay-Lussac. who repeated and extended Courtios's work, was responsible for this paper. Courtois himself published nothing. These two articles were immediately followed by short contributions of Gay-Lussac and Humphry Davy on the new element (third and fourth paper offered). Gay-Lussacs views (none too flattering to Davy) on the history ofthe discovery of iodine appeared in his ""Mémoire sur l'iode"" (1814).""(DSB III, p. 455). - Weeks ""Discovery of the Elements"", pp. 257-262.The volume contains further importent papers in chemistry, Guyton de Morveau ""Sur la chaux maigre"", ""Sur le dissolvant des pierres biliaires"", an importent paper by Chevreul on animal fats ""Recherches chimiques sur plusieurs corps gras, et particulierement sur leurs combinaisons avec les alcalis"", Berzelius's papers ""Mémoires sur la compositions des fluides animaux"" (first edition in French) + Suite (first edition), Parmentier etc. etc.
(Paris, Mallet-Bachelier, 1856). 4to. No wrappers. In: ""Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de L'Academie des Sciences"", Tome 43, No 13. Pp. (637-) 672. (Entire issue offered). Vulpian's paper: pp. 663-665.
First appearance of the paper in which Vulpian described his discovery of adrenaline in the adrenal medulla. Vulpian established that the medulla synthesised a substance that was liberated into the blood circulation. This substance was later identified as adrenaline.Garrison & Morton No. 1141.