‎Buck Pearl‎
‎The mother.‎

‎ Tauchnitz édition. 1935 272p 1 volume IN8. reliure demi-basane prune. Dos à cinq nerfs. Couverture conservée. ‎

Reference : 105046


€38.00 (€38.00 )
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5 book(s) with the same title

‎Brecht Bertolt‎

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‎Plays : One - Baal, the Threepenny opera, the Mother‎

‎Methuen & Co Ltd Dos carré collé 1987 In-12 (11 x 18 cm), dos carré collé, 206 pages, texte en anglais ; dos plissé, coiffes frottées, quelques légères marques d'usage, bon état général. Livraison a domicile (La Poste) ou en Mondial Relay sur simple demande.‎

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EUR7.00 (€7.00 )

‎Shirley John‎

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‎The Pictorial History of Canterbury Cathedral : The Mother Church of English Christendom‎

‎Pitkin Pride of Britain Plaquette In-8 (17,8 x 23 cm), plaquette dos agrafé, 24 pages, sans date, texte en anglais, photographies en noir sauf deux en couleurs ; premier plat frotté, par ailleurs bon état général. Livraison a domicile (La Poste) ou en Mondial Relay sur simple demande.‎

Abraxas-Libris - Bécherel

Phone number : 33 02 99 66 78 68

EUR6.00 (€6.00 )


Reference : 60377


‎Original handwritten manuscript-leaf in Rousseau's hand concerning Rome, the mother of Romulus and Remus, taken from Dionysos Halicarnassos. - [HANDWRITTEN NOTES BY ROUSSEAU FROM DIONYS HALICARNASSOS' WORK ON THE HISTORY OF ANTIQUITY]‎

‎(Unsigned, and no date, but penned between 1746 and 1751). 1 leaf 4to (25,5 x 19 cm), off-white paper in fine condition. Penned on both recto (21 lines) and verso (6 lines) in columns taking up half the pages. ‎

‎This magnificent manuscript leaf in Rousseau's hand constitutes notes taken from the seminal work of Dionysos Halicarnassos, on the foundation of Rome, more particularly on the story of Rome herself, the alleged mother of Romulus and Remus and how they named the city after their mother. This manuscript leaf is part of a grandiose project that Rousseau was working on with his employer Madame Dupin during his years as her secretary. The project was that of writing the history of womankind. With its focus on gender equality, the work is nothing less than pioneering and would no doubt have been a work of seminal importance in the history of feminism and women's rights, had it ever been published. The manuscript ended up comprising more than 2.000 pages, but was never printed. Louise Marie Madeline Fontaine Dupin (1706-1799) was one of the most famous salonnieres of the 18th century, renowned for the beauty as well as her intelligence. Rousseu met her in 1743 and took an instant liking to her. In 1745, she offered him the position as her private secretary and tutor to her son. During his six years in her employment, he spent most of the time working on the grandiose project of the history of women, until it was abandoned in 1751. ""In the years between 1745 and 1749 Jean Jacques Rousseau was employed by Louise Marie Madeline Dupin as a research assistant on her ambitious project to delineate in print the history of women. After years of labor by Rousseau and Madame Dupin her ""Ouvrage sur les Femmes"" was shelved, unfinished. The research notes, drafts, and fair copies written by Rousseau and his employer were stored at the chateau of Chenonceaux, essentially forgotten, until their sale at a series of auctions held between 1951 and 1958."" (Harry Ranson Center, University of Texas)‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK40,000.00 (€5,364.88 )

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‎Glory to the Mother of God. Information about the miraculous and locally venerat‎

‎Glory to the Mother of God. Information about the miraculous and locally venerated icons of the Mother of God. With the addition of stories about the most important events from her earthly life and about the apparitions of her holy gods. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Slava Bogomateri. Svedeniya o chudotvornykh i mestno chtimykh ikonakh Bozhiey Materi. S pribavleniem skazaniy o glavneyshikh sobytiyakh iz zemnoy ee zhizni i o yavleniyakh ee svyatym ugodnikam bozhiim. M. Synodal printing house. 1907. 2 and 617 pages and 3 figures format 27x18.5 sm. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb4b3b104c8453dc7a‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR699.00 (€699.00 )

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‎Yesenin Sergey. Letter from the mother. Krasnaya Novi. 1924. Book 3 (20). April-‎

‎Yesenin Sergey. Letter from the mother. Krasnaya Novi. 1924. Book 3 (20). April-May. /Esenin Sergey. Pis'mo materi.Krasnaya Nov'. 1924. Kniga 3 (20). Aprel'-May. Literary-artistic and scientific-journalistic journal. Moscow. Gosizdat. 1924. Babel - the first life-long publication of short stories) Contents: M. Gorky. Shepherd.I. Babel. From the book Konarmiya.Leonid Leonov. The End of the Small Man.D. Chetverikov. Atava - the Story.STICHY: Sergei Yesenin the first life-long publications: A letter from his mother (Are you still alive my old woman?) The Years of Young Emmanuel Herman V. Aleksandrovsky Ivan Doronin V. Nasedkin Mikh. Holodny S. Klychkov.Articles: D. Sverchkov. G. S. Khrustalev-Nosar (Experience of Political Biography).M. Pavlovich. Chemical War.A. Ivin. Chin We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalbb7eb580d840dd946‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR399.00 (€399.00 )
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